The Storm God

Chapter 3018 Emotional force field, Lantern Beast Azure Dragon! (Please subscribe!)

The emotional spectrum represents the seven emotional energies shared by all life in the universe. It is the seven hidden creation forces, and it is also the source of the power of the DC Seven Lantern Corps and the Ultraviolet Corps.

That is.

Bai Xiaofei wants to create the original color lamp, no matter if it is the yellow lamp of fear, the green lamp of will, or other color lamp rings, at least he must have the ability of creation level.


It will catch fire and set itself on fire, and it will not end well.

Abanstor has seen many similar examples in the reincarnation space, but there are very few successful ones. So far, only nine kinds of colored lamps have been born.

Although Bai Xiaofei's strength is powerful and terrifying, Abansto doesn't think he has this ability.

As everyone knows.

The current Bai Xiaofei is not the real one. He is just one of the incarnations of the deity, and the ability he possesses is far less than one-tenth of Bai Xiaofei's deity.

Such a realm is certainly not enough to create original color lamps.


If you change to the deity...

That's completely different, because Bai Xiaofei's real realm is the realm of the gods, one of the single universe-level bosses, although he has not yet reached the peak and perfection, but the power of creation has already awakened!

in short.

Bai Xiaofei already has the basic qualifications to create original color lamps.

The only thing he lacks now is some preparations before creation, as well as the capture and comprehension of the emotional spectrum. As long as all these are completed, it is absolutely easy for Bai Xiaofei to create the original color lamp.


What exactly is the emotional spectrum?

Bai Xiaofei has his own unique understanding of this. He believes that the so-called emotional spectrum is well known as a special energy field stimulated by the emotions of all living beings in the universe.

The vast universe is endless.

As large as the multiverse, as small as the Milky Way galaxy, they all have their own unique and similar force fields, making them move around in a certain way.

For example, the earth's revolution, rotation and so on.

And among them...

The most important thing is the force field.

The so-called force field refers to a vector field in which the vector associated with each point can be measured by a force. It cannot be seen or touched, but it is a very important basic concept in physics.

Common force fields include gravitational field, magnetic field (abbreviated as magnetic field), electric field and so on. Among them, magnetic field, electric field and gravitational field are called "three major fields in physics".

The concept of force fields can also be applied to living things.

Namely, biological force fields.

The so-called psychic power, spiritual power, etc., are one of the manifestations of the psychic force field. Some people will cause their own biological force field to mutate for certain reasons.

For example, possessing various superpowers beyond ordinary people's strength.

In fact, this is their biological force field, because of mutation and evolution, they have a powerful ability to interfere with other things' force fields.

For example, Magneto, he can use his own biological force field to manipulate the magnetic fields of other things; while Professor X can use his own psychic force field to interfere and manipulate other people's psychic force fields.

Bai Xiaofei called this phenomenon awakening.

Awakening can be active or passive, innate or acquired. Similarly, the performance and strength after awakening also vary from person to person.

Closer to home.

Now come back to the emotional spectrum.

According to Bai Xiaofei's understanding, this special energy field stimulated by all life forms should exist in the body of every life form, just like other biological force fields and spiritual force fields, the difference is that each person possesses To varying degrees.

The reason why no one has awakened an existence like Green Lantern is because in the universe where it is located, there is no sun-like core.

That is the original color lamp.

Just like the earth and other planets, if there is no huge gravitational field of the star, the sun, which interacts with other planets to form a complete and circular force field, the planets including the earth will be like meteorites and comets in the universe Ordinarily, it's just a drop in the ocean.

in other words.

Without the Sun, there would be no one way orbiting of the Earth and other planets and the solar system, and the shaping and operation of this particular force field.

the same way.

As long as the corresponding color lamp can be created, the emotional spectrum energy field of the color lamp will automatically form a core existence similar to the sun.

And under the influence of the core of this force field, the probability of awakening the power of the emotional spectrum of the living body within the coverage will be significantly increased. At that time, as long as they can attract each other, they can form their own unique system.

Namely, the Color Lantern Corps.

That is to say, if Bai Xiaofei wants to create his own original color lamp and the color lamp army, he must first have enough ability (the power of creation) to discover and condense the power of the emotional spectrum in the universe, and make it form The core color lamp gives other awakened people the power of the corresponding force field.

As the number of awakened people continues to increase, the Color Lantern Corps will come into being.


All this is easy to say, but extremely difficult to do.

First of all, the energy force field of the emotional spectrum is not one, but includes two types, the visible spectrum and the invisible spectrum, and more than a dozen specific and special sources of power.

If you want to create the original color lamp, you must first confirm the specific color of the emotional spectrum, that is, the type of energy force field, whether it is visible light or invisible light.

Is it the green of will, or the yellow of fear, or the red of anger?

Different emotional spectrum powers have completely different characteristics and disadvantages. Which one to create first has to be decided in light of Bai Xiaofei's own actual situation.

In Bai Xiaofei's opinion, the green color of will is undoubtedly the most suitable for him.


The ability of the green light of will is the most widely used, most widely used, and most skilled in the setting of DC "Green Lantern", and it can also produce unexpected effects when combined with other colored lights.

On the contrary, other colored lights, such as the yellow light of fear and the red light of anger, not only have almost strict requirements on users, but also have obvious disadvantages, and are very easy to be targeted.

That is.

Among the many colored lights, the ability of the green light is the most balanced, the most stable, and the most popular. At the same time, the weakness is not very obvious. The biggest shortcoming is that when facing the yellow light of fear, the ability will be weakened.

But compared to the disadvantages of other color lights, this is already very good.

Take, for example, the red light of anger.

Once you become a user of the red light, the power of red anger will flow in the body instead of blood, and after being sprayed out of the body, it will become burning energy like fire. Combustibles, even the energy barriers formed by other energy rings.

Strong is strong, but the disadvantages are also extremely obvious.

Because the energy of red anger replaces the blood, the ring also replaces the role of the bearer's heart. But once the ring is lost, the holder will die immediately.

In short.

Thinking about it.

After careful consideration, Bai Xiaofei felt that the green light of will was more suitable for him. You know, in Bai Xiaofei's world, he is almost equivalent to God, with countless followers.

Faith is also an expression of will.


It's more complicated.

If the power of the green emotional spectrum of the will is used as a guide, Bai Xiaofei firmly believes that a large number of outstanding Green Lantern Warriors will be born from these tens of billions of huge believers.

If it is further subdivided, fighters of other colors can even be screened out, such as the blue lamp of hope, the indigo lamp of mercy, and the lamp of love...


Other colors are a matter of future.

The most urgent task for Bai Xiaofei right now is to capture and comprehend the power of will spectrum in the world he is in, and strive to gather the core as soon as possible to create his own original green light.


What I never expected was.

When Bai Xiaofei tried to capture and comprehend the power of will in his real planet world with the intention of giving it a try, a huge energy field beyond imagination suddenly erupted from the inside of the real planet like a volcanic eruption. And they quickly gathered together, taking on the appearance of a giant blue dragon.

"I rely on it!"

"Didn't Abanstor say that the power of the emotional spectrum is difficult to capture and gather? How could I do it all at once? And it's the kind that directly manifests into a lamp beast?!"

"Why don't you be so cruel!"


Bai Xiaofei was stunned.


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