The Storm God

Chapter 3186 Create a legion and only accept disciples! (Please subscribe!)

"How is the situation at the Great Xia Dynasty?"

After finishing the discussion on the space-time multiverse, Bai Xiaofei suddenly changed the subject and asked Dr. Zola about the Great Xia Dynasty.

"There are already some clues. According to Agent 007's report, the Great Xia Dynasty seems to be gathering troops. It is not yet known whether they will fight over."

Dr. Zola replied.

"How about... I send someone to sneak in and investigate?"

"Need not!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head.

The Great Xia Dynasty is not weak, and now that the space-time shuttle is being upgraded, Bai Xiaofei can't buy more powerful props and commodities.

If a war really broke out, it would be a great disadvantage for him.


At this stage, stability is the main priority.

Bai Xiaofei instructed: "Just pay close attention. If the other party really intends to launch a war, we will take a countermeasure test. Now the key is to recuperate!"


Dr. Zola agrees.

After the last battle, many masters in the corpse brother world fell. Although the results were good, the difference in level was there after all.

In order to grow into a high-level world comparable to the Great Xia Dynasty, the corpse brother world still has a long way to go.


Behind them was Bai Xiaofei.

Coupled with the previous opportunities, the current corpse world is not what it used to be, with extremely fast development, the three worlds are thriving, and the prospects are very bright.

If this continues, I'm afraid that within ten years, the level of the entire world will definitely be raised to another level. Well, the premise is that there is no super-scale war breaking out.


The population and expert legion that have been developed with great difficulty may be exhausted within a few waves. Even with the support of other worlds.

"Sir, what is the situation in other worlds?"

Dr. Zola asked, although the Lord God's optical brain can monitor the movements of the traversers under his command, it consumes a lot of energy, so this function has not been enabled.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei's avatar is right there, there is absolutely no need to do anything extra. If there is anything you don't understand, if you want to know, just ask Bai Xiaofei's avatar directly.

In order to cope with possible future wars, Dr. Nazola must of course understand the current situation as much as possible. And the members of the younger brothers who have traveled to other worlds are undoubtedly one of the important combat power components.

"not bad!"

Of course Bai Xiaofei knew what Dr. Zola meant.

Hearing this, he immediately passed a document to him, which described in detail Bai Xiaofei's incarnation, his achievements in many worlds, and his development.

Although the younger brother, who is the main experimenter, doesn't seem to have achieved much, but Bai Xiaofei's incarnation has achieved amazing benefits.


The Fountain of Eternal Life, the Undercover Brother, the possibility of multiverse, the artificial sun design, the strongest Emperor Dragon Emperor, the will to believe in the Green Lantern Ring...

Etc., etc.

Once these projects and projects are developed and perfected, they will definitely bring earth-shaking changes and improvements to the younger brothers in the corpse world.

Don't say anything else.

Just the will to believe in the Green Lantern Ring can easily form a large number of Green Lantern Warrior Legions with powerful combat effectiveness.


The premise is that these fighters must have an absolutely loyal belief in Bai Xiaofei, as well as the imagination of Tianma Xingkong, otherwise, even if they get a magic weapon such as the Green Lantern Ring, they may not be able to exert their due power.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei was full of confidence.

In the world of Corpse Brothers, and even other related worlds, Bai Xiaofei is almost an absolute god!

The belief and loyalty of all sentient beings to him is absolutely outstanding.

It is not difficult for him to create the Green Lantern Corps. He just needs to select some players with the highest level of faith and clear brain circuits from these creatures, even if the opponent is just an ordinary farmer no problem.

To know.

Dr. Zola created the Zola algorithm, which can predict the future development of the opponent in advance based on the big data of the network...

With this artifact, there is no difficulty in choosing a capable person!

Dr. Zola only needs to enter specific conditional standard vocabulary in the algorithm software, and the system will automatically screen out qualified players and relevant information for him.

The rest is training and elimination.


These things are nothing to Bai Xiaofei at all. The only thing missing is time. As long as time allows, everything is fine.

As for other engineering projects, due to various reasons, the effect is far less rapid and prominent than the green light ring.

But it doesn't matter.

The key is to be useful, after all, Bai Xiaofei's goal is not the present, but the future. The talent reserve at any time is the top priority!

that's all……

After a discussion between the two, the plan of the Green Lantern Corps was put on the agenda. Various other engineering projects of great importance were also established.

And the world of Mount Shu, where Bai Xiaofei himself is located, has also ushered in a drastic transformation, in addition to allowing a large number of younger brothers under his command to enter, improving life expectancy and strength.

The recruitment of mortal disciples in the local world has also been put on the agenda.

in short.

Under Bai Xiaofei's efforts to change the world of Shushan, it has become more and more like the one in the novel. The sects are opened wide and disciples are widely recruited.

The legendary Cultivation of Immortals is no longer mysterious, but has been completely presented in front of ordinary people, and an olive branch is offered so that some people can also participate.

The impact and shock caused by this move can be imagined. The most notable thing is that the wars between countries in the mortal world have almost stopped.


Immortal cultivators have appeared, who still has the heart to fight for this.

Isn't immortality not fragrant?


Contradictions still exist.

It's just that with the development of the age of practice, the way people in the world resolve hatred, grievances, and even national conflicts has also undergone corresponding changes.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei naturally didn't care much.

He has only one request, the more juniors under his command, the better, no matter what your background is, what enemies you have, or the reason, once you join my sect, then there is only one goal from now on——

Give me a lot of energy to become stronger!


You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't commit crimes and go farther and farther on the path of murderous demons, then there will be no problem.

After all, what Bai Xiaofei wants is a fierce tiger and hungry wolf who can go to war, not a soft Pleasant Goat and embroidered pillows!

In order to enhance the strength and viciousness of his disciples, Bai Xiaofei even encouraged the competition and competition among his subordinates, and set up various lists for this purpose. As long as they are on the list, there will be various benefits beyond imagination.


The entire Shushan world went crazy.

Countless people scrambled to join Shushan sect, not to mention, the disciples who were successfully selected also worked hard one by one, and all aimed at positions on various ranking lists. And under such a big environment, a few incomparably bright new stars have indeed gradually risen.

Among them, the one who has made the fastest progress has already possessed the level of Dan Chenzi and Xuantianzong in a short period of time, making countless others envious.


These people became role models and role models.

Not only was he selected as the core disciple of the sect, he was rewarded with countless natural and earthly treasures and cultivation resources, and he also had the qualification to become a disciple of the immortal (Bai Xiaofei).

In short.

The development of Shushan World is extremely smooth.

In a short period of time, the high-end fighters under Bai Xiaofei's command broke through more than six digits, and the strength of the strong who reached the stage of transforming gods (belonging to the gods) even surpassed five digits.

Masters like Xuantianzong, Dan Chenzi, Lian Xing, and Li Yingqi made breakthroughs one after another, stepping into a whole new field.

The scale of Bai Xiaofei's influence has grown explosively like never before.


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