The Storm God

Chapter 2695 Buried treasure, the gods come! (Please subscribe!)

In the last few hours, Chu Sheng and others were not idle, but as time got closer, they became busier. Chu Sheng even made some changes in some places.

And all of this takes time and everyone's cooperation.

on this...

Dr. Zola didn't stop.

Still the same sentence, in terms of research, Zola is indeed very good, but when it comes to arranging troops and commanding operations, then Chu Sheng is the absolute No. 1. Since he said he wants to change, he naturally has his reasons.

Nothing to say.

Just do whatever you want!

As long as the fortifications can be completed before noon the next day, Dr. Zola will never have any objections.


at the same time.


Whether it is the inland world or the sea of ​​sky that has just been built, a large number of people are gathered at this moment, actively preparing for battle. Although the different-dimensional rift base in the heaven is the main battlefield, and it is likely that there will be no chance to play, but no one dares to relax even an iota.

Because this is their responsibility and obligation!

just in case……

In case the Heaven Realm is really defeated...

At the very least, the sea of ​​sky and the inland world are not too passive. Everyone would rather die standing than living on their knees. So no matter whether you can go to the battlefield, fight bloody battles, or fight against the enemy, everyone has to be prepared at all times.

Compared with these people, the logistics force is undoubtedly the busiest.

After all, some materials in the heavens have to be supplied by the inland world and the sea of ​​​​the sky. Only if there are no problems on their side, the masters of the heavens can fight with peace of mind without any worries.

Even ordinary people in the world did not rest and sleep as they used to. Instead, almost all of them were making wishes and praying, hoping that in tomorrow's battle, the masters of the heavens would be able to win the battle and beat the enemy to pieces.

It is precisely because of the heartfelt blessings of countless people that Bai Xiaofei's account balance ushered in a small wave of explosive growth. Although it is completely incomparable with the previous peak period, it is still better than nothing.


Bai Xiaofei didn't know what happened outside.

At this moment, he is immersed in the ocean of world laws. While recovering his huge consumption, he is also further comprehending the mysteries in it, so as to strengthen his cognition and control of this space-time world.


Bai Xiaofei is very strong.

The corpse brother world is at most a medium world.

But that refers to the present, if time goes back tens of thousands of years ago, it will be different. At least according to the information that Bai Xiaofei has, the world of Corpse Brother tens of thousands of years ago can definitely be regarded as a high-level space-time world.

Later, it was only because of the shattering of time and space, the loss of too much law power, coupled with the invasion of foreign worlds, Gaia's consciousness dissipated, and it was on the verge of extinction, which led to a serious decline in the world level, and even downgraded.


Although the world level has dropped, some of its mysteries and the power of laws have not degraded because of this. They are like treasures stored in the deepest part of history, waiting to be excavated and discovered by Bai Xiaofei, the new master, all the time.

Bai Xiaofei believes that if he can fully develop the buried power, his strength will definitely usher in a qualitative leap. Not to mention advancing by leaps and bounds, but it shouldn't be a problem to go up a class.

And after several times of huge consumption of law power, Bai Xiaofei was pleasantly surprised to find that the distance between himself and the buried treasure seemed to be one step closer. This can't help but make him have some associations.


While recovering.

Bai Xiaofei never gave up trying all possible ways to speed up his search for that buried treasure.

As for the situation outside?


He was really relieved.

First of all, Bai Xiaofei has already done a lot of preparation and response work. Whether it is the division of the three realms, the construction of the crack base in another dimension, or the cultivation and improvement of high-end combat power, they are almost on the right track now.

Coupled with Chu Sheng, a military adviser who is as wise as a demon, and the main god system headed by Dr. Zola, the whole world is united and working together to fight against foreign enemies. If nothing else, there should be no problem.

Even if something unexpected happens, Bai Xiaofei can break through the void at any time, descend on the scene, and turn the tide.

Instead of worrying too much, you might as well take care of your own business.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei is the key.

If he, the great god backer behind the world, is even more powerful, the three worlds of the earth will be more stable and safe. Otherwise, if he is not strong enough, even if Bai Xiaofei goes there in person, he probably won't be able to change anything.

Others don't know this point, but Bai Xiaofei understands it best.

Therefore, he is duty-bound.

that's all……

Time passed slowly.



At noon the next day, the space-time barrier of Brother Corpse World finally reached the upper limit, and was transferred to the loophole near the crack base in another dimension. Under the impact of the gods of Istar, it was finally broken, like a shattered mirror. The hole opened a very huge shattered crack...

Not only that.

An unimaginable terrifying force, also from the other side of the crack, crazily impacted everything in the corpse world.


Bai Xiaofei had already transferred the location of the loophole to the specially reinforced and improved interdimensional crack in advance, so the impact of this violent force did not cause much damage or impact, at most it was like a sudden howling storm.

In addition to the loud thunder, there was not much rain at all.


Even so.

The powerhouses of the heavens who guarded the world did not dare to underestimate or careless their rivals in the slightest.

Because this space-time rift is completely different from the previous ones. The crack that opened was not in the shape of a hole, but was completely worn away into the shape of a huge door in almost a blink of an eye.

That's right!

The power of the enemy is so terrifying.

Not only easily broke the barriers of time and space, and invaded the world of Brother Corpse, but also transformed and polished the cracks in time and space in an instant, making it like a real door, unscrupulously and blatantly connecting the two. different space-time worlds.


The intruders have not arrived.

That roar, full of murderous intent and majesty, rushed into the corpse brother's world first.

follow closely……

Serene murderous intent.

The power of terror.

Accompanied by the dazzling vanguard of the alien army, they stepped out of the huge door. And the leader is suddenly a titan whose strength is at least above the realm of high-level true gods.

He was dressed in golden armor, holding a halberd in his hand, with a handsome face and a menacing aura.

What's more, behind this general, every general who followed unexpectedly has the realm of true gods. Even those seemingly ordinary soldiers are all masters above the middle level of the Holy Realm.


These are nothing.

As the army continued to advance, a small and resplendent palace unexpectedly appeared in the follow-up troops. The palace was pulled by ten unidentified terrifying monsters, and they moved forward slowly. Wherever they went, the sky trembled, lightning flashed and thundered!

The sudden change of the sky, as if welcoming the arrival of the emperor, added an excellent background template to it.


Suddenly, all the soldiers knelt down.

Including the titan and many true god-level generals, everyone worshiped in the direction of the palace. And around the palace, there are seven divine beings standing aloft with disdainful expressions.

One of them looked very feminine, with an extremely handsome face, making it hard to tell whether it was a man or a woman. He bowed slightly towards the small palace and said lightly, "My god, the alien world has arrived!"



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