The Storm God

Chapter 3939 Rip off! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei didn't speak, but gave Aya a very affirmative look, and hinted to her that he had already received part of the reward, and he would definitely not suffer.

The premise is that this battle can promise the Black Lantern Legion.


Everything is empty talk.


The boss said so, what else can Aiya do?

Nodding her head, she agreed with Bai Xiaofei's battle plan, and said that she would make corresponding arrangements as soon as possible.

after all.

Their previous combat preparation plans were all aimed at the Apocalypse and the possible sneak attack of the Black Lantern Legion.

As a result, right now there is an inexplicable cooperation with Apocalypse, and the enemy has become the only Black Lantern Corps...

This is difficult to do.

It means that a lot of follow-up work needs to be transformed.

Fortunately, Aya's ability is still very good, plus Bai Xiaofei's forces, most of them are mechanical warriors, so it is relatively easier to operate.

On the contrary, it is more troublesome on the Kruga star side.


Relatively, their defensive work will be easier. After all, Bai Xiaofei has helped them eliminate an enemy (Apocalypse) as much as possible. Next, the fighters of Keruga star only need to concentrate on dealing with the black lamp Legion possible sneak attacks and invasions will do.

In this regard, their advantages are still relatively large.

Especially the Lanterns who have comprehended and controlled part of the power of the White Lantern, their restraint on the Black Lantern has a huge effect.

Closer to home.

Yuga Khan moved very fast here.

Because of the previous acting, the large army of Apocalypse did not suffer any serious casualties.

Just some poor cannon fodder, becoming the victim of this trip, is not a big loss to Apocalypse as a whole.

That is.

As long as Yuga Khan led the troops and rushed back to Apocalypse in time, he might be able to defeat the Black Lantern Army.

For example, killing some of the opponent's top generals or something.


That is pure loss.

Bai Xiaofei thought to himself, Yujia Khan must have the same plan, as for whether it can be achieved, it depends on how fast their actions are.

There is also the speed of the Black Lantern Legion.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't help.

I just watched the whole process silently. After all, they are not in a formal partnership yet, they just confirmed their intentions.

Before seeing the real benefits, it is impossible for Bai Xiaofei to take any practical action against a character like Yuga Khan.

Because that is extremely irresponsible to himself and his subordinates.


Work hard.

Apocalypse's technicians finally successfully opened the boom channel.

However, the coordinate position of this huge sonic boom channel is not the ideal fortress closest to Apocalypse.

One is because the distance is too far and the technology cannot reach it.


It is that the enemy may have destroyed there.

No matter which one it is, this is not good news for Yuga Khan, so much so that he couldn't help thinking of wanting to use Bai Xiaofei's power to hurry on his way several times.

after all.

In this regard, people are good at it.

But immediately after, Yujia Khan gave up again, because he saw that Bai Xiaofei was the one who didn't see the rabbit and didn't scatter the eagle. If he wanted the other party to help, it was absolutely impossible without practical benefits.

And Bai Xiaofei is likely to take this opportunity to speak loudly.

It's not like this guy hasn't done it before...


Yuga Khan understood somewhat.

No wonder my unfilial son and grandson Olean treated Bai Xiaofei like that. It turned out that they were not too cowardly, but...

This guy surnamed Bai is so fucked up!

Don't see you.

Did you even plant yourself?


Thinking of this, Yujia Khan couldn't help but gritted his teeth and roared angrily. Seeing Bai Xiaofei's gaze, the former was taken aback, and said inwardly, "Is it so sensitive?"

Of course he would not admit it, and immediately stated that he was talking about the Black Lantern Corps, not Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei sneered.

That look seems to be saying, do you think I believe it or not?


For the sake of the big picture.

He didn't hold on to this, but chose to ignore it.


A group of people started to hurry.

Tian Qixing went their way, Bai Xiaofei went his own.

in comparison.

Apocalypse's way of traveling is somewhat troublesome. There are warships, large and small, and countless demon-like warriors. They look domineering and majestic, but they are also troublesome to act.

On the other hand, look at Bai Xiaofei.


All kinds of hyperspace equipment can be used at will.

Any general with a relatively good level of strength has a space equipment that can take his own team into it at any time.

And so on.

In the end, Bai Xiaofei's team quickly fell into pieces and turned into space cards, which were brought closer to his own dimensional space by Aya.

That is.

In fact, the only people who really need to hurry are Bai Xiaofei, Aya, Sinestro, and other generals.

Those legionnaires are all packed into space equipment, just take it with you, which greatly reduces the consumption and time of traveling...

Seeing Yuga Khan, he was extremely envious and jealous.

at the same time……

He also understood more deeply why Dakseid and the others were played around by Bai Xiaofei.


Who is not a Muggle when you meet such a perverted guy!

How can there be such a person in this world?

All the way without words.

Apocalypse started a hasty journey.

As for Bai Xiaofei and the others, they leisurely followed behind, as if traveling, with relaxed expressions, not in a hurry at all.


They still get together, have a short meeting, and then catch up, still not falling behind.

Seeing Yuga Khan until his eyes turned red.

He secretly vowed that in the future, he must get more powerful space equipment, otherwise, if he really meets an enemy like Bai Xiaofei, he will be at a disadvantage in fighting.

Say nothing else.

It's completely unsolvable just by storming and escaping.

that's all.

More than an hour passed.

Finally, the large army of Apocalypse came to the core area of ​​Apocalypse through several sonic explosion channels.


Everything in front of them made them all shocked and angry, everything was ruined!

Just like a well-built building block was suddenly smashed to pieces with a hammer, the huge fortress in the core area of ​​​​Apocalypse at this moment is what it is now, and it is even worse.

This is the case only on the periphery, but the criticality of the inner core area can be imagined, and it is definitely more exaggerated than this.


Seeing this, Yujia Khan was furious, and gritted his teeth: "These damned Black Lantern Legion, dare to destroy my Apocalypse like this, I will never spare them..."

"Okay, okay!"

Bai Xiaofei stood up untimely, and reminded: "If you have time to sulk here, you should think about how to hurry later!"

All the fortresses in the outer area of ​​Apocalypse were destroyed, which made Yujia Khan's sonic explosion channel almost useless.


It is also possible that the Black Lantern Legion has adopted some special shielding means, anyway, they cannot travel through the interstellar quickly.

Almost only the most stupid way of flying can be used to hurry.

That's fucked up.


Bai Xiaofei stood up.

He felt that at this time, he seemed to be able to take the opportunity to hit a wave, but he couldn't be too ruthless, otherwise the follow-up would be difficult to operate.

After all, the current situation of Apocalypse is still unknown. If there are only ruins left, wouldn't it be in vain to wait for someone this time?

So you have to have a sense of proportion.

You can't lose yourself, and you can't push Yujia Khan too hard, otherwise the other party will be completely broken, and in the end it will be Bai Xiaofei who is depressed.


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