The Storm God

Chapter 3199 Natural disaster, evil spirits! (Please subscribe!)

After a while, Uncle Jiu and his two apprentices, Qiusheng and Wencai, were invited by the villagers of Renjia Town.

Except for him.

The villagers also invited Shi Jian who had just arrived here not long ago.


Shi Jian lied that he had other things to do.

So didn't come.


Uncle Jiu's eyesight is really extraordinary.

With just one glance, it is almost concluded that the special fate of these four people and the root cause of the danger they may encounter.


Just to be on the safe side.

Uncle Jiu didn't tell the truth on the spot, but told everyone to be careful recently, and it's best not to go out easily, because the murderer may come out to do evil again.

For a time, the entire Renjia Town was panicked and shrouded in a huge fear.

"Uncle Jiu, you must find out the murderer as soon as possible, otherwise we will not be able to survive if this continues?"

"That's right!"

"It was a zombie before, but now some kind of monster has emerged. I'm afraid there is something wrong with the Feng Shui in the town?"

"Uncle Jiu's Taoism is profound, let's show it!"



It is a matter of their own lives, and none of the villagers dare to neglect.

Uncle Jiu had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree. Under the begging of everyone, he checked the feng shui and geography of Renjia Town.



I don't know if I don't look at it, but when I saw it, Uncle Jiu was shocked, and said to himself: "There is really a problem with the geomantic omen of Renjia Town!"

Uncle Jiu checked it carefully several times.

He can fully confirm that there are absolutely no traces or clues of man-made damage to the geomantic veins of Renjia Town, but the energy of the geomantic veins has been sucked away a lot!

With the massive loss of the energy of the earth veins, the feng shui of Renjia Town naturally declined a lot, which led to the occurrence of many bad things.


Uncle Jiu couldn't see what caused the loss of the energy of the earth veins for a while. And in order to appease the public, Uncle Jiu did not bluntly say that there is a problem with Feng Shui, but just told everyone that there is nothing wrong here.

As for the recent series of accidents, they are purely accidental.

What Uncle Jiu said was extremely solemn and serious, and the villagers in Renjia Town naturally believed it and felt a lot more at ease.

After giving Uncle Jiu a few words, everyone went back to their homes and dispersed.


On the way back, Qiu Sheng, who had already seen something wrong with Master, couldn't help asking: "Is there really something wrong with the Feng Shui in Renjia Town?"

He has followed Uncle Jiu for so many years. Although he didn't learn much about Taoism, he has a thorough understanding of Uncle Jiu's temper.

Seeing Uncle Jiu's eyes in a trance just now, Qiu Sheng knew that Master was lying.

Only a fool like Wen Cai didn't notice.


Uncle Jiu nodded.

Then he frowned and explained: "Although I still can't see where the problem is, there are only a few things related to geomantic omen. The geomantic omen of Renjia Town is not man-made. Then It can only be a natural disaster!"

"Natural disaster?" Qiu Sheng didn't understand.

"That's right!"

Uncle Jiu sighed.

For these two apprentices, he also completely gave up, but he still patiently explained: "Fengshui and earth veins are not static, as time goes by, mountains, rivers and rivers may also encounter various reasons. It has a direct impact on the geomantic veins of a certain place."

"That's how I understand."

Qiu Sheng's eyes lit up immediately, and then he said, "So, Master, do you suspect that the geomantic omen of Renjia Town has been affected by natural changes?"

"You can say that,"

Uncle Jiu nodded, but then shook his head again, and explained: "However, we need to investigate the specific situation to be sure, because some special reasons, such as the presence of evil spirits, can also cause similar problems. Effect."

Speaking of which.

He couldn't help sighing, and then ordered Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to say: "Now you two go to Qiushiling, Hengxia Mountain, and Fengxi River near Renjia Town to check if there are any special changes or abnormalities. ..."

"What if not?" Wen Cai asked.

"That's even more troublesome!"

Uncle Jiu said solemnly: "If there are no abnormal changes in the mountains, rivers and rivers, it means that it is not a natural disaster, but an evil spirit."

"As for any evil spirit that has the ability to change one's geomantic veins, its strength is absolutely not too low. Even with my ability, I'm afraid it will be difficult to subdue it!"

"so smart?"

When Qiusheng and Wencai heard this, they were also taken aback.

In their impression, there was almost nothing wrong with Uncle Jiu. How could it be that there was something wrong with Feng Shui, and such a terrifying evil spirit appeared. Even the master said it was difficult to deal with, so it should be so scary.


Uncle Jiu sighed and said, "I'm going to put it mildly. It would be great if we could find out the evil spirit earlier, otherwise..."

"As time goes by, the more energy he absorbs from the earth's veins, the more frightening his strength and cultivation will be. Let alone us, the entire Renjia Town will be completely destroyed!"

"So this mission, you must not be a bit sloppy, because this will really kill many, many people, including you and me!"

"have you understood?"


Uncle Jiu exhorted extremely sternly.

As the master, he knows the virtues of these two apprentices best. If he doesn't explain the situation clearly, I'm afraid the two of them will cheat and play tricks again, and muddle things along.


Sure enough, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, who originally planned to deal with it casually, were shocked when they heard what the master said about the terrible things, and they didn't dare to have any lazy thoughts anymore.


Before leaving, the mischievous Qiu Sheng couldn't help but ask Uncle Jiu: "Master, if we leave such an important matter to us, what are you doing?"


Uncle Jiu immediately said in a bad mood: "Of course it's about investigating a murder case. You think I'm just like the two of you, so I know how to steal and play tricks!"

"Stop talking here, don't hurry up!"


The two left.

And Uncle Jiu's expression became more and more serious as the two apprentices left, because he didn't tell the truth about some things.

for example……

The murder thing.

In fact, from the very beginning, Uncle Jiu saw the clues.

It's just that for some reason, he didn't say it. Because he always believed that although the elder brother was usually a little ruthless and did things a little too extreme, he should not be so mad that he would take the initiative to harm others.

That's right!

When he saw the wounds of those corpses, Uncle Jiu had vaguely guessed that these were not bitten by zombies, but by corpse demons.

Although the conditions for the formation of corpse monsters are not as harsh as zombies, certain factors determine that it is destined not to be as common as zombies.

The most important of these are Taoism and cultivation.

That is.

Without certain skills, even if you are proficient in this method, it is impossible to successfully refine the corpse demon. Even if the Tao is enough, the body cannot die for too long, and the soul cannot be ditched or turned into a ghost or something.


If you want to refine a corpse demon, you must meet many conditions.

And looking at the entire Renjia Town, the only person who can use this ability and meets the requirements is the senior brother Shi Jian. After all, his apprentice was just beaten to death by the two apprentices of Uncle Jiu...

The conditions are met, and there is also a motive for action. After casting the spell, he was not invited to come to see the victim's body...

In all of this, Uncle Jiu couldn't help but doubt Shi Jian.


Doubt is useless.

For a matter of life and death, there must be evidence.

Psychologically, Uncle Jiu didn't want the murderer to be Shi Jian. After all, Shi Jian was his elder brother and the master of contemporary Maoshan Shu.

If this disaster was really caused by Shi Jian, then it would really discredit the teacher.

But in terms of righteousness and fairness, Uncle Jiu can't ignore it. After all, it is a living life, and there are several in one death, how can Uncle Jiu abandon it?

At least his conscience won't let him go.

not to mention……

He himself is a priest.

Eliminating demons and subduing demons is originally his duty and obligation.


After thinking twice.

In the end, Uncle Jiu decided to investigate carefully. If this matter has nothing to do with the elder brother, then that's all.

As for how to check?

This is simple, if the corpse monster wants to maintain its original shape, and even cultivate to a higher level, it must constantly suck human blood.

Especially the blood essence of those with special fate.


As long as you stay by this kind of person, you don't have to worry about the murderer not coming out to look for food. At that time, the stolen goods will be obtained together, and no one can deny it!

"Let's go to the village head first!"

Uncle Jiu summed it up. If he wants to implement his plan, he must know the birthdays of the entire Renjia Town villagers. Otherwise, how can he arrange protection in advance if he doesn't know whose fate is good?

Moreover, this matter must be carried out in secret, otherwise, if the news leaks out, it is too small to not catch the murderer. Once it causes panic among the public, it will be bad.

Especially the guy Awei, the security captain.

Typical big mouth.


After a while.

Uncle Jiu came to the village chief's house.

Unfortunately, the security captain Awei was also here. When Uncle Jiu came, the village head seemed to be giving orders, and Awei nodded and bowed, flattering to the extreme.

In fact, think about it.

after all……

Awei is the security captain of Renjia Town, now that several people were killed in the town at once, no matter what, he can hardly absolve himself of the blame.


Seeing Uncle Jiu coming, the village chief waved his hands impatiently, and immediately issued an order to expel Ah Wei, saying: "Hurry up and get out, if you can't catch the murderer within three days, you, the captain, don't do it, or Go home and farm!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Awei was very relieved and left.

Before leaving, he did not forget to wink at Uncle Jiu, which meant: "Hide in front of the village chief and say something nice for me. Then I will cooperate a lot and look after you!"

And Uncle Jiu did understand Ah Wei's eyes.

to be honest.

Uncle Jiu originally didn't want to care about this mess, but then he thought about arresting the murderer and looking for Feng Shui problems, and he might need the help of the security team in the future. Take advantage of it.


He nodded.

Awei was overjoyed immediately, if it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he probably would have saved Jiu Shu's thigh right away, and called out Da Merci, Da Merci or something.

Uncle Jiu didn't shake Awei either.

After the village head dismissed the servant according to Uncle Jiu's wishes, he informed the village head of some of his discoveries and countermeasures in detail.

He also interceded for Awei, saying that the security team cannot be blamed for the evil spirits, because even his ninth uncle may not be able to completely prevent and resist it.

Seeing that Uncle Jiu had said so, the village chief forgave Awei's "negligence of duty" from the bottom of his heart while realizing the seriousness of the problem, and promised that he would not pursue the matter again.


Awei's recent performance is really not good.

If he is still like this and does not want to make progress and improve, then the position of the captain of the security team will have to be changed sooner or later, and it will be useless for anyone to ask for it.

"I'm just talking about things."

Uncle Jiu's meaning is also very simple, what I said about this matter, the rest has nothing to do with me, you can do whatever you want.

The village chief was very satisfied with this, and he kept calling Uncle Jiu in his heart that he was sensible and capable of being a man.


He found some other important squires in the town, and ordered everyone to fully cooperate with Uncle Jiu in handling the case, and not to leak any news.

In fact, this matter does not need to be ordered by him, everyone will do the same, after all, human life is at stake, and it is also related to the feng shui of the entire town, who dares to be careless?

If you can't guarantee the future, you will be the unlucky one!


No one will leak it.

And Uncle Jiu also very smoothly obtained the relevant birthday horoscope information registered by the villagers from the village chief, and found a few more people with Siyin (yinyueyinyueyindayyinshi) fate among them.

"How many of these are in the suburbs?"

"Let me see."

The squire in charge of household registration management glanced at the household registration book, then nodded and said: "Well, they are in a special situation, they seem to have moved from other villages, and they are not familiar with the place where they live, so when the house was built, These outskirts are specially chosen, saying that it is convenient to go back and visit relatives..."

"The other thing is that he has a withdrawn personality, or is unlucky or something. That guy Wang Daniu moved there because the fields allocated to him are far away, so he moved there for convenience..."


Uncle Jiu suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

These people with four yin fates are absolute supplements to the corpse monster, and they don't worry that the other party will not take the bait to commit murder.

But they lived in too remote a distance of more than ten kilometers between east and west, north and south. Uncle Jiu and his two apprentices, there were only three people in total, so they couldn't be busy at all.

And as long as they miss one, it means that the murderer has an opportunity to take advantage of it, and then there may be another innocent victim.

"Uncle Nine."

The village head was obviously aware of this, so he suggested: "A few days ago, didn't you invite many friends of the same way to help you? This time..."


Before he could say anything, Uncle Jiu shook his head and sighed: "After the incident, they almost all left. They should probably be on the road at the moment, and this matter must be handled in secret, otherwise it is very likely to leak out."

"Then what to do?"


Uncle Jiu was silent for a moment.

Suddenly, he thought of one, and his eyes lit up immediately, and said: "I forgot, but in the nearby Gantian Town, there is a fellow Daoist Bai, whose depth of Taoism is the only one I have ever seen in my life, even if he has other things to come No, maybe there is some solution, so I'll just ask him..."


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