The Storm God

Chapter 3641 Aries Crystal Wall! (Please subscribe!)


After the army of mechanical monsters, it was Bai Xiaofei's own Golden Saint Seiya Legion that defended the dusty planet.


This version of Twelve Gold is completely different from the previous ones.

The golden holy clothes that Bai Xiaofei built before are basically made of vibrating gold. Although they have powerful functions and amazing defenses, they are already too backward for the current situation.

They may be no problem to deal with ordinary enemies, but they are not enough to deal with masters above the god level.


Bai Xiaofei could only return it to the furnace and remodel it.

Moreover, in the past, the golden holy clothes were not complete, there were only seven or eight pieces, but now, Bai Xiaofei has a complete set as soon as he makes it.

The twelve golden holy clothes have all been built.

Not only that.

Their materials and craftsmanship have also undergone perfect upgrades. With the value of various super attributes and law power endowed by the Hongmeng Dark System, they are simply powerful.

Even if there is no user, just a simple golden holy cloth can be used remotely, and it can display terrifying combat power beyond imagination.

after all……

Twelve golds are very meaningful in Bai Xiaofei's heart.

At the same time, it is also a special prop used by him to cultivate important younger brothers under his command, so the degree of care and strength of building are extraordinary.

And now.

It is an experiment and appearance of them.

As for who is the operator of the Twelve Golds, it goes without saying, except for Bai Xiaofei and Bai Cass, there is only Aya.

To know.

Now Aiya is the most capable person beside Bai Xiaofei.

Although Aya's intelligence and computing power are far inferior to that of Bai Cass, there is still no problem in commanding the Twelve Gold battles.

In particular, she also learned a lot of detailed information about Long Zhan and others from Dallol. Knowing herself and the enemy, it is naturally more handy to operate.

In short.

Twelve Gold's debut, no matter in terms of appearance or imposing manner, was extremely handsome, directly making Long Zhan and others dumbfounded.


The members of the Nemesis team were a little confused and puzzled.

Looking at the weird expressions of Long Zhan and the others, it was not difficult for them to guess that the other party seemed to know of the existence of these armors with different shapes and seemingly unknown.


This doesn't make sense.

Isn't Bai Xiaofei the enemy of himself and others?

How did Long Zhan and the others know the identity of the enemy? Could it be that this is not the first time they have fought against each other?

Or, are they from the same place?

In fact.

Darkseid was very strange and confused about the origin of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, because he had never heard of this character.

To know.

in this world.

Darkseid is very powerful, and his influence is almost all over the universe. He is one of the veritable super bosses.

It stands to reason that Darkseid has no reason not to know about a terrifying powerhouse like Oneiroi Morpheus.

But the fact happened to be like this. Not only had Dakseid never heard of it, but he couldn't find out the details of the other party at all.

And now.

The performance of Long Zhan and others made the members of the Nemesis team couldn't help but think of a possibility——

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and that Bai Xiaofei may be from the same place, and they are opposite to each other.

Thinking about the hatred between the two parties again, everything is reasonable.

Of course.

Apocalypse is now in a cooperative relationship with Oneiroi Lord Murphys, so even if he knows this, it doesn't matter anymore.

after all……

Come here.

Even if they wanted to quit, it would be impossible to get rid of their relationship with the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, and it was impossible for Bai Xiaofei to believe it.

The only thing Apocalypse can do is to maintain this cooperative relationship and deal with Bai Xiaofei together with the people of Morpheus, the God of Dreams.


No one will benefit.

Think here.

Dabada of the Goddess of Nemesis team frowned slightly. Seeing that Long Zhan and others did not dare to attack the golden warriors who had just appeared, they looked at each other.

next moment.

Several members stood up bravely.

Lashina grinned at the corner of her mouth and said with a smile: "Team Dragon Warrior, thanks to you for the battle just now, let our Nemesis team take the lead this time!"


It doesn't matter how Long Zhan and others react.

Several female team members formed a formation and rushed directly to the twelve gold saints above Dust Star.

And the golden saint standing at the forefront is the golden saint of Aries in the first house of the zodiac, Aries.


To be precise, it should be the Golden Saint Cloth of Aries.

Of course, it is said to be a golden holy cloth, but in fact, all the golden holy clothes of the zodiac are not made of gold, but are mixed with vibrating gold, Ulu metal, dark iron, star core... and other super rare substances , and was forged by Bai Xiaofei himself with a special forging technique.

The appearance is seventy percent similar to the sacred clothes in Saint Seiya, but it is more cool and handsome, giving people a strong sense of oppression like a deep prison.

Just say this Aries.

Everyone in the Nemesis team felt the terrifying pressure emanating from Aries before they got close.

They were forced to launch an attack in advance to strengthen their beliefs and eliminate the pressure caused by the opponent.

And it turns out.

What they did was quite correct.


Even if Aries just stands there without any action, in fact, the defensive measures have already been laid out.

The members of the Nemesis team, all their attacks hit an invisible invisible wall.

follow closely.

All attacks bounce back.

With a series of blows and blows, several members of the Nemesis team were thrown into a hurry, confused and puzzled.

"what's the situation?"

"What was that just now? Why did our attacks not only have no effect, but were all bounced back and attacked us?"

"Is this the opponent's method?"


It was the first time for the Nemesis team to see the unique move of the Golden Saint Seiya. They were shocked and shocked, and their expressions changed.

Not only them.

Long Zhan and the others in the back were all shocked when they saw this scene, and couldn't help muttering to themselves: "Crystal wall?! Can't go wrong, this shape, this greeting, this effect..."

"I dare to assure you, this is definitely not an ordinary copycat work, but a highly imitated super holy cloth!"

"It's even more terrifying and powerful than the original version!"

"Now we're in trouble!"


Such a tone.

The person who opened the mouth knows without guessing that it must be Hao Tian.

And from his tone, it is not difficult to guess that the other party seems to have seen a real golden saint, otherwise he would not have come to such a conclusion.

"That's right!"

The second one to speak was Uncle Locke.

He squinted his eyes, and his eyes swept over the Aries one by one, and finally landed on the last Pisces.

At the same time, he said in a deep voice: "The quality, oppression, and incomparably deep abyss of power of these golden holy clothes are far more terrifying than the golden saints we have seen in the sanctuary before!"


"At that time, it seemed like we were the only ones who participated in the missions in that world? Why did this Bai Xiaofei know about their existence?"

"And also created a stronger copy of the work..."


Uncle Locke was full of doubts.

In fact, Long Zhan and others were also puzzled.


None of this matters.

The most critical question now is, how can we defeat these golden holy clothes of the zodiac?

Others don't know the power of the Golden Saint Seiya, but they have experienced it personally, and they must not underestimate the enemy.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!


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