The Storm God

Chapter 3176 Tell the truth, Miss Gui hesitates! (Please subscribe!)

Bai Xiaofei was full of expectations.


Chen Gang's "Sorry!" completely shattered his hopes.

Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed: "That's right, you've been dead for more than a thousand years, not to mention serious memory loss, plus the vicissitudes of life, it's not surprising that you don't know..."

"That's all!"

"Let's leave this matter alone for the time being. If you think of anything in the future, please tell me again. Now you should take a good rest and get familiar with your new body."

"When I need you, I will call you."


That's all.

Bai Xiaofei summoned a space card.

Chen Gang was also very knowledgeable. Although he had never seen the spells and treasures of such an artifact, he walked in silently without asking any further questions.

There is no need for Bai Xiaofei to introduce them one by one, the high-end intelligent robot in the card will help Chen Gang get familiar with everything.

Put away the cards.

Bai Xiaofei changed his mind and began to think about the Living Buddha.

According to the information he got from Xiao Xiami, the so-called reincarnation of the living Buddha was nothing more than a different kind of seizing.

in short.

Even the previous living Buddhas have almost all penetrated the truth of the false underworld, and even mastered a method to escape the arrest and reincarnation of the underworld.

The purpose is naturally to continue to live in the world with the memories of his lifetime.

As for who will fall on it in the end?


This is very Buddhist.

On the contrary, it is more in line with what Buddhism said to follow fate, whoever you love, it doesn't matter anyway. Because once the Living Buddha awakens, the host will inevitably be swallowed and fused, becoming the living Buddha's nutrient.

It may sound cruel, but it is what it is.

Leaving Xiao Xiami aside, it is the fake living Buddha in the plot, the illegitimate daughter of the Great Living Buddha Bhaspa, who has been educated like this since she was a child.

When her adoptive father and adoptive mother were killed, her pain and sadness were far less than that of other children...

This is still fake.

If it is true, then there must be no emotion!

after all……

The host is the host.

A living Buddha is a living Buddha.

The two are different, and the latter will certainly not undertake anything for the former.

This seems a bit ruthless and indifferent.


Bai Xiaofei was very disgusted by this.

Such a secret technique, to put it nicely, is reincarnation and recultivation, but to put it bluntly, it is a despicable and shameless robbery and victimization.


After learning all the truth, Bai Xiaofei decided to destroy the opponent's plan.

It's not about the Holy Mother of Bai Xiaofei, it's just that he simply can't see these guys, they are obviously extremely sinister and cunning, but they just want to pretend to be aloof and sanctimonious to deceive the world.

The most important thing is that Xiao Xiami has a very good personality, after a few days of getting along, Bai Xiaofei likes it very much.


Bai Xiaofei still saw the shadow of his daughter Xiao Bailei from Xiao Xiami's body. In view of all the above, he certainly didn't want such a lively and lovely child to suffer from the so-called Living Buddha's murderous hands.


Does Xiao Xiami owe you, or does he owe you?

Why are you sending your own messy things to Gantian Town to make troubles? It's really like the whole world belongs to you!

I, Bai Xiaofei, just can't get used to your stink!


Early the next morning.

Bai Xiaofei told Ma Xiaohai to go to the town and bring Xiao Xiami to Fuxitang.

When Rose saw that she was from Fuxitang, she naturally hated and rejected him very much, and refused to let Xiao Xiami go no matter what.

at last……

Ma Xiaohai had no choice but to resort to the technique of money escape.

"Oh well!"

Rose's attitude suddenly turned 180 degrees, silently handed over the money, and then said: "It's not impossible for Xiao Xiami to go to Fuxi Hall with you, but I must be with me, otherwise what if you plot against him?" manage?"


Ma Xiaohai nodded in response.

Bai Xiaofei just asked him to bring Xiao Xiami, he didn't say that he must be alone, so Ma Xiaohai didn't refuse Rose's request.

Not for a while.

The three of them came to Fuxi Hall.

As soon as Rose entered the door, she saw three extremely beautiful women in ancient costumes sitting around a book in the yard, reading with gusto.


In the hall of the Daoist hall, there was also an old Daoist with an immortal demeanor, like a child in class, sitting there with his chest upright, listening attentively to Bai Xiaofei's lecture.


Bai Xiaofei stopped suddenly, and said: "That's all for today, you should digest the content just now, and ask me if you don't understand anything."


The old Taoist, also known as Xu Zhuzi, retreated very wisely upon hearing this. At this time, Rose, Xiao Xiami, and Ma Xiaohai also walked in.

Bai Xiaofei stretched out his hand and said, "Sit down and talk."


Rose is not polite to him either.

Sitting down, looking familiar, he picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea, drinking while saying, "Mr. Bai, tell me, you asked Xiao Xiami to come over, what's the important thing?"

Xiao Xiami looked at Bai Xiaofei curiously, blinking his big eyes.

"That's it..."

Bai Xiaofei didn't hide anything, and immediately told the two about the living Buddha's soul in Xiao Xiami's body, and finally said: "In short, if you continue to let it go, then one day, Xiao Xiami will be replaced by a living Buddha and become a living Buddha. An existence with the body of a small shrimp, but whose soul belongs to others..."



After listening to Bai Xiaofei's narration, Xiao Xiami and Rose were immediately dumbfounded.

no way.

They don't know what it means to live Buddha or something.


The soul is replaced by this.

The two of them understood it completely, and apart from being horrified and terrified, they also had expressions full of disbelief and suspicion.

After all, these are Bai Xiaofei's one-sided words. What about the evidence? Without credible evidence, how can we trust you?

And Rose obviously thought more.


She looked at Bai Xiaofei solemnly, and asked: "If all this is true, is there any way you can stop that Living Buddha?"

To Rose, Xiao Xiami is like her own son, and of course she doesn't want her child to be replaced by Lao Shizi's Living Buddha.

Nothing else matters.

"Of course there is!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded with a smile, and said: "To be honest, the reason why I called Xiao Xiami over today is to get out the living Buddha's soul from his body!"

"after all……"

"Little Xiami is so cute. I really like it. Naturally, I don't want such an innocent and lively child to be plotted by the other party for no reason."

"But it requires your consent."


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei's face suddenly sank, and he explained: "Because in the process of casting the spell, the soul of the Living Buddha will inevitably struggle and resist, and even threaten it with the soul of Little Xiami..."

"You mean there is danger?" Rose interrupted.


Bai Xiaofei generously admitted.

At the same time, he said: "There are bound to be dangers, but please don't worry, with my ability, the living Buddha can't afford to make too much waves, at most it will make the little shrimp suffer some pain, if you want, I will He can be anesthetized so that the pain will be relatively small..."


Little Xiami blinked his eyes, dumbfounded.

When Rose heard the words, she was a little hesitant, firstly because she didn't believe in Bai Xiaofei's ability, and secondly because she was afraid that Little Xiami would be harmed.

The most important thing is that all of these are Bai Xiaofei's one-sided claims, without any evidence, what if the other party is fooling himself?


After thinking twice.

Rose finally chose to refuse, saying that she wanted to go back and seriously consider it. Anyway, there is no rush now, and there is no need to make a decision immediately.


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