The Storm God

Chapter 3732 Dark Era! (Please subscribe!)

"Thank you father for your concern, I will be careful!" Bai Xing smiled sweetly, his heart was full of emotion.

She would never doubt Bai Xiaofei's words.


Regarding his way, Bai Xing obviously had sufficient confidence, so he didn't have the slightest worry.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Gently stroked her daughter's head and said, "It's good that you know what you have in mind. What are your plans for the future?"

so far.

Shirahoshi's journey is not over, at most it's just the beginning.

after all.

The timing of her time travel happened to be the stage of the infinite earth crisis in this world. Now that the universe is restarting and the earth is merging, it is time for Bai Xing to exert his strength.

Therefore, Bai Xiaofei didn't intend to take it away.

However, it is still necessary to tell Bai Xing about the invasion of reincarnation space.

Especially that strange female strong man.


Everything depends on Shirahoshi's choice.

If she wanted to solve it by herself, then Bai Xiaofei wouldn't intervene, it was right to give her daughter a chance to sharpen.

But if Bai Xingzhi is not here, but wants to continue to grow, then Bai Xiaofei, the father, will personally take action to remove all obstacles for him.

Who made him a father.


Shirahoshi was silent for a moment.

Then he said solemnly: "Father, what is the strength of that person? Do you think I can fight against him with my current level?"


From what she said, she wanted to solve it by herself.

But it's a pity that the enemy's strength is far beyond imagination, even the current Bai Xing is far from being the enemy's opponent.

"It's a little bit worse!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't hide anything, and told the truth: "That strange female strong should be about the same strength as me."

"Although your current level has improved a lot compared to before, but overall, it is still a little lower."

"However, those members of the other party's subordinates are completely fine, or leave that person to me, and you will solve these people?"


Bai Xiaofei probed.

He didn't speak too slowly, for fear of hurting his daughter's self-esteem, but fortunately, Bai Xing was very understanding.

Hearing this, she didn't show any displeasure, but nodded and said: "Alright, since I'm still a little behind the enemy of that level, I'll leave it to my father to solve it this time!"

"But I will work hard to improve, and strive for the next time, I can deal with it myself, instead of needing the help of my father!"


Bai Xiaofei showed a satisfied smile.

His daughter Bai Xing's performance made him, a father, very happy.

Afterwards, he began to introduce some information about the enemy to Shirahoshi. That strong woman is now realizing the mysterious power when the universe restarts, so there is no need to think about it for the time being.


Her subordinates are different.

Although the ghost green arrow made some tricks secretly to make these people ignore the Flash and others, they are still in this world after all.

It's just that their current location is not on the original earth, but has been assigned to other derived multiverse earths, and the identity assigned to them by the ghost is the evil villain Boss.

That is.

No matter which earth world, as long as there are righteous superheroes appearing, they will target these people.

It's clear that it's a game that can be set up against them.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei can only say, enough show!

When he was dying, he still didn't forget to use the enemy to train the righteous superhero. He really made the best use of everything.

I admire you!

Of course.

Plans are just plans.

There are exceptions to everything. No matter how perfect the plan of the Ghost Green Arrow is, with the continuous development of the infinite multiverse, there will inevitably be some unexpected accidents and changes.


The villain force in one of the worlds took the initiative to find one of the members of the reincarnation space and formed an alliance with him.

This time, it completely exceeded the calculation of the ghost green arrow.


The justice superheroes in this world will be unlucky, the power of the evil alliance is getting stronger and stronger, and it is almost completely suppressing the justice superheroes.

It can be said that it completely violated the previous main line and development.

If it continues to develop like this, it is not impossible for it to become the Dark Era.

After learning about these situations, Bai Xing's eyes brightened immediately, and he said excitedly: "Father, what do you think if I go to that world?"


Bai Xiaofei understood his daughter's meaning almost instantly, raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you the leader of justice who wanted to turn the tide in the past?"


Bai Xing said excitedly: "Father, you also know that my way is too complicated and bumpy, and requires extremely huge energy and merit to support it, and saving the world from danger is itself a god-sent opportunity..."

"At the same time as attacking the enemy and strengthening yourself, you can also gain a wave of prestige and faith. It's a multi-purpose thing."

"Is there anything better than this?"


Bai Xiaofei shook his head.

He had to admit that what Bai Xing said made sense.

Of course, the most important thing is that the evil forces in that world and the individual strength of the members are not very strong.

The most powerful guys among them are undoubtedly those giants.

But even the members of the reincarnation space are no more than God Emperor Realm, which is not enough for Bai Xing.

Even with outnumbered enemies, Shirahoshi can remain invincible.


Bai Xiaofei did not refuse.

He agreed to his daughter Bai Xing's plan on the spot.

As for the other members of the reincarnation space, Bai Xing seems to have calculated it long ago. In her words, why use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken?

"You want to use clones to deal with them?"


Shirahoshi nodded.

The rest of the reincarnated space members are obviously much weaker than the guy from the dark earth.

Not only is the individual strength not good enough, but even the overall power is not enough. Some people are even targeted by the Dao of Heaven, and they are unlucky everywhere.

To deal with such a guy, it is natural that Bai Xing does not need to go there in person, and it can be easily solved by splitting up a clone to go there.

Even if there is an accident, it will not endanger Bai Xing's true self.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but nodded.

Followed helplessly: "Since you have a plan, then I won't say anything more, you should be careful."

"I'm leaving here too to deal with those big troubles. If there's anything you can't solve, remember to call me immediately!"

Bai Xiaofei exhorted and exhorted thousands of times.


Bai Xing said that he would.

At the same time, I wish my father a smooth journey and success in no time.

Bai Xiaofei smiled, and after hugging his daughter Bai Xing for a while, he decisively tore apart the space and left.


It is not out of this world.

Instead, it crossed the spatial dimension and directly came to the special chaotic area where the avatar felt, and transmitted everything to the avatar.

After a while.

The avatar fed back a message: "It will take a while for me to realize this before I can end my current state. During this period, you will be responsible for everything."


The meaning of an avatar is simple.

Now everything is up to you to decide, just let it go, if something happens, I will make fun of it!


He left again with a sly smile.

But when this avatar appeared again, it appeared directly in the area where the strange female strong man in the reincarnation space was feeling.

"Tsk tsk!"

"Not to mention, this little girl is really good-looking, with fair skin and beautiful long legs, and the most important thing is a pair of big white rabbits, which are even more amazing!"

"Unfortunately, we are enemies!"


He sighed a little.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly suppressed his smile, his eyes were full of hostility and murderous intent, and said in a deep voice: "Even if you are an enemy, then don't blame me for not teaching martial arts!"


The next moment, he shot directly.


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