The Storm God

Chapter 2860 Sweep forward, the last moment! (Please subscribe!)

Following the overturning of the twelve heavy cavalry soldiers, all the gods and kings of the Daxia Dynasty became angry immediately, and they all looked like they wanted to eat people, and roared at the corpse emperor Longyou : "You, as a majestic immortal, how can you be so despicable and shameless?!"


The Corpse Emperor Longyou sneered: "You are all seven against one, why don't I use the big to bully the small?"

"It's ridiculous!"


Everyone on the side of the Great Xia Dynasty was suddenly embarrassed and speechless.

no way.

Who made them the first to break the rules.

One hundred thousand troops pressed down on the territory, and the eight great god kings sat in the town, occupying enough upper hand and advantage, but because of the Eastern Emperor Bell, they all went off one after another, seven against one. You are all so disregarding face, why should you demand the way of a gentleman?


This is war!

Especially for the Corpse Emperor Longyou, they are even more intruders who bully the weak and have malicious intentions.

To deal with intruders, it is not an exaggeration to use some means, right?


These seven big brothers have nothing to say.

Therefore, when Zui Dun couldn't do it, they could only focus on the means.

The Griffin General was even more murderous, and said coldly: "Everyone, don't talk nonsense with him, let's kill him first. Our immediate task is to capture that fairy-level fairy artifact. As for the rest, adults have their own arrangements! "

"that's right!"

The rest of the bosses nodded in agreement.

Then, they all exerted their strength together, and their cooperation became more tacit. The violent and terrifying attack, like a torrent breaking a dike, ruthlessly impacted the sonic defenses of Corpse Emperor Longyou and Donghuang Bell.

In the wrestling confrontation between the two sides, it was obvious that the corpse emperor Longyou was at a disadvantage.

He was injured just now, desperate to help Black and White Wuchang and others escape from the predicament, and killed twelve members of the opponent's heavy cavalry formation, and now he is being attacked by seven big bosses, the pressure is not ordinary.

The battle line of the Undead God King retreated in succession.

He was stunned by the shock of the seven masters of the God King Realm, and was thrown back thousands of meters. And the power of the Eastern Emperor Bell is also getting weaker and weaker. Seeing that the sound waves released can only be lumped together as much as possible, and cannot be rippling.

This is not only because of the strong pressure from the opponent, but more importantly, the consumption of the corpse emperor Longyou is too great, and it has gradually been unable to supply the consumption of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

after all……

Whether it is personal strength, realm, or the number of people facing each other, the corpse emperor Longyou does not have any advantage. With one to seven, it is already quite awesome to be able to persist until now.

And the other side.

Black and white impermanence and others just breathed a sigh of relief.

Over there, the Great Xia Dynasty sent a group of mixed troops to chase and intercept them. Look at the way they grit their teeth, it is obvious that they want to avenge the twelve heavy cavalry who died just now.

Not only that.

It seems that their ruthless killing behavior completely angered the Invincible God King Lu Bo and others. The 100,000 troops of the Great Xia Dynasty actually began to move one after another, maintaining a strict formation as a whole, all advancing towards the rift in another dimension.


They are too lazy to write ink with Chu Sheng and others.

No matter what traps and ambushes you have, whether there are stronger bosses hiding, directly crush the land with an army, and sweep and crush with absolute strength. Chu Sheng and others were not given any chance to display it at all.

"This is troublesome!"

Chu Sheng had bitterness and a headache on his face.

As a military strategist, the number one person in the two worlds who was as wise as a monster, he understood what was going on almost instantly. The reason why the Great Xia Dynasty was so eager for success was the Eastern Emperor Bell.

To be precise, they came here for the artifacts that this world possesses!


If Chu Sheng stood on the enemy's side, he certainly wouldn't believe that there is only such a divine weapon as the Eastern Emperor Bell in this world. If there is one, there are two, if there are two, there are three, and even more...

Especially with Black and White Wuchang and the others showing their trump cards and artifacts one after another, they fought with the pursuers who were chasing and blocking him and others, which confirmed his thoughts even more.


It is inevitable that there will be long nights and many dreams, so it is better to make a quick decision.

Regardless of whether there are all enemies, or whether there are backhands or something, first sweep and defeat everything in front of you. At that time, if all the artifacts are in your hands, even if the enemy really has something to do, you will be sure that you will not lose.

What's more, the enemy's performance is so unbearable, which will make the undefeated God of War Lu Bo think that this world is nothing more than this, and the high-end combat power may end here, and there can be no stronger existence.

Change to normal.

The undefeated God of War Lu Bo might be more cautious and would not make such a decision easily. But now... With the appearance of the Celestial Immortal Artifact such as the Eastern Emperor Bell, and the death of the twelve members of the heavy cavalry battle formation under his command, he is willing to take a gamble.

Because in his opinion, it's all worth it.

at the same time……

It is also the most likely strategy.

Otherwise, if the enemy really wants to have something to back him up, once he launches it, and he fails to obtain the Eastern Emperor Bell and any substantial results, then wouldn't the soldiers under his command die in vain just now?

He will never allow such a thing to happen!


After a wave of comprehensive analysis.

The undefeated God of War Lu Bo issued a total order, and all the soldiers of the 100,000 army maintained a neat formation and swept forward directly. Don't care what traps and ambushes you have, ignore them all, if you have the ability, just break up Lao Tzu's army!

And the results are obvious.

One hundred thousand troops swept away, what kind of scene was that? Even if Chu Sheng and others launched all the ambushes at the base of the crack in another dimension, so what? They are like small waves hitting the aircraft carrier warship. Apart from making some bangs, they can't turn over any turbulent waves at all.

more even...

Some traps were ambushed, and before they could be activated, they were directly crushed by others.

The wave after wave of counterattacks here is loud, but what about the enemy? Be darling, it has almost no influence at all, it is still the same, even more majestic.

How can you beat this bitch?

"Get out!"

Seeing this, without any hesitation, Chu Sheng immediately issued such an order.

Obviously, he is preparing to launch the last resort.

There is no way, the enemy is too strong, the traps and ambushes prepared earlier can't do anything to the enemy's 100,000 army formation, and if he wants to hit them hard, Chu Sheng can't think of any other way except to detonate the entire interdimensional crack space .


Before that, he hoped to preserve the vitality of his side as much as possible. Otherwise, when Bai Xiaofei returns, he will see that almost all the elite younger brothers are dead. How can he face the cultivation and love of the boss as a military adviser?

"You guys... take care!"


Some people are gone.

But more people chose to stay.

Those who left did not mean that they lacked courage and the courage to die with the enemy, but that they understood that existence like them, even if they stayed, would be of little use. Meaningless.

Only by being alive can we show greater value and avenge the death of our fellow comrades!

When they left, these people all had tears in their eyes, and secretly swore that if they could get away with it this time, they would work hard, work hard, and try not to face similar situations in the future...


Even if it happens again, I can be the one left behind instead of continuing to live!


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