The Storm God

Chapter 3805 Experience! (Please subscribe!)

dust star.

Bai Xiaofei returned to his residence.

His return did not attract anyone's attention. One was that he did it on purpose, and the other was that Aya and the others were also busy with their own affairs.

And this tempering made Bai Xiaofei feel deeply.

It can be said that it has benefited a lot.


In terms of strength.

Although Bai Xiaofei's improvement is not obvious, he has been greatly inspired by the means of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys in terms of the use of power in higher-level domains and the direction of development.

In particular, as an evil body, he has the power of nightmares, and the help is beyond imagination, so that his future cultivation can easily achieve twice the result with half the effort.

It's like finding the best teacher to teach yourself.


It is the use of the power of time.

In the Marvel universe, with the help of the time gem, Bai Xiaofei can also reset and archive time, but it is not his own power after all.

It's like ordinary people can fly a plane to the sky, but they can't really fly to the sky by themselves. There is an essential difference between the two.

And now...

Bai Xiaofei has already completed his transformation.

With the help of the interpretation of the mystery of the anti-surveillance king's space-time shuttle device, Bai Xiaofei has a little ability to manipulate time.

Coupled with the time magic he is proficient in and the understanding of related laws, it can be said to be a matter of course.


Compared with the bosses of some time systems.

Bai Xiaofei's current level is still very average, just like a primary school student. Although he has made some achievements, he cannot be compared with the senior students after all.

There is still a wider space waiting for him to develop in the future.


Bai Xiaofei wasn't discouraged either.

After all, this has only just begun, and he still has plenty of opportunities.

At the same time, with the help of the power of time, Bai Xiaofei can also accelerate the development and improvement of other strengths.

Just like the ability of the space system.

To know.

Time and space, like electricity and magnetism, are almost inseparable. Although there are differences, they are not great.

As long as Bai Xiaofei perseveres and does not give up his research, he will surely be able to break through the barriers between the two in the future and merge them into one.

And this time the contest with Oneiroi Lord Murphys gave Bai Xiaofei a great understanding, and he also had a deeper understanding and inspiration for the power of time and space.


He will return in a hurry.

The purpose is to take advantage of the heat, quickly enter the state of epiphany, grasp that sliver of inspiration, and improve yourself as much as possible.

As for Morpheus, the God of Dreams...


Take it easy.

After this contact and battle, Bai Xiaofei has generally figured out the level of strength of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

Although Bai Xiaofei is not his opponent with ordinary means, but with the help of the power of time, he can forcefully consume the opponent to death.


If it is so simple to kill Morpheus, the God of Dreams, it would be too reckless.

Bai Xiaofei's idea is to use him as a sparring partner as much as possible to maximize the benefits, and wait until the value of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys is drained, and then completely solve it.

Anyway, the other party is now a polished commander, and for some special reason, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, seems unable to leave this world, which makes Bai Xiaofei even more unscrupulous.

He even secretly planned that he alone would not be enough, and when conditions permit, he would also have Morpheus, the God of Dreams, as a training partner for his little brothers.


This idea is a little too crazy.

No matter how confident Bai Xiaofei is, he can't guarantee that he can train Sinestro and others to a level similar to that of Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord.

At least not in a short time.

But there is still a dream, otherwise what is the difference between it and salted fish?

not to mention……

During Bai Xiaofei's absence, Aya and the others may also run into Apocalypse's army, as well as the Black Lantern Legion and Oneiroi Lord Morpheus.

No matter what, let them try to fight against more powerful enemies.

And the combat experience that Bai Xiaofei gained is undoubtedly the best learning material for Aiya and others.


Bai Xiaofei uploaded all his combat experience to the server of Hongmeng Dark System, and ordered Bai Cass to push it to Aiya and others.

Afterwards, he cut off all external connections, completely entered a state of epiphany, and delved deeper into the mystery of the power of time.


And the other side.

Sinestro, Aya and the others were all taken aback after receiving the data pushed by Bai Cass.

Especially when they learned that this sense of combat was actually obtained by Mr. from a big boss like Morpheus, the God of Dreams, they were even more flattered.

after all……

Although their strength is strong, the gap between them and that level is still too big. Sir asked Bai Cass to push this to himself and others now. What does this mean?

Could it be that we hope that we can work harder in cultivation and reach that level as soon as possible? Or to remind us...

They prefer the latter over the former.

To know.

After the level of strength has reached a certain level, if you want to improve it, even if it is a little bit, the difficulty is also at the level of natural moats.

Not to mention their existence with a difference of N realms.

It is almost impossible to advance to that level in a short period of time, even at the most elementary stage.

Combined with the current situation and circumstances, the latter is undoubtedly more acceptable.


There is one thing they can't figure out.

What is Bai Xiaofei doing now? Could it be closed again? Otherwise, why let us know this kind of battle that does not belong to our level in advance...

To this.

Everyone was speechless for a while.

While smiling wryly, he got used to it.

Then, each of them felt straight, and after collecting the materials, they all took the time to study and study seriously.

Really don't say it.

Watching the battles of such super bosses can improve their vision and inspire them in battle, which is quite impressive.

Just like Sinestro.

His power is mainly the ring of lights. With the power of will and fear, combined with his own knowledge reserves and experience, he can realize almost all weapons and equipment or attack methods he can understand.

That is.

As long as Sinestro's imagination is rich enough and supported by strong enough knowledge, theoretically speaking, he can create almost anything.


The premise is that he has enough strength as his hole card.

Otherwise everything is useless.


There is one caveat.

The current Sinestro can not only borrow Bai Xiaofei's power, but also has a yellow lantern parallax in his body.

The parallax monster is equivalent to an infinite energy source.

The fusion of the two makes Sinestro possess almost inexhaustible eternal energy.

That is.

Sinestro has already met the most difficult of many conditions. Next, he only needs to broaden his horizons, enhance his knowledge reserves, and enrich his imagination...

His ability, combat power, is the overall strength, theoretically speaking, will usher in a breakthrough improvement.

And Bai Xiaofei uploaded these boss-level combat experiences and insights beyond his current level, which are undoubtedly the best cheats and learning materials for Sinestro.

As long as Sinestro can understand it thoroughly, even if he only comprehends one-tenth of it, the help to him will be enormous.


Aya and the anti-surveillance king, these two special intelligent beings, also have special advantages that ordinary people can't match.

Anti-matter energy, sub-biological engine, direct online mount of Hongmeng Dark System, these methods are superimposed together, the advantages are simply not to mention, I am afraid that even Sinestro will have to bow down.

The only thing they lack is a body strong enough to support all of this, otherwise they themselves will suffer before the terrifying ultimate move is used.

This is their weakness.


The next development focus of Aya and Xiao Wang is to focus on collecting super substances such as dark iron to build a stronger body for themselves.

Learning or something is almost non-existent.

Who let them directly master a large amount of knowledge content, plus there is not much energy shortage, as long as they have a perfect body, they can fully display their own advantages.

It is not impossible to even challenge directly by leapfrogging.


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