The Storm God

Chapter 3398 Development of super matter!

"never mind!"

Bai Xiaofei is not a person who likes to think wildly.

Shaking his head.

He decided to check the spoils first. How can we say that Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is also a powerhouse at the peak of the God Emperor Realm, even if it is an incarnation, it is impossible to have no treasures at all.


Bai Xiaofei found a bronze mirror from the opponent.

"This is……"

The Eye of Primordial Mist activates.

In the blink of an eye, the information about the Kunlun Divine Mirror was transmitted directly from Da Dao to Bai Xiaofei's mind.

"It turned out to be it!"

Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized.

He is no stranger to the Kunlun Mirror. In Yanhuang legends, there are countless rumors about the various artifacts.

Among them, the more famous ones are the settings in various film and television dramas.

For example, the Kunlun Mirror in front of me was a product from "Xuanyuan Sword: Scars of the Sky", and it somehow fell into the hands of Murphy, the God of Dreams.


But it made Bai Xiaofei cheaper in vain.


Bai Xiaofei nodded in satisfaction, his eyes filled with joy: "Although the quality of the Kunlun Magic Mirror is average and its attack power is almost non-existent, it involves the power of the laws of time and space. For me, it is also of great use!"

"Put it away first, and study it later when you have time."



There is nothing interesting about Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

After all, he is a cannon fodder, and it is already quite good to be able to sacrifice such high-end items as the Kunlun Mirror. It is simply unrealistic to expect other treasures.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care either.

Anyway, as long as there is something to gain, after all, the incarnation of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, also has some special powers of laws, and it will be refined in the future, and the gains will not be small.

Compared to my own losses...


Bai Xiaofei still doesn't know what the loss is, and he won't know until he contacts Bai Cass.


Bai Xiaofei left the experimental planet.

He is not in the mood to manage the situation of this planet for the time being, let it breed and die, maybe there will be some surprises.


Bai Xiaofei returned to his original planet.

And this time.

Bai Cass is busy, whether it is the recasting of the body of the four golds, or the analysis of the law and power of the four generals, uploading to the Hongmeng dark system database...

All these have to be done by him.

in addition……

Over there in the real world.

The distribution and operation of the Green Lantern Warriors, Yellow Lantern Warriors, and the Lord God Squad also need the guidance and support of Bai Cass.

After all, the number of demons is too large.

And a Steppenwolf.


This guy is not the coward of the original version, but a decisive master whose strength has reached the god emperor level. Ordinary fighters can't beat him at all.

Coupled with the support of countless demon-like armies, and the successive appearances of various elite fighters from Apocalypse, the situation on the earth side can be described as quite serious.

Even if the four golds kill the four generals, it is not optimistic at all.

The key is that the backing behind Steppenwolf is too strong, not only has Uncle Da, the multiverse-level boss, but also has a relationship with Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord.

This is very perverted.


Bai Xiaofei's arrival quickly attracted Bai Cass' attention, and he said pleasantly, "It's over on your side? It seems that the invaders have been defeated by you!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

He smiled and said: "It's just a fluke, the key is the credit of the four golds, otherwise even if it is, it is impossible to end the battle so quickly!"


He inquired about the situation of the four golds.

Baikas explained: "All the data and memories have been uploaded to the cloud server of the Hongmeng Dark System, but the body is damaged..."


Hear what White Cass said.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized one thing, that is, the material of vibration gold has reached a certain limit, at least when facing enemies above the god king level, it has completely lost its indestructible characteristics and has become more common Metal is almost indistinguishable.


That's not to say Vibranium is rubbish.

On the contrary, the main reason is that the enemy is too terrifying, it has completely exceeded the upper limit that Zhenjin can bear, and naturally it can no longer maintain its original indestructibility.

Unless Bai Xiaofei can find a suitable material, fuse with it, increase its upper limit, and change its original characteristics...


Zhenjin can only be gradually eliminated.

In this regard, Baikas's suggestion is that it may be possible to try to match it with Uru metal, dark iron, star core, source of law and other materials in proportion...

According to the data analysis given by the Hongmeng Dark System, there is a 12% chance of synthesis, which can be fused into a super vibrating gold synthesis material comparable to the material of the emperor's soldiers.

"Then let's do this!"

Of course Bai Xiaofei understood what Bai Cass meant.

It's just a test, it's nothing, the most critical thing is the problem of wear and tear. Among other things, dark iron alone is an extremely rare super substance.

after all……

That's the product of a black hole!

However, if you want to blow up the black hole and extract the super matter that has been cast at super high temperature, you need a lot of manpower, material resources, and computing power.

For this matter, it is not enough to rely on Bai Cass alone, and the Hongmeng Dark System has to be used.

The Hongmeng dark system is related to Bai Xiaofei's background and overall tactical performance, so no matter what, Bai Cass must say hello to Bai Cass. Otherwise, at critical moments, the Hongmeng Dark System cannot provide full-power support, and Bai Xiaofei will be fooled.

Bai Xiaofei said that it was completely fine.

after all……

This whole little world is his.

The universe is endless, there are countless galaxies and black holes, and there is no need to worry about the energy of stars. All he has to pay is some computing power support from the Hongmeng Dark System.

To Bai Xiaofei, this was nothing at all.

Big deal...

When it really comes in handy.

Then temporarily stop casting and extracting black hole matter, anyway, ordinary enemies don't need Bai Xiaofei's full strength to attack.

There is no need to worry about super substances such as dark iron for the time being.


other materials.

For example, the source of the law, which is a bit difficult to handle.

The source of the law is different from the power of the law. It is the power of the root of a certain idea, just like fire, whose source is the fire seed.

And if you want to integrate the fire seed into these super materials and forge it into a super substance like an emperor's weapon, not to mention the difficulty of it, the test consumption of the fire seed alone is definitely not a small number.

But Bai Xiaofei currently has not many sources of laws.

This means that there are not many samples available for Bacass to test and mix, which greatly limits the scalability of the test.


Bai Xiaofei can get a lot of sources of law.

In this way.

Baikas can carry out various experimental ratios as he likes, trying to find the best fusion ingredients and ratios.

However, this is easier said than done.

Because not all enemies can have the source of law that meets the requirements like the four generals.

"You should test it first!"

Bai Xiaofei said helplessly: "I will figure out the rest. In addition, report to me the specific development of the outside world."


White Cass nodded.

Then a bunch of display screens were summoned and explained: "This is the current disaster situation on the earth, and the United States and other places are the most severely affected..."

"Atlantis and Paradise Island have all returned to normal, and there are considerable armed personnel stationed there. There is no danger for the time being."


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