The Storm God

Chapter 3113 Spirit snake turns into python, see things and think of dragons! (Please subscribe!)

Gantian Town.

North of the village, Cangwu Mountain, forest.

Lei Xiu took Xiaobai, the spirit snake, and was wandering around, leisurely and leisurely, as if traveling in mountains and rivers, without any precautions.


Bai Xiaofei hid his figure, observed for a while, and was extremely puzzled: "This girl looks pure-hearted, without any affectation, it doesn't seem like she came here to inquire..."

"Did I guess wrong?"

"Forget it."

He is not a person who likes to think too much.

Since you can't figure it out, then just show up and ask Lei Xiu. Bai Xiaofei didn't believe it anymore, with his own abilities, he could still be fooled by a little girl?

It's just a joke.


The law of concealment is lifted.

Bai Xiaofei's figure, like a ghost, suddenly appeared on the forest path where Lei Xiu was advancing, which only shocked the little girl.


"You, are you a human? Or a ghost?"

"What do you want to do?"


This is Lei Xiu.

He has a bit of kung fu background, although he doesn't have channeling and thaumaturgy, but he has seen many big scenes with Lei Gang, so he is not as afraid as ordinary people.

Soon Lei Xiu came to his senses, and asked angrily.

"Hehe, guess what."

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help thinking about it, so he showed a malicious look, and the corner of his mouth curved up and said: "You and a spirit snake cleaned up my little brother before, so you won't forget it so quickly, right?"

He said so.

In Lei Xiu's mind, Yu Dachu's hateful appearance suddenly flashed, his brows frowned, his face darkened, and he snorted coldly, "Are you here for revenge?"


Bai Xiaofei shook his head.

Staring at the small bamboo basket on Lei Xiu's waist, as if he could see through the contents, he revealed a chilling light, and said: "That's the grievance between you, I came here to find you all because of Some personal fun..."


"Study the spirit snake in your bamboo basket to see what level its intelligence has reached now, and whether there is any possibility to go further."

"To be honest, I had a similar pet before, but we got separated later, it's hard to wait to meet the same person, so naturally we have to get in touch with each other."

"You say yes, Lei Xiu!"


The last sentence, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, immediately stunned Lei Xiu in place. She stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at Bai Xiaofei, not daring to say: "You, how do you know my name? Have you met me before?"

this moment.

For some reason, Lei Xiu suddenly panicked.

Just like being recognized as a thief, I feel so guilty that I can't help but subconsciously take a step back with both feet, almost turning around and running away.


Lei Xiu's intuition told herself, don't run!

Because that is completely futile, not to mention other things, just that the other party can suddenly appear on the path you must pass without anyone noticing, this is enough to prove the power of the other party.


Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a smile, and said: "This is the first time we met, the reason why I can say your name is because I have the ability to read people's minds. For example, there is something in your heart now. I was in a panic, as if there was some secret I was afraid of being known by others, let me take a good look, what is it about..."


He really made a look of serious observation and careful thinking.

On the other hand, Lei Xiu, who was completely shocked by Bai Xiaofei's words, could see through people's minds? really? How could there be such a perverted ability in the world...


If it's fake, how did he know my name?

You know, I just came to Gantian Town, and I have never revealed my name in front of others, especially my origin, how did the other party know?

not good!

He seems to really see through the heart.

No, he can't be allowed to continue digging, otherwise if he really wants to find out the relationship between himself and his adoptive father, he will probably startle the snake and let the people in Fuxitang take precautions in advance...

Think here.

Lei Xiu's heart became ruthless, and without further ado, he shot a few small stones at Bai Xiaofei with hidden weapons.

at the same time.

Regardless of the result, Lei Xiu turned and ran away.

Thirty-six strategies are the best!


She thought too simply.

If it was an ordinary person, Lei Xiu might have really run away. But the one in front of him is Bai Xiaofei, a real boss who is so awesome, how could he be affected by a few small stones?

"Want to run?"

"Don't you think it's too late? Air wall!"


Poor Lei Xiu.

Just two steps away, with his swift and fierce posture, he bumped into the air wall created by Bai Xiaofei, followed by a strong reaction force, and directly sent the little girl flying. There was a tinge of bright red.


Lei Xiu fell to the ground like a broken sack.

What's even more tragic is that the collision just now was so hard, and it happened to hit Lei Xiu's head, so that she passed out before she landed.


Lei Xiu was unconscious, but Xiaobai, the spirit snake in the bamboo basket on her body, was not. Seeing that its owner was unconscious and might be in danger, it immediately pushed open the lid of the bamboo basket and quickly crawled out from inside.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaobai's snake body was like blowing a balloon, growing in the wind. In an instant, he transformed from a small snake as thick as a thumb into a terrifying giant python with a waist as thick as a human.

The coiled body of the giant python protected Lei Xiu tightly.

And his pair of beast eyes stared at Bai Xiaofei firmly, full of vigilance and anger, at the same time, his fangs flickered, and the venom flashed in his mouth, as if he would fight Bai Xiaofei desperately if he had a disagreement.


However, Bai Xiaofei completely ignored the so-called "violence" and "threat" of Spirit Snake Xiaobai. Seeing that the opponent instantly turned into a giant python, he couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, and commented: "Although the strength is a bit weak, the level of intelligence is not too high." He looks tall, but to have such ability is pretty good..."

"If you catch it and train it well, it should be even stronger, right? I just don't know if it's a male snake or a female snake..."


See now Python.

Bai Xiaofei can't help but miss his own Xiaoqing even more, and he doesn't know how he is doing now, what stage of evolution has he reached, has he turned into a dragon?

Xiaoqing was left in the Monster Hunting World by Bai Xiaofei at the beginning, where aura is abundant, and the rules of heaven and earth are more conducive to Xiaoqing's evolution and transformation.


With so many things happening, I don't know how long it has been since the world of catching monsters? Bai Xiaofei, who sees things and thinks about dragons, can't help but miss Xiaoqing even more.

And opposite.

Xiaobai, the spirit snake, can obviously understand some of Bai Xiaofei's words, especially the last sentence. I don't know if it is a male snake or a female snake, which completely hurt its dignity.


Xiaobai was angry.

After it erupted, it didn't care about anything. Unexpectedly, he directly attacked Bai Xiaofei, and the colleague who sprayed venom from his mouth, with his huge terrifying body, also slammed into Bai Xiaofei viciously.

"Yo ha!"

"You have a big temper. It seems to be the female snake. It is impossible for the male snake to lose his mind and calmness because of this matter..."

"In that case, let me start counting."


Bai Xiaofeiyun said calmly.

At the same time, the movements of his hands were not slow, the spirit snake Xiaobai's venom was easily dodged by Bai Xiaofei, and then he grabbed it with his big hand.

next moment……


Before the giant python could react, the entire body of the snake was controlled by an invisible aura, and then floated up in the air, floating in front of Bai Xiaofei.


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