The Storm God

Chapter 3166 The evil spirit is soaring, and the face changes in horror! (Please subscribe!)

"so smart?"

The head of the underworld was shocked when he heard the words. Even though he had already overestimated the ability of the demon general zombie, he couldn't help but feel that he had underestimated the other party after hearing the narration of his apprentice Hei Yue, because even he couldn't do it. this level.

That is.

The strength of that Demon General Zombie is definitely above him.

And this is just the combat power of someone just born. As time goes by, the more yin, resentment, filth, and blood energy absorbed by the zombies, the more their abilities will exponentially increase, becoming more and more terrifying .

It is precisely because of this that he will cooperate with Lei Gang.

This time he originally wanted to steal the Qilin Stone in advance, and then control it to become his own combat power, but he never thought that the opponent would be so terrifying.


Without any hesitation.

The head of the underworld chose a strategic retreat very conscientiously on the spot, and decided to wait until he finished refining the energy of the Qilin Stone in the future, and then come to settle accounts with this demon general zombie.

"Yes, Master!"

Hei Yue seemed very happy, and when she heard the words, she agreed, and then hurriedly handed over the control of the Nether Corpse to the head of the underworld.


at the same time.

In the main tomb, the demon general did not chase the zombies out immediately.

It seemed to him that those guys who escaped were just ants, and there was no need to worry about dealing with them.

I saw him flying directly in front of the sitting armor, and as soon as he released his ability, the mighty and extraordinary armor seemed to have spirituality, ever since it was worn on him.

Not only that.

In the north and south directions of the tomb, when the rocks exploded, two swords with different energy breaths emerged respectively.

With each knife, the devil carried the zombie behind his back in the shape of an "X", which seemed to have more of the atmosphere of an ancient hero.


With a roar, he seemed to be showing his new life.

The roof of the main tomb suddenly exploded, and the rocks fell and shook, and immediately there was a big hole directly above the sky.

The bright moonlight poured in along the cave, and then all of them were swallowed and absorbed by the zombies of the devil general, and his hideous and terrifying face began to change in the blink of an eye.

Although there is still a certain gap from the appearance of ordinary people, at least it is not so scary. Especially those eyes, extraordinarily bright and resplendent.

The scarlet distance is haunting, like a black hole, and it seems to have some special magic power, which makes people feel trapped in it and unable to extricate themselves.

And the aura of the devil general's zombies also skyrocketed a lot. In just a short time, he has climbed to the peak of the state of leaving the body.


Dongyizhuang, Chenjiacun Village.

Daoist Bai arranged the two apprentices who had been petrified for most of their bodies, and regardless of their own injuries, he quickly started to open the altar to detoxify the two apprentices.

And at this moment.


A terrifying and evil aura that was as vast as an abyss suddenly rose into the sky.

Daoist Bai's cultivation is advanced and his realm is not ordinary, so he naturally felt the rise of evil spirit very quickly, his expression changed drastically, and he frowned and said: "No, such an evil and terrifying breath, I'm afraid there will be a peerless monster coming out of the world!"


The strength during the day is not bad.

Although he was injured, it didn't prevent him from feeling the evil spirit rising from the sky. Following him, he gritted his teeth and said, "We're not in the way, you should hurry over and have a look!"


"There's nothing wrong with it!"

During the day, he urged: "Master, the poison in our body has been temporarily stopped by you, and it will not deteriorate in a short time, but if the peerless monster is left alone, then I don't know how many innocent people will die. Already!"


The little apprentice Bai Ri was also very reasonable and said: "The safety of the two of us is not important, Master, you must put the overall situation first!"


Daoist Bai felt very relieved.

Although the qualifications of these two apprentices are a bit stupid, and they often cause trouble for themselves, they are still very reliable at critical moments.


He no longer hesitated.

After explaining to the two apprentices, he took all the guys, left Yizhuang, and rushed towards the direction where the evil spirit was rising.


In the ancient tomb tunnel.


Bai Xiaofei's explanation suddenly paused, and then he said in a deep voice: "Lei Xiu, you have sensed that there was a very strong evil spirit rising into the sky just now..."


Lei Xiu nodded and said: "I sensed it. According to the analysis of the location, nine out of ten it should be the tomb owner in the ancient tomb. It's just that the breath is too strong, right?"

Apart from Bai Xiaofei, Lei Xiu had never sensed such a terrifying and powerful aura from anyone else. It is conservatively estimated that at least he must have the level of a day trip to the Out of Aperture Realm.

In other words.

The ability of the tomb owner has far surpassed that of Mao Xiaofang.


Bai Xiaofei said in a deep voice: "In this world, at such a level, it can indeed be called terrifying, but for me, that's it, just an ant..."

Lei Xiu: "..."

At this moment, she didn't know whether to say a sentence: "Are you human?"

And just when Lei Xiuzhi was struggling, Bai Xiaofei suddenly changed the subject and ordered: "Attention, since the owner of the tomb has been born, it means that the Qilin Stone has been taken away, that is to say, there is no further exploration. It's necessary."

"you mean?"

"Instead of wandering around in a territory that is beneficial to the opponent, it is better to withdraw and turn passive into active." Bai Xiaofei said with a dark smile.


Lei Xiu thinks it makes sense.

So without hesitation, he immediately turned around and ran out.

In fact.

Not just her.

Lei Gang in front of Lei Xiu, and even Mao Xiaofang, also felt the horror of the soaring evil spirit, and while his face changed slightly, he also realized that the situation was not good, then turned around one after another, changed direction, and began to yearn to run.

after all……

The pattern of this ancient tomb is very special. So far, only one passage has been found. That is to say, there is almost no way out other than this.

That being the case, why go in there so stupidly?

Wouldn't it be nice to sit outside and wait for the rabbit?

To know.

This kind of environment is very conducive to the ghosts of the tomb owner, and due to environmental factors, it will also have a great impact on their release and layout.

But if you go outside, it's different.

Although the exit was a cemetery, it was very gloomy, but it was extremely empty. Whatever they cast spells, it didn't have much impact. It was definitely much better to stay in this narrow tunnel.

Which is strong and which is weak, a fool knows how to choose.


The head of the underworld at the deepest part of the tunnel, after feeling the terrifying breath of the zombie, suddenly changed his face, he was shocked and horrified: "That guy's strength has become stronger again, and he has far surpassed me. Get out of here as soon as possible, or we will all die here today!"

While reminding.

His hands were not idle, and after a while of pinching formulas and casting spells, the six children in the Nether Corpse were left in the passage by the head of the underworld, who was responsible for standing behind them and preventing the zombies from chasing after them.

He just took away Yu Dachu, who is the coach of Nether, and the two soldier-level corpses around him, in case of emergency.


The Demon General Zombie did not launch a chase.

Until Lei Xiu and others escaped from the ancient tomb tunnel, he was still in the main tomb, devouring and absorbing the essence of the moon, constantly improving and sharpening himself.

And its aura, physical body, level and strength have also become stronger and more terrifying as time goes by.

In less than half an hour, the Demon General Zombie was already in the Corpse Refining Realm, far surpassing the Silver Armored Corpse, but somewhat lower than the Golden Armored Corpse King. It is estimated that if he goes a step further, he will be able to completely cross the limit and become the rare devil general in the golden armor corpse king in the world.


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