The Storm God

Chapter 2908 Behind the scenes of leisure, the detectives of time and space have reached the standar

Spider-Man world.

Somewhere in Los Angeles, in a luxurious villa.

An extremely handsome blond man was playing with a number of women of different nationalities and skin colors who were outstanding in figure, face, or temperament...


The blond man was shocked.


The terrifying momentum and strength also exploded suddenly at this moment. The situation was like a volcanic eruption, and the impact made the whole villa tremble and crumble.

However, the strange thing is that the women around them turned a blind eye to this.

It seems to be completely used to it.


One of the blond-haired, blue-eyed, very hot beauties walked up with a smile, wrapped her slender arms around the blond man's neck, exhaled and said, "What happened, why are you so angry?"

She didn't speak English, or any familiar language on Earth.

It's a language I've never heard of.


Not just her.

Everyone here uses that strange language.


Their origins are very mysterious.


The blond man clenched his fists, frowned and said: "Just now, I suddenly lost the sense and contact with Lei Lingzhu. The only explanation is that Lei Lingzhu was snatched away, or it was directly destroyed. !"

"If it's the former, that's okay. Although the Thunder Lingzhu is rare, we can get it back if it's gone. But if it's the latter...the existence of such a treasure can be easily destroyed, it's definitely not something we can compete with!"


"This world is only average. Why did such great power suddenly appear? Even if I use the artifact to connect the parallel universes related to it, this result shouldn't happen?"

"Could it be that members of other reincarnation spaces have arrived?"


The hot woman shook her head upon hearing this.

Apparently he disagreed: "It should be impossible, after all, you regard this world as a leisure world. According to the system of the reincarnation space, this is your reward. Even if other members are stronger than you, it is impossible to gain access to it." authorized."

"That's even more strange!"

The blond man frowned more and more deeply, and said in a deep voice: "If you are not a member of the reincarnation space, then who would it be? As far as I know, apart from the reincarnation space, there should not be many powerful people who can enter the derivative world..."

"Is it an outsider, or is it another threat from a parallel universe? I never thought that I would come here to relax, and I would encounter such a bad thing..."

"It's really bad luck!"


The hot woman smiled when she heard this.

He quickly comforted him and said, "Honey, why don't you open it up. Maybe it's not a trouble, but a chance? With your strength and the support of the few of us, even in the reincarnation space, there are few opponents. Since If we meet, why not meet this mysterious guy!"

"Maybe you can get some unexpected benefits..."

"That makes sense."

The blond man's eyes lit up immediately.

The depressed mood dissipated in an instant, and he laughed loudly and said: "A third-class Thunder Lingzhu that has lost all its power is just an empty shell. If you lose it, you will lose it. If you can get unexpected benefits in exchange for it, it is considered a treasure. Make the most of it!"

"Beauties, stop playing and clean up."

"It's time for us to work!"


And at the same time.

New York suburbs.

The electric man Max, who had lost his research value, suddenly became miserable.

Bai Xiaofei didn't share any morality and so-called human rights with him, and directly invaded his mind and consciousness with extremely brutal and psychic power, and began to plunder his memory.

But it's a pity that this tool man really lived up to his name, and he didn't even know anything about Lei Lingzhu. The plan to directly let Bai Xiaofei get information from him fell through in an instant.


Bai Xiaofei took him into the space card and completely reduced him to a research object in the laboratory. Although the strength of this product is not good, the genes are still very special.

After a little strengthening and improvement, it should be possible to produce some more powerful clone warriors in batches.

As for the existence behind Lei Lingzhu...


There are too few clues now.

I can only take a step and watch one, and talk about it later.


What Bai Xiaofei cares most about is finding a wife and children.

Before the little kid fell asleep, Bai Xiaofei didn't know how much it would cost to activate [Space-Time Detective]. Now that he came back from waking up, he naturally wanted to ask about it immediately.

after all……

The dimensional space not only contains most of Bai Xiaofei's background information, but also contains his wife and children. After losing contact for so long, it is time to find them back.


The little kid rubbed his chin and thought for a while.

Then, under Bai Xiaofei's extremely expectant eyes, he nodded and said, "Although the current master's wealth value, it is still a little bit reluctant to activate [Time and Space Detective], but it is not impossible..."


Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately.

Hearing the words, he immediately became excited, and hurriedly said: "If that's the case, then what are you waiting for, hurry up! If you act earlier, you can find them earlier!"

"Not urgent!"

But the little boy shook his head.

He directly refused: "First of all, you are just a clone. If it weren't for Lei Lingzhu, I wouldn't have appeared directly by your side."

"Secondly, the activation of the Time-Space Detective consumes a lot of energy, and is completely calculated in seconds, and the owner's wealth value is only barely enough, and it cannot be activated for a long time."

"If during this period, the master's deity, or other avatars, and Dr. Zola need to use the wealth value, it is likely to be delayed."


"There is no rush for this matter, we must be prepared, at least not to delay other matters and developments. I will return to the master's body later to discuss this matter..."

"You should concentrate on dealing with things here."


The little kid's analysis is clear and logical.

It seems that after this slumber, he has also grown a lot, reasoning, distinguishing things and logic, all in one set, which made Bai Xiaofei feel admiration.

"All right!"

What the little boy said was unreasonable, Bai Xiaofei's avatar heard it, although he felt a little depressed and helpless, he could only nod his head in agreement and said, "Just do as you say."


Before leaving.

The little kid specifically reminded the avatar: "My intuition tells me that the hidden behind-the-scenes manipulator in this world is by no means simple. After all, it is the existence of the third-class Thunder Lingzhu. You should be careful in everything, and you must be careful if there is any abnormality." Don't act recklessly, and remember to contact Dr. Zola at any time!"

"I see!"

Bai Xiaofei's avatar smiled and said: "Although I am an avatar, I am not stupid. I know what to do, so you can go on the road with peace of mind!"

Little Kid: "..."


Why does this sound so awkward?

Safe on the road?

You were at the funeral!

never mind!

I don't even bother to argue with him.

The master's temper and urination are as bad as ever.

Even clones are no exception!

next moment……


The image of the little kid instantly appeared in Bai Xiaofei's mind, and what was transmitted at the same time included everything experienced by the clone in the Spider-Man world.


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