The Storm God

Chapter 2673 I'm fine with the separation of the three realms! (Please subscribe!)

After a long while.

Chu Sheng finally came back to his senses, and then stared blankly at Bai Xiaofei, not daring to say anything: "Mr. Bai, can this... the plan in it really be done? Even if it can, I'm afraid there will be too little time." ?”

Except for Bai Xiaofei.

He was the only one at the scene who understood all of Bai Xiaofei's plans.

Chu Sheng had to admit that Bai Xiaofei's plan was really... awesome and unbelievable. But as one of Bai Xiaofei's loyal younger brothers, he never doubted that Bai Xiaofei didn't have such ability.


A large-scale invasion by powerful aliens is imminent.

But now there are so many plans to be implemented suddenly, and each plan is an unimaginable act against the sky... Anyway, according to Chu Sheng's thinking, it is almost impossible to realize these plans in a short time matter.

Even if the executor of this plan is Bai Xiaofei.

It's not that Chu Sheng doesn't believe in Bai Xiaofei.


These plans are too big.

Among other things, just the most basic separation of the three realms, in Chu Sheng's view, is definitely not easy to complete. Not to mention the Three Realms, even if it divides a country, or even a province, it will definitely be earth-shattering.

Separation of the Three Realms...


This is definitely an incomparably large handwriting.

But there are still less than two days before the large-scale invasion of other worlds, but now they have to execute and operate so many against the sky...

To put it bluntly, this seems to be putting the cart before the horse, right?

Could it be...

Shouldn't fighting the invasion come first?

World reform and so on, according to normal logic, usually there should be no foreign troubles, right? In the end, Bai Xiaofei did the opposite, even though Chu Shengzhi approached him like a monster, he really couldn't see what Bai Xiaofei was thinking at this moment.

"No problem!"

Facing Chu Sheng's doubts.

Bai Xiaofei looked very calm and indifferent, and replied with a smile: "Although I can't change the alien invasion, I can delay the other party's progress to the greatest extent. After I became the master of the earth, the strength of the space-time barrier has been controlled by me." The promotion to the highest level, coupled with the remote support and law power supply of my real planet, can delay them for at least half a month..."

"Half a month..."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Followed by great joy, at the same time secretly thought: "Look, what did I say? Mr. Bai must have had a countermeasure long ago, otherwise he would not have proposed a revised plan at this critical moment. It turns out that the invasion of alien world has already been blocked by Mr. Bai And procrastinated!"

Compared with all the preparations and action plans in just five or six days that everyone pondered on their own, the half-month period with Bai Xiaofei as the backbone is undoubtedly more reliable.

So far...

Everyone no longer has any objections.

Only Chu Sheng still frowned, and continued to raise doubts: "But... half a month is still not enough, right? Leaving aside other plans, the construction of the different-dimensional crack base alone is estimated to take Will it take a lot of time?"

"What the hell?"

"Different dimension crack base? What is that?"

"Can you explain it?"


The more people listened, the more confused they became.

Finally, several big bosses headed by Commander Lin couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately raised their hands to ask questions. To put it simply, I just want to take a look at the rectification plan outline in Chu Sheng's hand, and see what this great master Bai Xiaofei wants to do?


Chu Sheng didn't reply to everyone, but asked Bai Xiaofei's opinion with his eyes.

Bai Xiaofei shrugged indifferently, smiled and said: "Let's show it to everyone. After all, this is a road to change the future structure of the earth, and it must go through their permission, discussion, and support. Now let's Knowing the general project and direction will also help us discuss in the next meeting."


Chu Sheng nodded.

Then he handed over the data file in his hand to Commander Lin.


Commander Lin just took over.

Before he had time to watch, the big men next to him all stood up and ran to Commander Lin's side and behind him impatiently. Immediately, a dozen pairs of eyes flashed together, and immediately surrounded poor Commander Lin.

Commander Lin was quite speechless.


None of this matters anymore.

Because, after seeing some of the content in the data file, everyone, including Commander Lin, was shocked and completely shocked. They were all attracted in and completely forgot everything around them.

Yes, there is only the continuous sound of gasping for air.

Not to mention their reaction.


Bai Xiaofei ignored the "turmoil" of the crowd, and explained to Chu Sheng calmly: "Indeed, according to normal circumstances, even I cannot complete the different-dimensional crack base and other plans in a very short period of time. do well..."


"We can use some abnormal means to speed up the progress of the project. Also, there are priorities. What I give you is the outline of my entire plan. In practice, it is natural to solve those that must be used first. "

"For example, the separation of the three worlds, and the base of the crack in another dimension."

"I have no problem with these!"


Bai Xiaofei said it very easily.

But in Chu Sheng's heart, there was an incomparably turbulent wave at this moment, which was very shocking.

In his opinion, among all the rectification plans designated by Bai Xiaofei, except for a few, the separation of the Three Realms is the most difficult to implement. But what is Bai Xiaofei talking about now...

I'm fine!


That's the separation of the three realms!

Completely split the earth's continents, seas, and heavens to form three unique and independent spaces and worlds, but what you said is as simple as eating and drinking water...


Is it because I am too weak to understand your common sense; or is it that your ability, Boss, has reached a level that the world cannot even look up to and guess? That's the separation of the three worlds, almost equivalent to the creation of the world, are you okay?


Just like this, he stared blankly at Bai Xiaofei for a long time.

The first sentence Chu Sheng came to his senses did not ask Bai Xiaofei about the rectification plan, but swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty: "Boss, before discussing these rectification plans, can you first discuss with me?" Through the bottom..."


"What kind of state has your strength reached now?"

"Can you briefly describe it?"


In his view, this issue is very critical. Without knowing Bai Xiaofei's strength, he asked about other messy things, just like a beggar suddenly ran in front of Papa Ma, saying that it was unrealistic to earn 1.8 million a day.

Simply ridiculous and stupid!

after all……

Different perspectives, different realms, different identities, the gaze, angle, height, and even depth of looking at things are not at the same level at all. To understand Bai Xiaofei's rectification plan, the prerequisite is to first understand Bai Xiaofei's exact strength.

At the very least, you must have a general idea in mind, instead of doing blind and ignorant work.


Bai Xiaofei lowered his head and pondered for a while upon hearing this.

Then, in the eyes of Chu Sheng and other conference personnel who came back to their senses and were equally curious and waiting for an answer, they chuckled and said: "Simply speaking, you can treat me as a creator god, at least in In this space-time cosmic world, I am almost omnipotent!"

Chu Sheng: "..."

The rest of the people also said: "..."

Creation, God of Creation?


At this moment, everyone was stunned.

All of them kept their movements and expressions stiff, and suddenly lost all speech ability. There is only shock, horror, disbelief, and a sense of unreality like a dream.

It's too unreal!


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