The Storm God

Chapter 2764 Changes in the world, the core of time and space! (Please subscribe!)

Lao Di was shocked.

Looking at Bai Xiaofei's stalwart figure looking up at the void, he never thought that the boss could think so far. Shocked, but also extremely admirable and grateful, secretly said: "Following such a boss, that is really the wisest choice for me!"

"I see!"

Lao Di nodded, and then asked: "Boss, do you have any specific plans for this? After all, research is research, but dangers must be prevented and avoided as much as possible, otherwise we may not wait for our development." Get up and be strangled in the cradle!"

"Of course I understand that."

Bai Xiaofei said with a chuckle: "Don't worry, I already have a plan and plan, but it will take some time, and I can't activate it immediately. So I decided to start researching and cracking some broken Samsara watches."

Samsara watches are graded.

The higher the level, the stronger the function, the more difficult it will be to crack, and the higher the possibility of activating and triggering danger at the same time. And now in Bai Xiaofei's hands, there are two reincarnation watches, one of which is of a lower grade and is still broken.

And the other piece was the purple reincarnation watch that originally belonged to Lao Di.

According to Lao Di, in the setting of the reincarnation space, the reincarnation watch is divided into five levels, one is the most basic version. This kind of reincarnation watch does not have any logos, and its abilities are so simple that it is not worth mentioning.

Then there is the low-level half-step, which can only be owned by the elite-level reincarnation team. The function will be improved in the original storage and other abilities, but it is very limited, and the identification color is orange.

The third level is the reincarnation watch that Bai Xiaofei got from Panggardel. Only the top reincarnation team in the mortal realm can have it. The identification color is blue. In addition to the basic functions, it also has a certain protective ability. A pretty good body protector.

And the fourth level is the purple reincarnation watch that Lao Di once owned, a high-end product that only players at the god level can have. The basic functions are far more powerful than other versions of Samsara watches, and the storage space alone is as large as a moon.

Not only that.

It is even super god level, no matter attack or defense, it is a group of cattle. Moreover, it also comes with a certain power of the law of space and time, which allows the user to move in space and travel through time and space to a certain extent.

further up...

That is the legendary golden reincarnation space.

And this kind of existence, even Lao Di has never seen it, it is said that only those who are above the God Emperor Realm can have it. Lao Di's previous strength was only at the level of a god general, but by chance, he became a god king.

God King Realm is a huge watershed.

Even the most junior god emperor can easily beat a hundred and eighty top god king realms. And Bai Xiaofei is the existence of the God Emperor Realm, although not the top, but also has a high level.


This kind of strength is simply not enough in front of the reincarnation space.

Therefore, he can only study the first-class blue reincarnation watch first, and this work undoubtedly requires Lao Di's help and cooperation. After all, Lao Di is also a former member of Samsara, and his understanding and knowledge of Samsara watches is much better than that of Bai Xiaofei.


Lao Di would naturally not refuse Bai Xiaofei's request.

If Lao Di didn't have any confidence in cracking the purple Samsara watch that originally belonged to him, then he would be much less stressed by switching to the next-level blue Samsara watch.


He has been tinkering with such stuff himself a lot.


There are also battles in the reincarnation space.

Blood, hatred, and death are almost commonplace in the reincarnation space, let alone the planetary civilization and the space-time world where the mission target is located. Especially when encountering those novices who don't open their eyes, these guys are often reduced to cannon fodder.

Lao Di had done a lot of similar things before.

And before these cannon fodders die, their reincarnation watches bound to their identities will become Lao Di's research object. And this kind of behavior, the reincarnation space seems to have no intention of stopping it.

Probably because they simply look down on these low-level players.

But now...

Lao Di's experience and research became a real help for Bai Xiaofei, allowing him to familiarize himself with and master some working principles and remote connection modes of the Samsara watch in a very short period of time.


These are still the most basic. Bai Xiaofei still has a long way to go if he wants to completely control and reproduce the mysteries and technology of the reincarnation wristwatch, so as to create his own main god equipment.


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, two months have passed.

Under the management of Dr. Zola and others, Brother Corpse World developed very rapidly. Not only did some of the plans formulated by Bai Xiaofei be completed ahead of time, but even a lot of special achievements were developed.

Among them, the biggest change is undoubtedly the core of the Three Realms. The transformation of the inland world can almost be described as earth-shaking. After all, Bai Xiaofei authorized Dr. Zola to use all the labor force in the Star Empire on his own planet.

The entire planetary forces, personnel and resources that are hundreds of times larger than the earth, not to mention all mobilized, even if only one percent is mobilized, it is definitely enough to help build the entire earth.

Although the earth in the world of Corpse Brothers has encountered many crises, and there are Corpse Brothers and Beast Races, followed by invaders from other worlds, but under the leadership of Bai Xiaofei, the master, we still welcome The glorious era has come.

The inland world has almost developed into a sci-fi blockbuster. The buildings and black technology equipment full of futuristic technology style all show the special vitality and power of this era.

The only thing that is more chilling is that the staff is a little sparse.

no way.

After all, there have been so many disasters.

Although the country encourages childbirth, it takes time after all. It only took about half a year. Even if people actively cooperate, it is impossible to expand the population all at once.


The Inland World is populated by robots.

All kinds of intelligent robots with dazzling functions, and their mission is to help people, build a better world, and create an extremely harmonious and comfortable social environment for them.

As for the sea of ​​​​the sky.

There are special creatures such as beast races and dangerous species, so there is nothing to worry about. And because of the special environmental factors, there is no need for too many changes, just leave everything to nature.

Here the law of evolution exhibits unparalleled power.

Although the birth time of the sea of ​​sky was short, many interesting species and special lives have sprouted, making this special sea area floating in the inland world full of infinite possibilities.

But Heavenly Court is relatively depressed.

It's not that Dr. Zola and others don't pay attention to the development here. The main thing is that most of the people have gone to the world of Istar to study and improve. Most of the people staying here are civilian-level existences and special guards.


With the blending of the world's laws, the power of the corpse brother's world also began to become stronger. Coupled with the special geographical environment of Tianting, staying here to practice is probably not the best choice for these people.

In addition to building and building heaven, they can also get rich rewards, and their strengths can be improved and sharpened. Some of them may not be much slower than their friends who are studying in Istar World, or even worse.

The changes and developments in Istar should not be underestimated either.

First of all, the social organizations led by Bai Xiaofei's avatars, with the support of the God Realm, have already established countries one after another, established a free and harmonious alliance country, and enjoyed the support of various scientific and technological resources in the corpse brother world, and have become the world's special scenery.

As for the local countries and forces in the world of Istar, under Shilong's management and reform, they have also ushered in a new chapter and appearance. Although the overall system has hardly changed much, certain contents and terms have changed. Set off a stormy sea.

Such as the complete abolition of slavery!

Killing prohibited!

freedom of religion!

Daxing Education!

Promote technology!


Etc., etc.

As expected, Shi Long lived up to Bai Xiaofei's expectations. In just two months or so, the chaotic and almost gloomy Ista World of the old social system had a completely new look.

Just like a ray of light, it catches the darkness and coldness, and brings light and warmth to the world.

As for the gods in the God Realm, as well as the divine soldiers and generals, there has not been much change, except that due to the increase in the number of world laws, many people have broken through their own bottlenecks and their strength has improved, there is almost no major change.

after all……

God King Lao Di was dragged by Bai Xiaofei to do research.

And the main gods like Yavas, the God of Light, are also busy with cultivation and improvement, and they don't have the mind to take care of other messy little things at all. The God Realm, which is already very stable and harmonious, naturally won't have much change and boost.

What is gratifying is that after more than two months of hard work, Bai Xiaofei finally cracked the core mystery of the blue reincarnation wristwatch, and integrated his own technology and means to successfully create his own first master god optical brain client end device.

Bai Xiaofei named it——

The core of time and space!


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