The Storm God

Chapter 2748 The Garden of Blissful Eden, the King of Gods Runaway! (Please subscribe!)


In the secret room, His Majesty the God King who had just entered found that all the treasures he had hidden inside had disappeared, including the reincarnation watch that was extremely important to him.


Supreme God Sohana clenched his fists.

With fierce eyes and murderous intent, he glared at the culprit on the opposite side——Bai Xiaofei, gritted his teeth and said: "Hand over the treasure! Otherwise... I will make your soul fall into the deepest world, and life would be worse than death!"

at the same time……

The terrifying power erupted wildly.

The endless laws instantly filled the entire secret room, and then formed a space of its own, completely devouring Bai Xiaofei. Seeing the picture in the secret room, they turned around suddenly, and the two came directly to a vast and boundless, beautiful world like the Garden of Eden.

That's right!

This is the domain of the supreme god Sohana - the Garden of Eden.

Something about some of my own secrets.


That's all Lao Gao can do.

Any chance that might reveal one's life experience must be wiped out!

In this Paradise of Eden, everything, time, space, laws, rules, power, will... are all controlled by the supreme god Sohana, here, he is the unique god, and everything else is mortal things !

in short.

It's a pretty domineering and scary field.

As long as any existence whose strength does not exceed the supreme god Sohana, once swallowed by the domain, will become a mortal, and will be at the mercy of the only true god. Life and death, fate, and everything else cannot be controlled!


Even Bai Xiaofei at this moment is no exception.

Of course, there are no exceptions, but in fact, the influence of the domain that Bai Xiaofei has received is only a slight suppression. One is because Bai Xiaofei is not a creature of Ishtar World.


It is also the most important factor.

That is Bai Xiaofei's true strength, far stronger than the Supreme God Soha!

The weak want to dominate the strong...


The result can be imagined.

However, Bai Xiaofei didn't show it immediately.

Bai Xiaofei, Oscar winner, immediately showed a shocked and terrified look, and then began to beg for mercy from the supreme god Sohana, saying: "That... Your Majesty the God King, everyone has something to discuss, why bother to use the knife?" Where's the gun!"

"You want treasure, don't you?"


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei immediately threw out some treasures obtained from the secret room, and these treasures were relatively of little value, and were not worthy of Bai Xiaofei's collection.

He continued to perform while throwing treasures out.

And the anger and expression of Suohana, the Supreme God, gradually eased along with Bai Xiaofei's "He who knows the current affairs is a hero". However, he did not give up his vigilance and caution.

"Hand over everything!"

His Majesty the God King shouted angrily.

He, the original owner, naturally knows the value of those treasures. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei has been throwing some low-level treasures outside, he knew that the other party must be delaying time.


He felt that it was necessary to let the thief in front of him know his anger and methods.


A divine thunder suddenly fell from the sky.

This thunderbolt, which was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, slammed down on the ground, and instantly blasted the beautiful grass beside Bai Xiaofei into rubbish. The crater is not huge and deep, and there are traces of crystallization in the core part.

But these are not important.

The most important thing is that a huge dark cloud quickly formed above Bai Xiaofei's head. Dark clouds rolled and drifted, and lightning flashed and thundered during the period, the threat was very obvious. If someone doesn't obediently hand over all the stolen treasures, I'm afraid the next time these terrifying thunderbolts will strike Bai Xiaofei's head.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Bai Xiaofei immediately pretended to be terrified, and at the same time, the movements of his hands became more rapid, and soon he threw all the stolen treasures in front of the Supreme God Sohana.

"His Majesty……"

"Look...all the treasures are here..."

"can I go now?"


he asked weakly.


However, Suohana, the supreme god, frowned, and roared with murderous intent: "There is one more thing! Brat, how dare you lie to me? It seems that you will not be honest if you don't show some color to you! "

The voice did not fall.

The dark cloud above Bai Xiaofei's head suddenly began to crazily chop down terrifying lightning and thunder.

What surprised Suohana, the Supreme God, was that none of the rolling thunderbolts struck Bai Xiaofei. Not only that, the expression of horror and horror on someone's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a face full of jokes.

"How can it be?"

Sohana, the supreme god, was taken aback for a moment: "This is within the realm of my Garden of Bliss Eden. Anyone whose strength does not exceed mine will be deprived of all power and reduced to a mortal, at my mercy, controlling life and death!"

"He avoided all the thunder and lightning attacks?"

"Accident or coincidence?"


The heart is turbulent.

Of course, he still had that angry, murderous look on his face.

And Bai Xiaofei on the opposite side was too lazy to play with the supreme god Sohana anymore, he smiled coldly, and then the reincarnation wristwatch he got from Panggardel appeared in his hand, then stared straight at the other party, and said: "Your Majesty the God King, do you want this thing?"


Seeing another reincarnation watch appearing in the world, Lao Gao's eyes trembled suddenly, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he said to himself: "That is... how is it possible! Almost all the survivors from that year have been given... How come there are still low-level reincarnation watches preserved?"


"The point now is that this brat who came out of nowhere seems to know everything about the reincarnation watch! The other party came to my secret room to steal, and all other treasures are just a cover..."

"Its real purpose is my reincarnation watch!"

"Who the hell is he?"


At this moment, Lao Gao was completely shocked.

In just an instant, many, many things came to mind, and some memories from the past flashed crazily like a person watching a lamp before dying.


Lao Gao's face suddenly changed.

The gloomy expression that was only violently angry and full of murderous intent was now even more terrifying, full of ferocity and distortion, the madness and killing ferocity, just like a dying beast!


Even more violent than beasts!


An extremely murderous roar roared out from the mouth of the Supreme God Sohana.

At the same time, the beautiful and fairyland-like Paradise of Eden ushered in a terrifying scene like the end of the world in an instant, the earth was torn apart, magma was everywhere, crazy torrential rain, thunder and lightning...

Not only that.

The land of singing birds and fragrant flowers instantly turned into a Shura battlefield.

Countless terrifying zombies, ferocious and distorted monsters, and countless types of demons and spirits also appeared in almost every corner of the earth, magma, and sky in an instant...

In the center of the horror scene, there is only Bai Xiaofei, a normal person!

And the supreme god Soha, who was once aloof and majestic, has also transformed into a strangely equipped creature that looks like some kind of undead ghost, and launched a fatal attack on Bai Xiaofei with baring teeth and claws.


"Regardless of where you are from, since you know the mystery of the reincarnation watch, you need to live!"

"Go to hell!"



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