The Storm God

Chapter 3041 Dragon Emperor's ambition, aiming for the West! (Please subscribe!)


Dragon Emperor Shihuang let out a long breath of relief.

The body shape also quickly recovered from the form of the three-headed golden dragon to the appearance of Jet Li in human form. It's just that compared to the domineering and imperial spirit of the past, the current him is even more unpredictable.


In a word, it is definitely more awesome than before!


The Dragon Emperor Shihuang landed on the ground.

He looked at Bai Xiaofei smiling and looking at himself, compared to the previous one who was a little unconvinced and secretly calculating, the current Dragon Emperor Shihuang has more admiration and self-pity in his eyes.


Dragon Emperor Shi Huang saw it very clearly.

If it were him, he certainly couldn't do it to the same level as Bai Xiaofei.

Especially with the improvement of strength and realm, Dragon Emperor Shi Huang's vision became broader and clearer, and he also understood the strength and terror of someone better.

to be honest.

For this kind of existence beyond imagination, whether it is an emperor or not, the awe should still be maintained. This is the most basic etiquette and mentality.

As the saying goes, "people are valuable with self-knowledge", if you can't recognize yourself, no matter how powerful you are now, it's just a mirage, and it's doomed to last forever.

"Thank you for your kindness!"

Dragon Emperor Shihuang hesitated for a long time, and finally said this sentence to Bai Xiaofei: "Your Excellency's kindness, I will never forget it, and it must be engraved in my heart!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled happily, he didn't take it seriously at all, he just nodded and said: "These are trivial things, let's see if the twelve golden men I made for you are not satisfied? Are there any other needs?" , just mention it, as long as I can do it absolutely unambiguously!"


It wasn't until this time that the Dragon Emperor Shihuang realized that the Twelve Golden Man that Bai Xiaofei spent a long time refining just now was for himself, which shocked Ying Zheng very much.

Compare your heart with your heart.

If it were Ying Zheng who stood in Bai Xiaofei's perspective and force field, he would definitely not be able to give away exercises, resources, and even provide a full set of services such as magical weapons.

Unless the other party can give him a more generous report.


Dragon Emperor Shi Huang knew it very well.

The current self, or even the future Shihuang, may not be able to achieve any achievements beyond imagination. Bai Xiaofei treated himself like this, which seriously exceeded his expectations.

It was also because of this that he was particularly shocked.


Bai Xiaofei was so enthusiastic that even Dragon Emperor Shihuang was a little embarrassed. After all, he has just joined Bai Xiaofei's team, and he has enjoyed such treatment before he has done anything...


Even the emperor can't stand it.

"What is this?"

Bai Xiaofei didn't care what the Dragon Emperor Shihuang's reaction was, and said directly: "Hurry up and see if there is any dissatisfaction, while the Twelve Golden Man has just been refined and has not yet been fully finalized, and I have time now, I am also by your side , and can be revised and perfected, otherwise there will be no such shop after passing this village.”


The boss has said this, what else can the Dragon Emperor Shi Huang do?

Accept it silently, of course.


And with the binding of the blood of the Dragon Emperor Shihuang and the recognition of the master of the soul, mind and spirit, the twelve golden men immediately showed their due arrogance and power.

In an instant, the situation changed, and the sky and the earth trembled.

And the first to bear the brunt were the terracotta warriors summoned by the Dragon Emperor Shihuang. I didn’t see what happened to the twelve golden men. It was just a breath penetration that recognized the master, and it shocked the thousands of terracotta warriors present. Almost all fell to the ground. on the ground.

that scene...

It was as if an earthquake had happened. The originally neat army formation was turned into a mess in an instant, and even some unlucky terracotta warriors and horses were directly shattered into pieces on the ground.

And similar examples are not rare at all.

To know.

No more crossing the Great Wall.

These so-called armies of undead are not truly undead.

Once it is destroyed and destroyed, it is like a death lamp, completely hopeless. That is to say, as soon as the Twelve Golden People recognized their master, many of these poor terracotta warriors were completely destroyed.


Seeing this scene, Dragon Emperor Shihuang not only didn't feel any displeasure, on the contrary, his eyes sparkled, he was extremely excited and excited, and he murmured to himself: "It's incredible that the breath alone has such power!"


The Dragon Emperor Shihuang, who was eager to understand the power of the Twelve Golden Men, immediately mobilized them and launched an attack on his terracotta warriors!


Pure self beats self.

It's not that the Dragon Emperor Shihuang seemed to be boring, but he simply wanted to know, which one was stronger or weaker than the power of the twelve golden men compared with his own army of undead?

And the result is obvious.

Don't look at the undead army of the Dragon Emperor Shihuang, which has an absolute advantage in number, but in terms of combat effectiveness, they were thrown out by the Twelve Golden Men for an unknown number of streets!




The Twelve Golden Man was just used by the Dragon Emperor Shi Huang to use the simplest and basic operations, and he was already crushing the army of undead like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves. A punch or a kick can form an incomparably bitter wind , directly devastated large areas of terracotta warriors and horses until it was unbearable to look at.

The Dragon Emperor Shihuang was stunned and shocked.


Ying Zheng was extremely excited, and he praised again and again: "Unexpectedly, these twelve golden men look ordinary, but their fighting power and power are so amazing and heaven-defying!"

"This is just the most ordinary attack. If they combine with each other to form a strange and profound formation, the power must be even more earth-shattering!"

"With these twelve golden men, it is completely better than the army of undead!"


all in all.

Dragon Emperor Shihuang was extremely satisfied with these twelve golden men. All of a sudden, he couldn't find any flaws or places where he felt uncomfortable.


because of site conditions.

Many functions and powers of the Twelve Golden Man were beyond the ability of the Dragon Emperor Shi Huang to test and see for himself, which made him feel very shocked and surprised.

In less than half a day, such a powerful magic weapon can be refined, so how terrifying and appalling must Bai Xiaofei be the instigator?

on this...

The Dragon Emperor Shi Huang couldn't figure it out.

But there is one thing that he can be sure of very clearly, that is, the current self is absolutely impossible to be Bai Xiaofei's opponent. At this time, the one who is posing, rebellious, must be the one who is unlucky and suffers!

Think about it.

Dragon Emperor Shihuang immediately knew what he should do.

After putting the twelve golden men into the storage ring Bai Xiaofei gave him, Ying Zheng's attitude towards Bai Xiaofei changed 180 degrees in an instant.

Although it can't be called a compliment, respectful or something, but compared to the arrogance and a little bit of hostility in the past, the current Dragon Emperor Shi Huang's attitude towards Bai Xiaofei can be said to be extremely restrained and enthusiastic.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't say anything.

While graciously accepting it, he did not forget to remind the Dragon Emperor Shi Huang that there is still a lot of room for improvement and improvement of the Twelve Golden People, and they must be cautious and careful in every devouring and refining in the future.


If there is a little carelessness, it is possible to turn this top-grade magic weapon into a bunch of waste.

When the Dragon Emperor Shihuang heard that these words were related to his own future and development, he didn't dare to be careless, and quickly imprinted Bai Xiaofei's instructions one by one in his heart, and thanked him again and again as a show of respect.

Bai Xiaofei was polite.

Following a turn of the topic, the question was directly transferred to Egypt.


"Right now, there is just an opportunity for you to show off your power and exercise your abilities. Have you heard of the mummy in the West? If you are interested, I can take you there to try!"

"I can assure you that, except for some necessary things, all other benefits belong to you, and I will not interfere or interfere at all!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled like an old fox.

As for Dragon Emperor Shihuang, although he knew that Bai Xiaofei's words were a little too exaggerated, but out of some special considerations of his own, he still agreed with a serious face.


Ying Zheng nodded quickly and said, "It's a deal!"


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