The Storm God

Chapter 2988 Weakening the enemy equals strengthening yourself! (Please subscribe!)

With Bai Xiaofei's current ability, as long as he can get the space-time coordinates of the Dragon Ball Super world, no matter which universe it is from, then everything will be easy to handle. The space-time shuttle can definitely transport Bai Xiaofei there.


Lannister's answer was like a basin of cold water poured directly on Bai Xiaofei's head.

"Feel sorry!"

"Boss, the reincarnation space seems to be very afraid of it. After I went back, the space-time coordinates I recorded were forcibly deleted by the optical brain."

"So there's really nothing I can do!"


Lannister looked apologetic.

As for Bai Xiaofei, when he heard these words, he was instantly struck by lightning, his face was ashen, not to mention sad and disappointed. That's the world of Dragon Ball Super, and it just missed it!

It just doesn't make sense!


think carefully.

It seems that the practice of reincarnation space is completely understandable.

You know, there are so many strong people in the Dragon Ball world. In the early stage, a small boss pops up casually, can explode the moon, planets, and so on.

And in the later stage, it directly rises to the universe level.

My dear!

Such a world view and superpowers, even in the reincarnation space, are definitely among the top ranks. No matter how powerful the space of reincarnation is, if you encounter such a difficult and tough bone, you will have to weigh it.

In case the world of Dragon Ball gets angry, all the powerful people in the twelve universes, plus the king or something, will rush to fight against the reincarnation space...


That picture is simply too beautiful.

Just thinking about it, Bai Xiaofei felt extremely exciting and excited.

It was a lonely person like him who would not take these messy questions to heart. As the saying goes, those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes, sometimes they are weak, which is not a bad thing.


No amount of benefits.

Bai Xiaofei doesn't have the space-time coordinates of the Dragon Ball world in his hand, so he can't go there even if he wants to!

So far.

He was extremely depressed.

It's really flooding to death, drought to death!

Bai Xiaofei dares to assure you that the reincarnation space definitely has the time and space coordinates of the Dragon Ball world, and maybe even secretly dispatched awesome masters to sneak in there.

And here I am...

That's all!

Thinking of the complicated situation in Brother Corpse's world, Bai Xiaofei finally calmed down, and said to himself: "If you can't go, then you can't go, even if you can go, I guess I won't be able to leave for the time being!"

no way.

The crisis in Brother Corpse World has not been resolved yet.

The Great Xia Dynasty is not easy to mess with. Bai Xiaofei wiped out their army this time, and there is no telling what kind of chaos there is now, and there may be another invasion at any time.

In addition to the Great Xia Dynasty, there is the threat of other space-time cracks.

To put it bluntly, it is still Bai Xiaofei's subordinate forces, the level of realm is too low. Without him as the backbone to take charge of the overall situation, I'm afraid that if you are not careful, you will capsize in the gutter.

The reincarnation space is not the case.

Not to mention those extremely powerful people at the Zunjing level, just those in power at the peak level of the Emperor's level can definitely hold up half the sky. Like Bai Xiaofei, he is almost a polished commander!

If there is no comparison, there is no harm!

Thinking of his own shortcomings, Bai Xiaofei frowned immediately, and thought to himself: "No! I can't go on like this, I must quickly expand my power and extent, otherwise there will really be some good opportunities in front of me. In such a situation, I'm afraid I won't be able to get away at all!"


Bai Xiaofei has always been looking for a solution to this problem.

However, Rome was not built in a day, and the building was not completed immediately. What's more, Bai Xiaofei has lost his greatest capital - the dimensional space.

How can it be so easy to expand your power and enhance your younger brother's abilities?

If it could be done so easily, the reincarnation space would not choose to invade and rob other civilized planets. And even though its current subordinates are quite powerful, the number of people eliminated by death is definitely more terrifying and huge than the current number!

after all……

The method of cultivating subordinates in Samsara Space is similar to raising Gu, survival of the fittest, extremely bloody and cruel. The birth of a strong person often means the death of thousands of people.

Absolutely worthy of the name, a general will become a skeleton!

But Bai Xiaofei was different.

His way, compared to the space of reincarnation, is too gentle and peaceful. It is almost a free-range training. Although there are certain reward mechanisms and crisis factors, the efficiency is obviously not as fast and excellent as the reincarnation space.


Bai Xiaofei also knew about this.

Regarding his decision, he didn't regret it at all, because Bai Xiaofei had his own way. He firmly believes that he will succeed. Although the starting point is much lower than the reincarnation space, the growth is far beyond the reincarnation space.

after all……

The system of reincarnation space is there.

If there is no suppression of the reincarnation space, those so-called strong men will never willingly work for those behind-the-scenes leaders, and even turned against him in the first place.

Just like Lannister.

Since they can form an alliance with themselves and leak a lot of intelligence information about the reincarnation space, it means that others can too. If it can't be done, it means that the opponent's ability is not enough!


Although the reincarnation space forces are extremely terrifying, there are also many disadvantages and loopholes. As for Bai Xiaofei's team, although they are still very weak, they are extremely united.

One ebbs and another.

Bai Xiaofei firmly believes that in time, he can definitely catch up, or even surpass the reincarnation space. At that time, the two sides will start a life-and-death battle, and their side will inevitably occupy a considerable advantage.

after all……

He is an undercover agent with reincarnation space.

Although there are only Lannister and Fierna, and their strength is not very high, this is just the beginning!

As long as it works, Lannister and Ferna may not be unable to expand their undercover team and influence in the reincarnation space.

And this is the way Bai Xiaofei can think of to strengthen his own power. Weakening the opponent's power and unity is tantamount to strengthening oneself in a different direction, right?

Think about it.

Bai Xiaofei's mind immediately became active.

There is no doubt that Lannister's main training direction is the fighting style in the Dragon Ball world. In short, it is the strengthening of the physical body and the improvement of Qi, which can be said to be quite pure without impurities.

As for other things, such as blood, ability, and free ultimate intention.


Bai Xiaofei said that those were all gaudy things.

Don't you see, Jiren in the Conference of Power doesn't have any special bloodlines, abilities, or special moves, but he can still abuse superpowers from other universes?

To put it bluntly, it was because his physical body was strong enough!

The rest is for nothing.


Combat awareness and experience are also indispensable. Otherwise, if you give a fool absolute power, you can only do nonsense, and you won't be able to exert your due combat power at all.

And according to Bai Xiaofei's observation and analysis, Lannister's combat talent and awareness, although not top-notch, are quite acceptable.

The only thing lacking at the moment is a strong enough strength to match his fighting talent.

Coincidentally, in Bai Xiaofei's hands, there are currently no less than dozens of methods that can help Lannister become stronger in a short period of time, such as the ultimate version of the Beiming Divine Art + the Immortal Cultivation version of the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art.

Using these two methods of watching bugs to temper and strengthen Lannister's fighting spirit will definitely be like a tiger with wings, beyond imagination!

As for physical enhancement?


This is also easy to say.

Bai Xiaofei has no less than tens of thousands of awesome super genes in his hands, as long as he finds out the most suitable genetic formula for Lannister, it can at least help him achieve the ultimate improvement in the initial stage.

According to Bai Xiaofei's analysis, if this set of procedures goes well, Lannister's strength will definitely reach the level of the Dragon Ball world approaching or even surpassing the Super Saiyan.


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