The Storm God

Chapter 3066 Even a small skill dares to play with an axe! (Please subscribe!)

Chaotic battlefield.

A dazzling array of corpses are scattered in this vast desert, which is endlessly sad. But following Sheerson's call, they slowly stood up again.


Whether it is the guardian who died in battle, or his mount horse.

At this moment, under the influence of the Su of the Dead, they all had consciousness and life again, and then re-armed themselves with another, terrifying posture.

Missing arms and legs, or dying in such a miserable state, leaving only an empty skeleton, but in a blink of an eye, it becomes complete and majestic.

This scene is very similar to the evolution process of many zombies in Resident Evil.

Especially those dead horses...


They vary more.

Not to mention the more majestic and terrifying body shape than before, even the appearance has almost become almost invisible as a horse. It is more appropriate to say that they are lickers with the shape of a horse, or monsters.

The most frightening thing is the eyes of these creatures.

Dire green.


It's scary just looking at it!

Not only that, but these mutated creatures seem to have some special skills and abilities. For example, for some of them, their hands and feet turned into incomparably hard weapons, some like the pincers of a crab, and some like the arm knife of a praying mantis...

In short.

There are various shapes and types. Looking around, it is more appropriate to say that this is not so much the undead legion of walking dead, but an enhanced version of the Resident Evil outbreak. "Roar!"

This large army that had just risen immediately erupted into a sky-shattering roar.

"God is above!"

Seeing this scene, Adebe and others were stunned.

My heart is full of despair, horror, fear, and endless grief. After all, these fighters are their former compatriots, but now they are turned into such a shape by unknown forces...

How do you tell them not to hurt?


Regardless of how others react.

Bai Xiaofei, who was using his psychic power to search for Sheerson's hidden location, also discovered the abnormality on the battlefield at the first time, and immediately frowned.

He secretly said in his heart: "What a strange power, not only can revive the dead, but also give them the power of evolution, more powerful than before..."

"This is a very high-end rule power!"



Bai Xiaofei suddenly laughed.

Of course, he could see the change in front of him, and it must be the fault of Sherson. And these so-called army of biochemical zombies are naturally to hinder him, so as not to expose the location of Sheerson's hiding place...

So he was stalling for time?

Could it be that at some critical moment, it was inconvenient for me to show up, or even use force, so I chose this way to hinder myself?

What a cunning fox!

Bai Xiaofei said heartily.


He was too lazy to look for it.

He directly retracted the spreading mental power, then turned his gaze, and met the army of biochemical zombies who put all their attention on him, and said with a smile: "Want to test me?"


He was answered by an endless roar.

The next moment, all the biochemical zombies rushed towards Bai Xiaofei.

It even included a few huge immortal monsters, and compared to these biochemical zombies, those monsters' abilities were obviously more powerful and weird, almost immediately passed the vast number of forwards, and took the lead to catch Bai Xiaofei before.


The parched earth was torn apart by terrifying force.

A terrifying strip shaped like an octopus tentacles burst out of it suddenly, and in the middle of it, exploded with a loud bang, turning into countless silk-like slender but hard and sharp things, arranged in a dense array in an instant. A net shape, trapping Bai Xiaofei in it.

follow closely……

These net-shaped threads that almost sealed off all the escape routes of Bai Xiaofei suddenly shrank towards Bai Xiaofei in the center, clearly intending to smash it into a puddle of fleshy slag!


"Small tricks, but you dare to make an axe?"

"Dawei Tianlong!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled.

Disdainful, suddenly on a whim, coldly hummed a classic film and television term.

at the same time……

The Buddha seal in the hand is connected.

When the last seal was completed, a golden oriental dragon full of brilliance was instantly born in Bai Xiaofei's hands.

"hold head high--!"

Jin Long also seemed to be irritated by the methods of these monsters.

While chanting, the golden noble body shot out with lightning, carrying the sound of thunder and invincible power, destroying all the mesh threads in front of him in an instant.

Not only that.

The golden dragon's body shape is like blowing a balloon, and it grows when facing the wind.

When it broke through all the net-like silk threads around Bai Xiaofei, it had completely transformed into a giant dragon about a hundred feet long, and then the dragon roared to the sky, opened its teeth and claws, and faced the surrounding biochemical zombies that were charging towards Bai Xiaofei, and The monsters entangled in it opened their dragon's mouth and ejected a terrifying golden flame!


The golden flames are like laser rays.

Falling from the sky, with endless power and power, everything that is affected and strafed, whether it is biochemical zombies or immortal monsters, is like snow covered by high-temperature magma, instantly annihilated by ashes, and disappears forever. trace!

It's completely sweeping and crushing, an absolute instant kill!


The golden dragon breathed out flames and turned his head around.

The golden flame that descended from the sky was like a destructive golden light, drawing a huge circle around Bai Xiaofei's body. Wherever it goes, no creature can cross the thunder pool half a step, it will hurt when it is rubbed, and it will die when it is touched, without any exception!

It's just a blink of an eye.

The golden dragon wiped out nearly one-third of the size and number of the biochemical zombie army, and as it spit out more and more flames, the fire is getting bigger and bigger, and this record is still crazily skyrocketing and Soaring.

And Bai Xiaofei himself.

In such a shocking scene, with an indifferent smile on his face, he seemed to be walking in the billowing flames, surrounded by golden dragons, like a Dharma protector, the mighty Taotao.

No matter how many Xersun's undead monsters and biochemical zombie army, no matter how fierce the charge is, it's completely helpless, and they can't even get even a step closer to Bai Xiaofei.


In a dark corner.

Through the vision of the soldiers under his command, Xielson, who witnessed Bai Xiaofei's display of power, couldn't help being dumbfounded, his face full of bewilderment and shock, and he was speechless for a long time.

After half an hour.

Only then did he finally come back to his senses, his heart filled with horror and fear.

"too strong!"

"It's just a mighty dragon. Killing my army of the dead is like stepping on a group of ants. Damn, where did this freak come from?!"

"It's just like cheating!"

"Too bullying!"


Shelson shuddered.

To be honest, he regrets it now.

After witnessing Bai Xiaofei's ability and terror with his own eyes, Xielson didn't think he could defeat such a monster, even if he successfully broke through and advanced.

Unless you disdain all costs and use some artifacts and treasures that you have collected with great difficulty before.

But is it really worth it?

He was a little unsure.


Sheilson hesitated.

Between flinching and running away and smashing to the end, he hesitated.


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