The Storm God

Chapter 3243 Boarding in the ancestral hall, restore the peak!

"What next?"

Mao Xiaofang frowned and said, "You can't let the other party go on like this, right? Although the deaths are all fake, the impact is not good!"

"This is also impossible!"

Bai Xiaofei said helplessly: "If we want to draw out their conspiracy and get the stolen goods, we can only bear with it for the time being. After all, there is a more powerful evil that may be hidden in it. For the sake of the overall situation, we can only do this!"


Mao Xiaofang remained silent.

Although he felt very uncomfortable, he had to admit that Bai Xiaofei was right. The affairs of Adixia, Basiba and others are trivial, and the evil way is the most important thing.

That guy has been hiding in the dark from the beginning to the end. If he doesn't find a way to find him, God knows how much trouble it will cause in the future.

Think here.

Mao Xiaofang didn't say anything more.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei already has a plan, he just needs to follow the plan. Just like the current family of three, they need to take care of themselves.


Bai Xiaofei had already thought of a countermeasure.

He also gave Mao Xiaofang one of the magical artifacts of the space card, which is specially used to take in the villagers of Gantian Town who need to feign death.


In order to avoid exposing too much of his secrets, the space card for Mao Xiaofang is specially made. Although the environment and facilities inside are more advanced and luxurious than this era, they are not too different.

I believe that with such a comfortable and beautiful environment, those who are temporarily placed in suspended animation will not have too many complaints.

After all, everything in it may not be enjoyed by them in this life.

Isn't it just restricting personal freedom for a period of time?

What's the matter.

He is not good when he is out on a trip!


Hairy Xiaofang goes out.

It can be said that Bai Xiaofei saved a lot of worry, he can concentrate on observing everything in Gantian Town secretly, and silently be a mastermind behind the scenes.

at the same time.

Nyingma was not idle either.

In the past few days, they have been active in the outskirts of Gantian Town, in order to create opportunities for Adixa and others to borrow a knife to kill people, and to be handsome for themselves.

And Adixia and the others really took the bait.

But almost all the peasant households where Nyingma appeared were murdered, either children were killed, or the whole family was wiped out.


All of a sudden, the whole Gantian town was panicked. Song Zilong and the others in the police station were about to suffer from a nervous breakdown caused by the successive tragedies.

After all, they don't know anything.

All kinds of busy work, looking for clues to solve the case, everyone is as tired as a dog, but they can't find anything, and they have to face a lot of pressure every day...

Who can resist this shit.

"Master Mao!"

On this day, Song Zilong was really at a loss.

He directly found Mao Xiaofang, and asked him if there was any way to prevent it, after all, it was not a way to continue like this.


Mao Xiaofang pondered for a moment.

Finally, he said, "It's not that there is no way, but I just don't know if it will work."


Song Zilong was overjoyed when he heard this.

Immediately said hurriedly: "Master Mao, what can you do? You can talk about it first. If there is any difficulty, we will find a way to solve it. Anyway, the murderer can't be allowed to continue to harm people like this!"


Mao Xiaofang nodded in agreement.

Then he said: "In these recent cases, I found one thing in common, that is, these children have a relatively high understanding of Buddhism..."


Song Zilong was shocked when he heard the words.

He is not a stupid person either, when he heard this, he immediately thought of something, his eyes lit up and he said: "Master Mao, what do you mean, the murderer did not kill innocent people aimlessly, but wanted to kill those who have studied Buddhism. Taller kids?!"


Mao Xiaofang nodded and said: "So my suggestion is to let the children live in the ancestral hall as much as possible, with the protection of Master Adixa and others. I think those children should be safer, but I don't know if Master Adixa and the others will agree. ..."

"I'll tell them!" Song Zilong felt that this method was very good, so he turned around and went to the ancestral hall to find Adixa and others.

"Infinite Life Buddha!"

"Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. If we can help the villagers in Gantian Town, we are obliged to do our best!"

"Captain Song, don't worry, with us here, the murderer will never want to hurt the children!"


Adixa actually wanted to do this a long time ago.

It's just that there has been no legitimate reason and excuse. I didn't expect someone to give me a pillow when I fell asleep, but Song Zilong came directly to propose it.


They immediately went downhill and readily agreed to the plan.


the next day.

Under Captain Song's announcement.

The ancestral hall began to recruit students, from the original day study to boarding. And it doesn't charge a penny, mainly for the safety of children.


Everything is voluntary, never forced.

But the villagers are not stupid, they can have a place to live without spending money, and the children can get better security guarantees.

that's all.

Almost without any resistance, most of the children began to live and study in the specially opened dormitories in the ancestral hall.

Song Zilong's family even took out a large sum of money specially for this, and subsidized it to Adixia and others so that they would not be unable to support themselves.

And the benefits of doing so are obvious.


In Gantian Township, no more homicides occurred.

Even the monk (Nyingma), who was suspected by the public to be the murderer, no longer appeared in front of the public.

And this undoubtedly made everyone suspect that he was the murderer.

Otherwise, this is too much of a coincidence, right?

In short.

Adixa was very happy.

Ningma was successfully dumped, and the children all chose boarding, and everything was going according to their plan.

In view of this.

He felt that the time had come.


In the dead of night, a specially trained white pigeon took off from the ancestral hall with a piece of scriptures and began a long-distance flight towards the West Bra Palace.

And all of this, in every detail, did not escape Bai Xiaofei's eyes. But he didn't stop, but watched the play silently.


This is exactly what he wanted.

The only pity is that after such a long period of secret observation, Bai Xiaofei still did not find any traces of suspected evil ways among Adixia and the others.

"Did I guess wrong?"

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being suspicious, and thought to himself: "Or maybe that evil way is not here, but has other plans, and doesn't care about this matter at all?"


He wasn't discouraged either.

Liu Ning's matter is very important, no matter whether there is evil or not, he must handle it carefully. Nothing is the best, if the other party really intervenes, then Bai Xiaofei will also wish for it.

As long as this evil way is eliminated, the world will basically be stable.

It's like a game between the strong.

It may be difficult to tell the winner in a short period of time, but as long as you are still playing chess, sooner or later, the winner will be decided.

The Bai Xiaofei around here is just an avatar. He has plenty of time to spend, to see who can survive who!

that's all.

Time passed slowly, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Outside Gantian Town, in a farmer's home.


Liu Ning, who was meditating and practicing, suddenly burst out with a powerful aura, and at the same time, his realm strength also had a qualitative leap in an instant.


He opened his eyes quickly.

His eyes were full of excitement and excitement, and he murmured to himself: "Great, I finally broke through the final bottleneck and successfully returned to the peak!"


After this period of diligent training, the reincarnated boss finally overcame many difficulties and regained his previous peak strength.

next moment.

Boss Ningma, Bai Xiaofei's figure appeared in front of him almost at the same time. The latter even showed a satisfied smile, and said: "Very well, it really didn't disappoint me. It just so happens that Adixa's plan has reached a critical moment, and it's time for you to act."


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