The Storm God

Chapter 2661 When the evil god comes, the situation in the world changes! (Please subscribe!)

"what happened?"

Xiao Hei's face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

I just told the master that everything is safe and let the master retreat with peace of mind, but he was slapped in the face in a blink of an eye.

It just doesn't make sense!


The intelligent program instantly projected everything that happened in Greece.

But he saw a small cracked black hole expanding at an astonishing speed, and those extremely penetrating eyes, even through the screen, Xiao Hei could feel a terrifying pressure rushing towards his face.

True God powerhouse!

This was the first thought that came to Xiao Hei's mind. Even if the opponent was not at the true god level, at least he had to be at the peak of the Holy Realm, otherwise it would be impossible for him to feel so uneasy and stressed.

Fortunately, with the opening of the space-time rift this time, there seems to be only one intruder.

Unlike last time, it was just a large group.


This powerhouse could also be a pioneer.

Behind him, there may be many big bosses who will come across the border immediately after collecting Wan's situation. Wasn't it the same in the last war? First there was a wave of weaker ones, followed by a large group of astonishingly strong ones.


It doesn't matter if the enemy is one or several.

But anything related to space-time cracks must not be taken lightly, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

"It's really time to come!"

Xiao Hei's face turned black with depression, the other party hadn't come to play long ago, and he just waited for the master to finish the communication and appear when he was retreating again, so how could he have the nerve to contact the master?

Even if you really want to contact, you have to wait for someone to do their best, and there is no hope of resolving it.


What do you ask the master to think of yourself as a disciple?

So far.

Xiao Hei didn't hesitate at all.

Immediately issued the highest-level recruitment order, ordering all the masters in the Moon Palace Base to put down all the work at hand, and then gather to Greece on Earth, and join the major masters on Earth to face this time-space rift powerhouse.

The situation is critical.

Alarm bells were ringing.

Everyone knows what this means, so no one dares to neglect, and they actively respond to the call. It only took a few minutes for most of the strong men to gather.

"Set off!"

Xiao Hei counted the number of people, nodded in satisfaction, and then opened the arbitrary door specially installed and built in the Moon Palace Base, directly leading to a secret base near the crack in the Greek Abyss, and ordered.

at the same time.


The bigwigs from all over the world also gave almost the same orders as Xiao Hei. Countless strong men were quickly recruited, and then quickly sent to Greece, preparing to unite all the forces of the earth to come to the area to invade the space-time rift.

The Tuenkun Adventure Group, which is cruising outside the earth's atmosphere, is no exception.


Lockheed was personally dispatched.

Because the strong man who broke in this time is extremely powerful, even if it is just a breath, she feels great pressure. Obviously, the intruder this time is probably also a true god-level boss.

And now...

Looking at the entire earth, apart from Bai Xiaofei and the holy Kesha who traveled far into the universe, only Lockheed is a true god-level existence. In other words, she is the only one who can be tough with each other.

Lockheed can't even think about it!

Not only that.

To be on the safe side, Lockheed also brought the Four Juggernauts, as well as Tu Enkun's human body, which was transformed into a human body with a special ability, a burly man with the pseudonym Huddle Lancet.

As for Yanhuang, they also dispatched Jing and Uncle Ni, who have improved in strength, as well as Huayu and Dead Rope, who have great potential in the new generation. Together with Ren Zha of the main god team and other top experts, they rushed to Greece together.

the other side.

The country of the United States and the country of E naturally dare not neglect. In addition to the top experts such as the Tsar and the Golden Lion Riddle, they also brought a lot of super experts who had just been promoted, just in case of emergency.

after all……

The problem of cracks in time and space is not just a problem for a certain country.

It's a catastrophe that concerns the entire planet.


To say that the fastest response.

Undoubtedly, they are still Orcs and Corpse Brothers. Who told them that they have special patrol and security agencies on the Greek side.

Several king-level monsters among the ten kings of the orc clan, and several super-god-level powerhouses among the dead brothers, immediately led their subordinates to the scene of the incident after they realized something was wrong.


They did not act recklessly.

The last battle has fully demonstrated that the strong from other worlds are definitely not easy to bully, although up to now, there is only one intruder who appeared in the black hole of the space-time crack...

But the strength of the opponent's momentum is enough to deter all their strong men.


When the troops on both sides saw a pair of extremely evil eyes, this word automatically appeared in their minds. If he waits for someone to rush forward rashly, the result will only be annihilation of the entire army!

after all……

Neither the Beast Race nor the Corpse Brother are ordinary people.

Compared with ordinary people, their instinct and intuition are more powerful and accurate, and it is easier to spot danger. So after discovering that the enemy in front of him was not something that these young people like himself could contend with, he immediately backed away.


They didn't run away.

Instead, they retreated strategically, causing most of the people to disperse and form a cordon.

And immediately launched a communication signal and a warning alarm to inform other comrades in the alliance that the strength of the invaders this time is extremely powerful and terrifying, so everyone must be careful and not be impulsive.

"Hey hey..."

"Sure enough, as Sals and the others reported, the rules of this world are very special. Not only that, the natives of this world seem to be very interesting, but I can ask the deity to have a good time!"

"I just don't know, is there a stronger existence?"

"I'm still waiting!"


The owner of those evil eyes has always been in the black hole of the crack in time and space, and has no intention of coming out. Let the members of the surrounding patrol guards retreat and send signals.


In this person's eyes, they are like ants, and they are not worth caring about at all.

Even, when Xiao Hei and others, as well as countless powerhouses from other countries in the world, all gathered here and formed a defensive formation, this true god-level boss still looked like an old god. look.

Until Lockheed and others from the Tuenkun Adventure Group came.


The big guy finally got a little interested.

Looking at Lockheed and the burly man, Jiejie said with a strange smile: "You two seem to have some strength. Although you are only a lower-level god, you already have the qualifications to fight against me... ..."

"Even so, then I will forcefully show up and fight against you!"

"I hope you won't disappoint me!"


Talking to himself.

The true god boss finally moved, moving with a strong and indissoluble darkness and evil aura, like a demon god, his ferocious hands just tore the black hole in time and space the size of a basketball into the size of a door.

follow closely……

About three meters tall, tall and majestic, his whole body was pitch-black and profound, and his features could not be seen clearly at all. He walked out of the crack in time and space with a rather brutal and domineering posture.

In an instant, the color of the world changed, and the wind was surging.

The earth groaned.


The clear blue sky became incomparably silent in an instant.

Billowing dark clouds, covering the sky, covering the sky, lightning and thunder, crazily rainstorm, all kinds of visions appear one after another in an instant, like the end of the world, bringing unimaginable heavy pressure and fear to everyone on this side of the earth.


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