The Storm God

Chapter 3923 The tyrant escapes! (Please subscribe!)

Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, was very embarrassed at this moment.

It was as if he had just gone through a big battle and hadn't fully recovered, his breath was sluggish, and his strength was so low that it was outrageous.

It is no exaggeration to say.

The current Bai Xiaofei, even with a single finger, can kill him easily, effortlessly.

From this, it can be seen how hard the current Oneiroi Lord Murphys is.

"Bai Xiaofei!"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, also discovered Bai Xiaofei.

Full of panic and fear.

after all……

Once they were enemies.

Now that Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is so weak, but he happened to meet Bai Xiaofei, and if he was really about to be wiped out, he didn't have any temper at all.

So he is afraid.


The weird thing is.

In addition to being horrified, there was a rare joy in this guy's eyes, like a hopeless person seeing hope.

This made Bai Xiaofei very puzzled.

what's the situation?

Do you want to see me or not.

What the hell is this complicated look?

Got beaten up?


Bai Xiaofei came to Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

After walking in and taking a closer look, he discovered that the body of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys was full of terrible tyrannical scars.

Just like a poor child who has been tormented and ravaged by a horrible pervert for several weeks, there is hardly a good piece of meat in his body.

"I go!"

"What's wrong with you, have you been SM? How come there are so many terrible scars on your body? Did Darkseid hit you?"

"What the hell happened between you?"


Eyes shine.

The soul of gossip is burning.

The God of Dreams, Murphy, was sweating profusely, and explained with twitching corners of his mouth, "No! The truth is not what you imagined..."


Bai Xiaofei finally understood what was going on.

It turned out that the body injury of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was not caused by Darkseid, but by his father.

That is, the real tyrant Yuga Khan!

Not only him.

Even Dakseid, who is his own son, suffered a lot, and was whipped by Yuga Khan on the spot.

Of course.

Yuga Khan is not a fan of SM either.

The reason why he treated Dakseid and the Oneiroi Morpheus and others in this way was entirely to restore his own strength.

after all……

In recent years, Yuga Khan has been stuck to it by the seal of the wall of origin, and his power loss has been extremely serious.

Darkseid brought people here, and wanted to take this opportunity to get some strength so that he could improve himself and find a helper...

But he never expected that after Yujia Khan got out of trouble, he would be the first to attack them. It was really hard.

Dakseid was Yuka Khan's own son, so he was treated differently from other people. He just devoured some power symbolically, and then stopped immediately.

But the other top masters who followed Dakseid fell ill one by one, and almost all of them were sucked into mummies by Yuga Khan.

That is to say, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, saw that the situation was not good, so he hurriedly chose to run away, otherwise his soul would have gone to the west by now.


After listening to Morpheus, the God of Dreams, Bai Xiaofei opened his mouth wide and said in a daze: "So, Darkseid took you away from Apocalypse just to get stronger power and helpers, so he came to Origin This side of the wall?"


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, gritted his teeth and nodded.

Angrily said: "I thought I could get through this time, but I didn't expect Yujia Khan to be so cruel, even his own people..."

"That is……"

Bai Xiaofei said heartily: "Even Darkseid is terrified of his father, let alone ordinary people, you are lucky to escape alive..."

It goes without saying that Yuga Khan is awesome.

Although there are not many descriptions of it in the comics, the fact that the other party is the only one who escaped from the wall of origin by virtue of his own ability is enough to prove that it is terrifying.

Even if Yuga Khan is not relying on his own strength to get out of trouble now, but because of the help of Dakseid and others, the wall of origin is the same.

At least……

His power is definitely above Darkseid.

Otherwise, with the ability of Oneiroi Lord Murphys, it is absolutely impossible to get into such a mess, completely without any ability to resist, and almost instantly killed on the spot.

From this inference.

Bai Xiaofei guessed that Yuga Khan's strength must at least be above the level of a saint, which is even more terrifying than being the strongest under the realm of the venerable, the Lord of Dreams, Murphys.

Even if he is himself, he probably won't be Yuka Khan's opponent, unless he adds the good corpse and the evil corpse, the trinity, and join forces to fight against the enemy.


Everything has two sides.

Although Yuga Khan's escape was beyond Bai Xiaofei's expectation, it was considered a good thing for the overall situation.

At least in dealing with the Black Lantern Corps, Apocalypse has a super master on the surface.

To some extent, I have a strong teammate.

The premise is that this teammate didn't think about killing himself, otherwise it would not be a good thing, but a bad thing.

And according to the description of Oneiroi Lord Murphys, Yuga Khan seems to be more inclined to the latter, which makes Bai Xiaofei very speechless.

"That's all!"

"At this point, it's useless to think too much, let's take one step at a time! Morpheus, Lord of Dreams, you said that you have encountered the Black Lantern Legion here?"

"What's going on here?"


shook his head.

Bai Xiaofei quickly threw away the matter of Yuga Khan, and turned to another matter.

The Black Lantern Legion actually came to the Wall of Origin.

What's the situation?


Shouldn't it be what I thought it would be? At this moment, for some reason, Bai Xiaofei suddenly had a very bad premonition.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, nodded and said: "Although I don't know why, the Black Lantern Legion did have a lot of forces stationed here before. In order to eliminate them, Apocalypse has lost a lot of troops..."

At this moment, he also figured it out.

The people in Apocalypse are all bastards, they don't have a conscience at all, it's in vain that I tried my best to help Darkseid before, but in the end, the other party watched me being abused by his father...

Simply hateful!

In comparison, Bai Xiaofei is more kind.

Although they used to be enemies, the other party didn't seem to have the intention of beating the dog in the water...

This made Morpheus, the God of Dreams, feel very relieved.


For Bai Xiaofei's questions, he almost always answered all the questions, but if he knew, he would tell Bai Xiaofei everything without any second thoughts.

It is clear that he wants to take revenge on Apocalypse and Darkseid.

Tell you to be dishonest!


You do the first day, I do the fifteenth!

Bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes, let's see who suffers in the end!

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, didn't care about his own life at all at the moment, on the contrary, he cared very much whether Bai Xiaofei would help him "revenge"...

he swears.

As long as Bai Xiaofei is willing to help him, he can do whatever he wants.

"You think it's beautiful!"

Bai Xiaofei is not a vegetarian either, he could see through the thoughts of the Dream God Murphys almost at a glance, immediately smiled coldly, and immediately expressed his attitude: "In the current situation, it is impossible for me to break up with Apocalypse, so don't you Think about those messy things..."


"The premise of all this is that Yuga Khan will not jump out to trouble me, otherwise I don't mind taking care of the other party before solving the Black Lantern Legion..."

"You should talk more about the situation here before!"


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, smiled sarcastically.

After understanding what Bai Xiaofei meant, he immediately stopped saying bad things about Tian Qixing, nodded, and very obediently showed Bai Xiaofei everything he had experienced before.

And explained: "I can't explain a sentence or two, you should watch the video yourself, I just recorded the video..."


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