The Storm God

Chapter 3224 Physical exorcism, burning the church!

Zhao Family Village.

Outside the church, Uncle Jiu, Qiu Sheng, the head nun Maria, and a group of little nuns all surrounded the outside of the church nervously and dignifiedly.

"Master, what do you think we should do?"

The first one to speak was the head nun Maria. At first she didn't believe what Uncle Jiu said that the church had an evil source, but later she had to believe it.


By chance, she discovered Karan Diesel. The other party looked like a standard Western vampire, surrounded by a group of vampire bats, walked into the retreat room and hid in the sarcophagus, but the scene was clearly seen by Sister Maria.

Fortunately, it was almost dawn at that time, and it was the time when the vampires and bats were weakest and wanted to rest. Otherwise, Maria might have become one of the vampire's servants long ago.

The next day, Maria quickly found Uncle Jiu. They are going to unite with Uncle Jiu to wipe out this devil in one fell swoop.

But it's a pity.

Uncle Jiu happened to go out at that time.

Because Karan Diesel has already started doing evil everywhere, killing several people in just one day, and after those people became servants of vampires, they also naturally became vampires, and then spread it to ten, ten to hundreds...


There are many more vampires in Zhaojia Village.

As the most famous Taoist priest in Shixiangbali, Uncle Jiu naturally did his part. After the villagers sensed the danger, he rushed up immediately.


Although there are differences between Western vampires and local zombies, certain essences remain the same. Just like they are still afraid of the sun...

Although the talisman is no longer useful, some magic tools are still somewhat lethal.


Uncle Nine was pleasantly surprised to find that these vampires are far from the local zombies, and physical exorcism is very effective.


The security team is of great use at this time.

The captain, Awei, has become the key figure in slaying demons that everyone expects. Although most of his abilities are bragging, the guns in his hands are real.

After some planning and ambushes, most of the ordinary vampires were easily wiped out by the security team's guns.

Only some elite-level vampires who drank too much blood and whose strength had been greatly improved escaped, but even so, they were all severely injured.

During the past two days, Uncle Nine and the security team have almost all searched for these fish that escaped the net near Zhaojia Village, preparing to eliminate the evil.


After searching, they met Karan Diesel, the chief vampire leader, and the two sides started a battle between China and the West.

In the end, I don't know if it was due to the plot or an accidental coincidence. Uncle Jiu and the others didn't do anything to Karan Diesel, but luckily beat Alisa to death.

Karan Diesel ran away on the spot.


The hero couldn't stand the crowd, even if he ran away, he couldn't stand the joint siege of Uncle Jiu and others, and finally escaped injured.

So there was Maria, the head nun, who saw that scene.

It was not until early this morning that the two sides finally met, exchanged information, and learned everything, so they all gathered here in the church.

Uncle Jiu also had a lot of experience in dealing with western vampires. Seeing the worried expression on the head nun Maria's face, he quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, we have already thought of a countermeasure, and we will definitely be able to eliminate him today!"

The voice just fell.


The figure of Awei, the captain of the security team, jumped out from the side of the church, and then said as he walked, "I have prepared kerosene all around as you ordered..."

Uncle Jiu's plan is simple.

That is to set fire directly, and even burn the whole church together.

By then...

The flames were raging, and without the cover of the church, the vampire had suffered heavy injuries before, so he must be extremely passive, and everyone would assume guns and artillery around...

The success rate of eliminating demons is almost 100%.


But when the head nun Maria heard this, she stopped doing it on the spot: "Are you going to set fire to the entire church? This is impossible! We have worked hard and worked hard for this church, how can you easily set it on fire!"

"Lady Maria!"

Uncle Jiu said earnestly: "The church can still be built if it is gone, and I have already convinced the village chief that the gentry will contribute money and efforts, so that a brand new church will be built in a short time. If the vampire escapes, the consequences will be unimaginable..."


When Maria heard this, she was immediately speechless.

After all, a lot of people died in Zhaojia Village recently, and the culprit was Karan Diesel, one of the former missionaries.

Nowadays, for the sake of the public, it is understandable that people want to burn down the church, not to mention that they have made a promise that they will help rebuild the church afterwards...

What reason does she have to refuse?

"All right!"

In the end Maria agreed to Uncle Jiu's plan, nodded and said, "I hope you will do what you say, otherwise I will pester you every day!"


Uncle Jiu was speechless for a while.

But this is not the time to chat with the other party. Seeing that the sun is about to climb to the highest peak, with an order, the members of the security team who have been prepared around immediately throw out the torches in their hands.


The fire oil burns instantly.

The entire church was enveloped in raging fire almost instantly. The monstrous fire waves roiled and churned wantonly, causing the surrounding temperature to rise a lot in an instant.

Even though Uncle Jiu and the others had already retreated a long way, they still felt a scorching breath rushing towards their faces, forcing them to continue to retreat a little more.

Even the periphery is like this, in the church in the center of the flames, the situation can be imagined, it is like hell.

And Karan Diesel, who was hiding in the sarcophagus in the retreat room, and the vampire bats around him who fell on the roof, also quickly sensed the danger.


By the time they found out, it was too late. The billowing fire waves had already trapped them in the church at this moment.

The first unlucky ones were the vampire bats, which opened up their intelligence and mutated a little, but they were still bats in the end.

After the fire burned like this, he immediately lost his sense of proportion and started to rush around, and was quickly swallowed by the monstrous flames, turning into one barbecue after another in a blink of an eye, and finally turned into ashes, dying beyond all means died.

Even Karan Diesel, the leader of the vampires, was not much better. The terrifying air waves and high temperature made his injuries rapidly worsen.

While the blood flow continued, some parts of the body were burned and corroded by the power of the flames, and a large area of ​​melting appeared.


To survive.

At this moment, Karan Diesel had no choice but to resort to the life-saving stunt of pressing the bottom of the box, but saw him roaring up to the sky, and the terrifying evil force surged out, straight out of the sky.

at the same time.

The weather, which was originally clear and cloudless, suddenly began to stir up wind and clouds, and thunder rolled. Almost in the blink of an eye, large dark clouds gathered from all directions.

The scorching sun was quickly blocked.

Dark clouds, lightning and thunder, strong winds, and heavy rain are approaching.

"not good!"

Uncle Jiu and the others outside the church screamed inwardly when they saw this. Obviously they never expected that this western vampire would have such power that he could manipulate the weather. If the opponent succeeds in this, the heavy rain will fall suddenly, then the fire will be completely over.

There was nothing they could do to stop it.


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