The Storm God

Chapter 2832 Soldiers never tire of cheating, Shura Rubik's Cube reappears! (Please subscribe!)

"slow down!"

Janost and the others suddenly changed their expressions.

Seeing that the Metal Overlord used his compatriots and comrades-in-arms as weapons for counterattack, each of them was so angry that he exploded on the spot, and at the same time said with great resentment in his heart: "Despicable, shameless! Don't these damned natives have any integrity at all?" ? Actually..."

Anger is anger.

Carlos and others are their compatriots and comrades-in-arms.

If the rumbling heavy cavalry battle formation does not stop and continues to charge forward, the unconscious Carlos and others who were thrown as cannonballs will definitely be bombarded and trampled into mud by the entire battle formation .

Of course they won't allow this to happen.

Although the glory of a soldier is to die on the battlefield, he can't die at the hands of his own people in such a tragic way!

"Restrain your momentum and remove the energy defense! Separate a small team to catch Carlos and the others, and the rest of them should form a defense to prevent the monster that can devour metal from taking the opportunity to sneak attack!"

Genost is worthy of being an outstanding commander.

In just a split second, he thought of almost everything that might happen, and properly made battle commands and arrangements. And as his order was communicated, the heavy cavalry battle formation also made relative countermeasures in an instant.

First of all, the figure of the terrifying beast disappeared.

at the same time……

The impact speed and momentum of the entire battle formation were instantly reduced to an unbelievable level. Immediately following the twelve members of the younger brothers, they flew out of the battle formation, flew into the air, and steadily caught Carlos and others who were bombarded.

Not only that.

The formation of the rest of the heavy cavalry formation also changed into an extremely tight defensive formation in a blink of an eye.

And almost when their formation had just been completed, the Metal Overlord's suppressed ultimate move, countless metal metal vines, also broke through the ground again, like a group of demons dancing wildly, and began to attack and entangle the entire heavy cavalry formation frantically.


This time the attack was not as sharp and overbearing as last time.

After all, this is a large army of heavy cavalry, and the formation is still a defensive formation known for its defensive power. The power displayed by the formation of 108 heavy cavalry in full condition is definitely not Carlos Twelve. compared to people.

And Metal Overlord, in the final analysis, is only a half-step master god level.

Even if it's just a kick, it's not at the level of a main god, and its power is definitely not the same. What's more, the heavy cavalry battle formation of Janost and others is pitiful, and even the real main god-level boss can be tough, and even kill the elite team.


Metal Overlord alone.

Even if it is an assist with ambush traps like metal thorns and vines, it can only cause some harassment and intervention to Janost and others, wanting to severely damage or even kill these heavy cavalry formations...


That's simply not realistic.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

"Ka Ka Ka!"

After a fierce confrontation and collision, the thorn forest launched by the Metal Overlord was quickly broken through by Janost's heavy cavalry formation. Almost all the thorns and vines were shaved into bald heads, leaving wreckage on the ground.

On the other hand, there was almost no damage at all.

at the same time……

Carlos and the others, who were thrown over by the Metal Overlord as cannonballs, were also taken back into the battle formation steadily by members of the heavy cavalry formation. While protecting them, some members with good status immediately began to support them. Detoxification and healing, emergency treatment.

Not only that.

With Genost as the leader, the heavy cavalry formation was also divided into two parts.

In the latter part, the focus is to protect the twelve knights including Carlos who was severely injured, and retreat all the way back, preparing to send them back to the rear army for treatment.

The front part is mainly responsible for cover and attack.

The target is directed at Metal Overlord.


There may also be some elements of revenge mixed in.

In short, the focus is still on the attack part. Their number of personnel is double that of the latter part, a total of 72 people. The heavy cavalry formation, which was divided into two parts, moved almost simultaneously, without giving the Metal Overlord any chance to cheat.

As everyone knows.

As early as when they gave up charging and rescued Carlos and the others, Genost and the others had already fallen for it.

In fact, the moment Carlos and the others were thrown out, they were completely infected and mutated by the corpse poison, and became one of the subordinates of the undead god king corpse emperor Longyou.

It's just that they didn't wake up and mutate immediately after receiving the order from the corpse emperor Longyou.

Instead, they lay dormant until Janost and others caught the members of the Carlos Twelve Knights, treated them, and prepared to send them to the rear. Then they suddenly broke out and launched a sneak attack.


Those twelve loving knights who were using their power to heal Carlos and others were the first to bear the brunt. The first one fell to the bloody misfortune.

The remaining twenty-four knights were immediately stunned.

"What's the situation?"

It's a pity that they haven't figured out what's going on. Carlos and others, who have become corpses and have completely become part of the corpse, launched a fierce and domineering attack on them.

With mental calculations without intention, coupled with being unprepared, there is almost no time to react...


The twenty-four members of the knights also fell into trouble one after another. Except for a few strong or lucky guys who were safe and sound, most of the rest of the members suffered heavy casualties, and almost the entire army was wiped out.

And Carlos' corpse brother accomplices also increased from twelve at the beginning to nearly forty.

It is worth mentioning that.

Because of the special requirements of the orcs, these corpse brothers did not attack the mounts of the heavy cavalry battle formation, but only used special methods to stun them, suppress them, or restrain them with the force of thunder.

And the warriors of the orc race cooperated quite tacitly.

Seeing that the Metal Overlord's plot succeeded again, he immediately rushed out a group of elite fighters to assist Carlos and other corpse brothers, and launched a siege and snipe attack on the remaining knights who had not been infected and turned into corpses.


Their first task is still those mounts that don't know what to do.

But Genost, who never dreamed that his heavy cavalry battle formation would fall into the hands of "his own people", after realizing that he had been tricked, suddenly became furious, and his whole body was about to explode.



"You bloody bastards, actually use such a low-level method..."

"I swear I will make you pay the price!"


Not just Janost.

The remaining 80 or so members of the heavy cavalry battle formation were all driven mad by the stimulation. They all roared and roared, their eyes were scarlet, and they looked like they wanted to eat the metal bully alive.


Metal Overlord didn't care about that.

Seeing these people so angry, his mood was very beautiful and joyful. The Metal Overlord curled his lips and sneered, "Despicable? Shameless? Low-handed? Hehe! Come on, this is war, and you'll use everything to your advantage. Have you ever heard of it?"

"not to mention……"

"You guys are the intruders, right? We just took legitimate defensive measures. We haven't even mentioned you yet. Instead, you've reprimanded us first. It's unreasonable!"

"Winner and loser, willing to gamble and admit defeat!"

"Admit it, you guys!"


The sound of complaints fell.

They were charging towards the Metal Overlord, and Janost and the others, who were about to attack the Metal Overlord, suddenly flashed in front of their eyes, followed by everything around them, and everything changed.

They looked around, but were horrified to find that they had come to a special space.

This is not the point, the most critical issue is that there is only one person here! All the heavy cavalry comrades who charged side by side with him just now disappeared!


And at this moment.

The figure of the Metal Overlord suddenly appeared, and with a smug smile on his face, he kindly explained: "Is it unexpected? Surprised? Our improved version of Shura Rubik's Cube still suits your appetite, right?"

The cavalry was full of confusion: "..."

Asura Rubik's Cube space?

What the hell?

After being stunned for a moment, he followed him without saying a word, and immediately wanted to attack the Metal Overlord.

And taking action is a unique move, leaving nothing behind!

after all……

The opponent's strength is far superior to his own, and this is a special space created by the opponent, and he has the right time, place and people, so he does not have any advantage. If you want to defeat the opponent, you have to strike first.


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