The Storm God

Chapter 2960 Devil Ah Zi and Xu Zhu who broke the precept! (Please subscribe!)

The World of Cultivating Immortals and Heavenly Dragons.

A certain wilderness near the Tianyahaige headquarters.

There is a dilapidated farmyard here, and in the courtyard, a woman in purple is meditating on Panxi, practicing some kind of kung fu.

I saw that the woman's body was dense, and there was a faint purple-green air that appeared and disappeared with the churning of her palm. In front of the woman, there is a small tripod with a strange shape.

This tripod is called Shenmu Wangding, and it is the most precious treasure of the Xingxiu School for practicing Poison Art. And this purple-clothed woman, of course, is none other than Ah Zi, a quirky spirit who stole the Shenmu King Cauldron and wanted to practice poison kung fu.

Beside Ah Zi, there is also an ugly little monk, it is the idiot Xu Zhu who was rescued (caught) by Ah Zi. He is now tied to a wooden frame, and he can only watch Ah Zi practice poison kung fu without help.

no way.

He has been hungry for days.

If Ah Zi didn't give Xu Zhu a sip of water from time to time in order to get the secret of Yi Jin Jing, to keep alive, he would have died of starvation a long time ago.


After half an hour.

After AhZi finished her meditation, she began to collect her power.

Originally, with her current skill, even with the help of Shenmu Wangding, she would have benefited a lot. After all, Ah Zi's strength is too weak, let alone a first-rate master, not even a third-rate one.

But who let the little monk Xu Zhu not only have the treasures such as the Yi Jin Jing, but also possess the Shaolin elixir that can improve one's power - the Great Returning Pill.

After taking Da Huan Dan, even if Ah Zi doesn't know how to digest, at least her skill has increased for more than twenty years. Coupled with the support of Shenmu Wangding and many poisonous insects...


This is incredible.

Ah Zi, who was originally just a secondary character, was promoted to the ranks of second-rate masters in the world almost instantly. The reason why she can't be considered top-notch is really because she has too little combat experience.

Compared with the real first-class masters, Ah Zi is definitely inferior.

It's only second-rate.


When encountering some second-rate characters who are seasoned and tricky, with Ah Zi's instant type, he may really be unable to beat those old drivers.

However, no matter how bad AhZi is, it is more than enough to deal with a mere Xu Zhu.

AhZi is well aware of her own shortcomings, so just after finishing her skills, she immediately came to Xu Zhu's side, wanting to obtain information about Yi Jin Jing.

Who told her not to use Sanskrit, even if she got the cheat book, she couldn't practice it.

Can't cooperate?

very good!

Then my aunt will torture you severely!

Not only your body, but also your spiritual will will be tortured and ravaged together. Stinky monk, haven't you always said that you have to abide by some rules and regulations?


My aunt will let you completely relapse today!

Not for a while.

In front of Xu Zhu there is a delicious roast chicken, although Xu Zhu tried his best to warn himself not to have any delusions and greedy thoughts about this thing, but his stomach is extremely honest.


Painful wailing sounded.

Holding a delicious chicken leg in her hand, Ah Zi, who kept dangling in front of the little monk Xu Zhu, couldn't be more proud. With a sly smile that succeeded in plotting: "Little monk, I know you are hungry, but because of breaking the rules and regulations, you have to restrain your instincts inhumanely."

"Let me tell you this is wrong. People are iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry, let alone you haven't eaten anything for five or six days."

"Come on~"

"How about the taste of this chicken cooked by my aunt? If you say that my aunt is happy, maybe she will let you go today~"

"Open your mouth..."


Ah Zi's devilish nature is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

Poor little monk Xu Zhu, although he refused and struggled repeatedly, but his hands and feet were all tied up, so how could he be Ah Zi's opponent after his skill greatly increased?

Soon after, the devil Ah Zi forcibly swallowed a large piece of chicken, and then was given a large gulp of strong alcohol. Poor Xu Zhu has kept the rules and regulations for the past twenty years, and his achievements are broken in an instant.

this moment.

The pain and depression in Xu Zhu's heart can't be mentioned.


to be honest.

The roast chicken tastes really good...



Me, how can I do this?

I must have been seduced by this female benefactor. Forgive me, the Buddha. The disciple really has no choice. I promise, I will never do it again in the future...

As a result, he swore in his heart just now, but the next moment, another piece of chicken appeared in Xu Zhu's mouth. Devil Ah Zi made another move.


"Little monk, as the saying goes, 'Wine and meat pass through the intestines, and the Buddha sits in his heart.' If there is one, there will be two. Anyway, I have already broken the precept, and this time is not bad. Come on, taste this excellent craftsmanship of my aunt!"

"This is a good thing that no one can ask for!"

"I order you not to resist!"


Devil Ah Zi held the torch in one hand, and put the secret book of Yi Jin Jing in front of the torch with the other, threatening: "If you dare not listen to me, I will burn this Yi Jin Jing immediately, so that you can't complete it I will see how you explain to the dead abbot then!"

Xu Zhu: "..."


you devil!

Buddha, you have to see clearly, it is not the disciple who sincerely wants to disobey the precepts and rules, but the female benefactor insists on forcing the disciple, and the disciple is also forced...

Although Xu Zhu's heart is struggling extremely, but his body is still very honest.

Delicious roast chicken and spirits, eating and drinking is a joy. After a while, the whole roast chicken and the pot of spirits all went into his stomach.

And he, who had never tasted spirits before, soon took the lead.

The whole person was dizzy as if he was in the sky, the devil AhZi grinned immediately when he saw this, quickly put the secret book of Yi Jin Jing in front of Xu Zhu, and then asked step by step with seductive words: "This sentence What do you mean by the words? Tell me quickly, if you say it, you need good wine and good meat!"

"This is……"

Poor Xu Zhu, how can he withstand such an attack.

The whole person was in a daze, thinking that the abbot was taking a test of his own Sanskrit, and answered in a hurry. At the same time, he subconsciously memorized the content of the secret book about Yi Jin Jing.

Time flies.

When the bright moon is in the sky, it is close to the early morning.

The content of the secret book about Yi Jin Jing has been almost completely known and understood by Ah Zi. Although it is not yet mastered, at least there is no problem with the interpretation.

As for the little monk Xu Zhu?


At this moment, he was already drunk to a pool of mud, and he was about to lose consciousness.

"never mind!"

"Looking at him broken into such a ghostly state, I'm afraid it's hard to figure out anything else. Anyway, the most basic interpretation is no longer a problem. Why don't you take advantage of this energy and try to practice first?"

"Wait until this stupid monk wakes up tomorrow before asking further questions."


AhZi's wishful thinking was clattering.

But it's a pity that people's calculations are not as good as the sky's calculations. When she sat down in Panxi and was about to try to practice the first level of the Yi Jin Jing, a group of uninvited guests suddenly came.

"Stinky Ah Zi, today I see that you cannot escape with your wings!"

"Master, brother?"

Ah Zi was stunned for a moment.

Because the person who appeared in front of her was none other than Azi Xingxiu Sect's brother—Daxiong.


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