The Storm God

Chapter 3078 Zero darkness, pawn benefits! (Please subscribe!)

"how do you feel?"

Looking at Imerton's more and more distinctive braised egg hairstyle, Bai Xiaofei asked with a smile.

"Quite wonderful!"

Emerton said truthfully.

Then, thanking Bai Xiaofei again, the awe of someone in his heart reached its peak.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Then he made a comment: "Although your performance is very good, but to be honest, you are far from bringing out the fruit's ability to the extreme. Work hard in the future!"


Emerton responded.

After dealing with the issue of the mummy high priest, it's Sheelson's turn.


This guy is trickier.

Moreover, it is related to the information of the reincarnation space, so there are very few people who can listen to it. At present, apart from Bai Xiaofei, even the Dragon Emperor is not qualified.

after all.

The time he joined was still too short.

In terms of strength, he has not yet met the requirements. Knowing some too profound questions too early will not be of much benefit to the Dragon Emperor.

To this.

Dragon Emperor also expressed his understanding.

With a slight nod, he took Imerton and the trapped Scorpion Emperor out of the main hall of the pyramid's tomb. While Bai Xiaofei was interrogating to obtain information, he also had things to do.


Kill the Scorpion Emperor and seize control of the undead army from the opponent.

Otherwise, if the Scorpion Emperor survived for a day, the countless dog-headed mummies outside would never stop, following the goal set by Anubis, the god of death, to go outside to slaughter the world.

As for the undead monsters summoned by Sheilson?


When Sheilson was arrested.

Bai Xiaofei had already imprisoned all his strength, and without the support of the source, those monsters, naturally, were no match for the Twelve Golden Man, and were quickly smashed to pieces.


With the dramatic ending of the decisive battle inside the pyramid, the melee outside also quickly subsided. First the undead monsters summoned by Sheilson, and then the dog-headed mummies.

In the chaotic and messy battlefield, only the Guardian Legion headed by Adbe remained, standing there pitifully, feeling like a dream.

Regardless of whether it was the Terminator Corps or the Twelve Golden Men, they had already disappeared without a trace.

After killing the Demon Scorpion Emperor, the Dragon Emperor also successfully took control of the undead army. However, he did not rashly use and study it, but strictly followed Bai Xiaofei's instructions, without his refinement and improvement, he would only put it on the shelf, so as not to be taken advantage of by Anubis, the god of death.

O'Connor's family was very lucky, there was no danger, and they watched the whole process, which greatly enriched their experience.

After the battle, the four of them were taken outside the pyramid by the witch Ziyuan, mother and daughter, and told them to keep everything that happened today secret.


The unlucky conductors are O'Connor and others.

In this regard, the O'Connor family of four said that they will be strict with themselves and will never disclose any news. After all, they have seen Bai Xiaofei's strength with their own eyes.

Even terrifying existences like the Scorpion Emperor and Imerton were subdued by Bai Xiaofei. Their family is just ordinary people, how can they fight against them?

Even if you are looking for death, don't bring such a thing.


After this incident.

O'Connor's family also had a golden basin to wash their hands, and they never dared to do such things again.

no way.

They are really scared.

This time was considered lucky, if something more bizarre happened again, it might not be that a big shot like Bai Xiaofei would help them.


For the sake of my life.

O'Connor decided to find a serious job after returning home, and never touch anything like passing the exam. Now he just wants to spend time with his wife and raise his son.

Don't think much about the rest.


Inside the pyramid.

Xierxun was trapped in the barrier by Bai Xiaofei, bound tightly, unable to move at all, and even his soul and consciousness were planted with extremely powerful restrictions.


Now he can't live but die.

All of this is naturally for the convenience of Bai Xiaofei to torture him for information about the reincarnation space. However, the information has not yet started, Bai Xiaofei has already discovered several priceless treasures from Xie Erxun's reincarnation watch.

For example——

The magic weapon [Zero Darkness] that can ignore all rules and create a special barrier that is near absolute defense out of thin air [Zero Darkness]. There are nearly 100 million or so.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is definitely the most advanced one among all the treasures of Sherson. There is no one. The sum of other treasures is not as good as this one.

"What a pity!"

While sighing, Bai Xiaofei shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's precisely because [Zero Darkness] is too valuable, that's why Xielson didn't use it lightly?"

Compare your heart with your heart.

If it were Bai Xiaofei, he probably wouldn't use such a treasure easily.

Unless it is a last resort.


This also means that the more reluctant to use it and hide it, the more likely it is to miss the best time because of this, making it impossible to use it in the end.

Take Shelson, for example.

He miscalculated Bai Xiaofei's strength, and didn't use this [Zero Darkness] at first, but Bai Xiaofei gave it to him in an instant.

By the time Xielson realized something was wrong and wanted to escape with his life, it was already too late.


In the end, the enemy was cheap in vain.

Closer to home.

Looking at the terrifying selling price, to be honest, Bai Xiaofei was still very excited. After all, his wallet is unprecedentedly dry, and it is the moment when he urgently needs to gain weight.

Although this [Zero Darkness] is awesome, but to Bai Xiaofei, it is really tasteless, it is a pity to eat it without taste and throw it away. Because usually, he doesn't need it at all...

at last.

Bai Xiaofei still restrained the greed in his heart.

After thinking about it again and again, he still thinks that it is more appropriate to pawn this thing to the Time and Space Mall. First, it can solve its own economic crisis; second, it can be redeemed at any time according to the actual situation in the future, which is definitely much higher than the fault tolerance rate of one-shot trading.

after all……

It is basically impossible to recycle the Wupi sold to the Time and Space Mall. One is the probability of refreshing, which is very small; the other is the price, which is also extremely cheating.

But pawns are different.

The space-time mall will keep the pawned items until the pawnbroker confirms that they are no longer needed, and then they will appear in the space-time mall for refresh and sale.

During this period.

If Bai Xiaofei needs it, he only needs to pay a certain amount of remuneration to take back the pawned items again. It is a very good welfare package for those who are in urgent need of financial help.

Someone originally thought that he might not be able to use this treatment in his entire life, because the probability of encountering this situation is really too low.

As a result, I didn't expect it, and I met it today.

"The pawn was successful!"

With the sound of the transaction in his mind, the next moment, an astonishingly huge amount of wealth appeared in Bai Xiaofei's personal wealth account.

Someone also rose from the poor class to the commoner level in an instant. He only needs to come here a few more times, and he can successfully become well-off and live an extremely comfortable life.


Bai Xiaofei also knew that this was almost impossible.

At least not in a short period of time, because his stall is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more places to spend money, plus he has to look for his wife and children in the infinite universe...

His money can't be saved at all!


The harvest this time was almost picked up for nothing, so when it was spent, Bai Xiaofei not only didn't feel distressed at all, but was also very comfortable.

It is such a pleasure to use the enemy's money to do one's own thing.

Bai Xiaofei felt extremely refreshed!


This is the only thing on Xielson's body. Even if all the other so-called treasures are sold, they won't get much profit.

Bai Xiaofei pondered for a while, instead of selling all of them and earning some ready-made benefits, it would be more practical and cost-effective to keep them and use them to arm his younger brothers.

after all.

Money or something, if not enough, you can earn more.

But some special equipment and good things are hard to come by, and the role that can be played at the moment of shutdown is definitely not measurable by money.

For example, the Black Sutra of the Dead and the Golden Sutra of the Sun.


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