The Storm God

Chapter 3204 Rebuild the majesty of the underworld! (Please subscribe!)

Bai Xiaofei was a little surprised.

Although not all of the imposing power he used just now, it is definitely not something that can be countered by the strength of the so-called young Yan Jun in front of him alone.

In other words.

The current He Qing, if not dead, should be half dead.

But the fact is not the case.

Then the problem should lie in the layer of blue light covering Yan Junheqing's body... Bai Xiaofei said rather unexpectedly: "Is it a magic weapon for body protection?"

It looks like the level is not low.


next moment.

Following Bai Xiaofei's thoughts, Yan Junheqing had no ability to resist, and was directly controlled to float.

Not just him, but that table too.


The table wasn't broken either.

It wasn't that Bai Xiaofei kept his hand, but the table seemed to be protected by some kind of force, so nothing happened, only the ground suffered.



How does Bai Xiaofei see it?

I could see the clues almost at a glance, and couldn't help but smile slightly: "It seems that you really have something in this hell, but I underestimated you..."

He saw it.

It is a bead that protects Yan Junheqing.

It has a huge amount of meritorious power and other special powers. Even the jade seal on the table is the same.

"I think it should be a treasure made by the underworld government for many years, and the rewards bestowed by heaven?" Bai Xiaofei muttered to himself: "But judging by your age, you are not very old. Could it be that this bead is not you?" of?"

During the conversation.

The merit beads on He Qing's body were already controlled by Bai Xiaofei to float in front of him. The former showed extremely resentful and angry eyes...


This bead is extremely important to him.

"Only about 1 million?"

Bai Xiaofei ignored He Qing's eyes, carefully sensed the power inside the bead, and then showed a disdainful expression: "I thought there were so many, but it turned out to be so little, really disappointing!"


"Thinking about it, for you, 1 million merits is almost an astronomical figure, and it is normal to treat it as a treasure!"

"But to me, it's kind of like rubbish."

"I'll give it back to you!"


Bai Xiaofei returned the beads to He Qing.

Even though the mosquito's legs are as small as they are meat, they still have points, like now, Bai Xiaofei is here to expand his power, not to rob.

Whether 1 million merits are important, or a reliable ready-made younger brother is better, someone can still tell the difference.


The merit beads were lost and recovered, which made He Qing slightly taken aback, he found that he couldn't understand this person more and more...

But right now is not the time to worry about this, he couldn't help asking: "Who are you? What exactly do you want to do in the underworld?"

At this moment.

The other ghost messengers are almost better.

For example, Judge Yang Ke had recovered from the backlash from the formation, and then quickly walked in front of He Qing, making a gesture of protection.

But He Qing waved her hand to stop her.

The meaning is very simple.

This person is too terrifying. We are like ants in front of him. If the other party really intends to kill someone, we and others will be gone long ago.

It doesn't make any difference whether you do defense or not.


Yang Ke had no choice but to give up.

For all this, Bai Xiaofei just watched silently, and did not stop it. But he was more and more satisfied with He Qing's performance.


This Yan Junheqing, who resembles a teenager with internet addiction, is quite different from the Yan Wang in his impression, but his temper is not bad.

In short.

It fits Bai Xiaofei's taste very well.

In other words, it is worth cultivating and developing as a younger brother.


Judge Yang Ke is also good.

Knowing that he is invincible, he can still loyally protect the Lord, but this kind of loyalty is really rare, and judging by his appearance, he seems to have lived for a long time, and he may know a lot of secrets in the past...

Just accept it together.


Bai Xiaofei made a decision.

As for the other brats like bull-headed and horse-faced, they didn't care at all. This kind of head is completely added, there is not much difference whether it is there or not.

It wasn't worth his while to observe.

"You can call me White Feather."

Bai Xiaofei began to introduce himself, and went straight to the point: "To be honest, I come from another world, and the purpose of coming here is also very simple. One is to investigate the secrets of the disappearance of heaven and hell, and the other is to receive and grasp Hell, intends to rearrange and improve this place."

Say it all.

Yan Junheqing and judge Yang Ke were shocked: "Another world? Investigate the secret of the disappearance of heaven and the underworld? Receive and control the underworld..."


The two looked at each other, their eyes full of shock and disbelief.

But they quickly recovered.

There is no other reason.

Who made Bai Xiaofei awesome.

Such terrifying strength, in this world, is absolutely invincible, and it is also extremely unreasonable.

Only visitors from another world can explain it.


Investigate the secrets of the disappearance of heaven and hell?

Even receive the underworld...


The two suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Yan Junheqing forced himself to calm down, instead of getting angry, he asked patiently, "Then Mr. Bai, how do you plan to organize and improve the underworld?"

he is very smart.

He didn't ask why he wanted to manage the underworld, but wanted to know how to manage the underworld. There is an essential difference between the two.

to be honest.

For the position of Yan Jun, He Qing herself is not very willing to do it.

Apart from that poor merit, there is almost no benefit, no freedom, and almost no vacation throughout the year...

It's just horrible.

If this visitor from another world really has the ability to improve the management of the underworld, make it look brand new, and make it more prosperous, then it is not impossible to give up Yan Jun's position.

After all, this is not a good job.


Bai Xiaofei glanced at Yan Junheqing with some meaning, then smiled and said: "I think you must have misunderstood one thing, although I said that I want to receive and control the underworld, I didn't say that I want to be Yan Jun, this position is still yours ..."


He Qing was taken aback immediately: "What do you mean?"

On the contrary, Judge Yang Ke, who has lived for so many years and has extremely quick mind, understood someone's meaning almost instantly, and subconsciously said, "You mean to be the one behind the scenes?"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei glanced at Yang Ke appreciatively, and then explained: "I usually have a lot of things to do, and I don't have time to come here to manage, so you are responsible for everything, but you have an extra boss from now on, and the working mode I have to change it too..."

"Don't you think that the current underworld is almost dead in name only, and has no deterrent power at all? Any monk with a little cultivation can break in. It's almost like someone else's back garden. I guess this is the root cause of so many ghosts in the mortal world. The reason?"


He Qing and Yang Ke were embarrassed when they heard this.

no way.

Because what Bai Xiaofei said was the truth.

If it weren't for the fact that the underworld is in vain, how could it be so easy for the mortal world to become a ghost? Do you really think these ghost soldiers are just paper?


Today is different.

In the past, the underworld was really awesome and powerful. It had the Ten Palaces of Yama sitting in charge, and the Heavenly Court backed it up.

but now……

It's almost a ruin here.

The so-called Lord Yan and a group of ghost generals are nothing but the surviving lonely ghosts, organized spontaneously, and using the existing ruins resources to rebuild a fake hell...

Naturally, there is nothing strong to show for it.


What does this person mean?

Listening to his words, could it be that he wants to restore the glory and majesty of the underworld?


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