The Storm God

Chapter 3277 Good education and rich wealth!

Zhong Bang's journey to experience the reincarnation of the tenth world begins.

Bai Xiaofei looked at the changing hurricane scene with deep eyes, as if he could see through the things inside, with a smile on his face.


"The mind is firm and the will is strong. Although it is quite immature, it is still a talent that can be taught. If you can pass this test, it is fine to accept you as a disciple."

"Come on, Sao Nian!"


After muttering something.

Bai Xiaofei casually set up numerous formations around him, and then sat cross-legged, his mind wandering to Gantian Town.

I've been out for so long, and I don't know what's going on there.

If you have time, you can take a look.


Gantian Town.

Mao Xiaofang sat in the Dao hall of Fuxi Hall with a bitter face, his eyes were full of sorrow, obviously he had encountered some difficulties.

Next to him were three disciples, Yu Dachu, Ma Xiaohai, and Lei Xiu.

They don't look very good either.


An accident happened in Gantian Town.

This is indeed the case. Not long ago, Wangcai in the village suddenly improved for some reason.

And it seems to have a special ability that can suck away people's bad thoughts, bad habits and the like. Those who have been sucked, from then on, will become very righteous and noble.

It was supposed to be a good thing.

But Mao Xiaofang's intuition told himself that there must be something tricky in it. Because of similar spells, he had never heard of them.

On the contrary, it resembles a legendary sorcery.

He once found Wangcai.


Wangcai himself did not know the origin of this ability, he only knew that after sleeping, he suddenly had this ability.

It was as if some memory suddenly appeared in my mind.

Anyway, very bizarre.


Mao Xiaofang checked Wangcai's body, there was nothing wrong with him, he was very healthy, and there was no trace of evil intrusion on his body.

Without any choice.

Mao Xiaofang could only temporarily give up the investigation and chose to watch.


Things went from bad to worse.

The miraculous ability of Wangcai has spread more and more in Gantian Town, and the curative effect is amazing, so many people come here every day.

follow closely.

I don't know who suggested it, but these people started to form a sect.

And the first leader is naturally Wangcai.

The teaching name is: "Good teaching."

As the name suggests.

It is a religion that leads people to be good, simple and easy to understand.

At the beginning, Mao Xiaofang observed for a while, and saw that the behavior of these people was quite normal, and the believers were all guiding people to be good, and what they were doing was indeed good people and good deeds.

After that, I didn't pay much attention and care.


in a few days.

The situation was unexpected.

Those villagers who had been sucked away from their evil thoughts and evil thoughts before became extremely upright and noble, one by one, as if they were being controlled by others, they began to become more fanatical and unreasonable.

People around, whoever does not join the good teaching, or if the good teaching is not good, will be immediately opposed and besieged by these people.

at first.

They will also use more gentle means to force other people to believe in the good teaching, or even join the good teaching. Although something is not quite right, it is still within the acceptable range.

After all, faith is a thing, it can be big or small, it’s uncertain.


Then it exploded completely.

The believers of the Shanjiao, like fanatics, started to use force, arresting people for trial at every turn, and then forcibly absorbed evil thoughts and evil thoughts from those who were defined as guilty, turning them into members of the Shanjiao.

Such behavior and actions are simply like a cult.


Captain Song Zilong found Mao Xiaofang.

He asked Mao Xiaofang to take action to solve the problem of good education. After all, Wangcai and his disciples have seriously affected the atmosphere of Gantian Town.

If we don't rectify it, I'm afraid the whole village will be educated.

Mao Xiaofang readily agreed.


He underestimated Wangcai's ability, and at the same time underestimated the fanaticism of those Shanjiao believers. He left confidently, but returned in embarrassment.

Mao Xiaofang didn't even see Wangcai, and was immediately kicked out by the believers headed by Da Sanyuan.


This is also Mao Xiaofang's kindness.

He couldn't bear to hurt Da Sanyuan and others with his hands, otherwise with Mao Xiaofang's strength, if he wanted to break in to see Wangcai, he could still do it.

But he didn't.

after all……

The villagers are innocent.

The real culprit was Wangcai's special ability.

By this time, Mao Xiaofang was already very sure that there was absolutely something wrong with his ability, otherwise things would not have developed like this.

After returning to Fuxi Hall, the four masters and apprentices looked at each other, and none of them could think of a good solution, because the power and influence of Shanjiao was too great.

There are only four of them, and they are weak.


Ma Xiaohai suggested: "How about we ask someone to help? Just the four of us, the number of people is too small, we can't be busy at all!"


Yu Dachu nodded and said: "It will be different if someone helps. Some people will attract the attention of those believers, while others will be able to go in and find Wangcai."

Lei Xiu also very much agreed with the views of the two senior brothers, saying: "Master, I think we can invite Uncle Simu and Daoist Bai to come and help."

The dojos of the four-eyed Taoist priest and the white Taoist priest are the closest to Gantian Town, and the strength of the two is not weak, and the disciples are relatively reliable.

With their help, together with Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice, if they plan properly, they can deal with the current situation in Gantian Town.


Mao Xiaofang pondered for a moment.

Finally nodded and said: "That's fine, it's not the time to be brave and take care of face. As a teacher, I will pass on the spirit talisman to Brother Simu and Daochang Bai!"


Mao Xiaofang started to practice.

The two paper cranes, carrying Mao Xiaofang's intentions, quickly left Fuxi Hall and flew towards the direction of the four-eyed Taoist priest and the white Taoist priest respectively.

And at this moment.


The talisman on Lei Xiu's body suddenly vibrated slightly.

This is Bai Xiaofei's soul consciousness contacting her.

"It's Mr. Bai!"

Lei Xiu was overjoyed immediately.

She let out a cry of surprise, then quickly took out the talisman from her chest, and the next moment Bai Xiaofei's primordial spirit power appeared in front of everyone.


Bai Xiaofei's primordial spirit consciousness, seeing the surprise expressions of Mao Xiaofang and others at the scene, couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and said in surprise: "What kind of expressions are you guys doing? You don't have to be so excited when you see me, right?"

"Mr. Bai!"

Mao Xiaofang wrote with both hands: "To be honest, there is a problem in Gantian Town. We are worried that there will not be enough help to solve the problem. Your contact is here..."


So you take me as a savior?

Bai Xiaofei sighed inwardly, and then asked: "What's going on? I'm out of town now, and although I can't leave for the time being, I should be able to help you think of a solution."


Mao Xiaofang nodded.

Afterwards, he told Bai Xiaofei all about Wangcai absorbing the evil thoughts of the world, and then becoming stronger, gradually becoming uncontrollable, and even going astray.

"That's the way it is. I wonder if Mr. Bai has any clever plans?"


Bai Xiaofei was startled when he heard that. Xin said: "Damn! Absorbing evil thoughts and evil thoughts, isn't this the trick of the great demon god?"

He also never expected it.

When I was there, why couldn't I find the trace of this guy, but when I left, the Great Demon God jumped out by himself.


This is obviously deliberately avoiding Lao Tzu.

Sure enough, I will!


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