The Storm God

Chapter 3968 Cooperate with acting! (Please subscribe!)


Aya and the others moved quickly.

They were the first to rush to the twisted space, but because they were not strong enough, they couldn't rush into it, so they could only rush outside.


The three did not give up.

Instead, they all tried to use the methods they could think of to contact and communicate with Bai Xiaofei.


Hongmeng Dark System.

Or, the wonderful induction between the lantern rings.

But unfortunately, apart from Ai Ya being able to make some intermittent connections with Bai Xiaofei from time to time, Sinestro has nothing to do.


Yuga Khan's distorted space has already treated Bai Xiaofei and Sinestro's white lamp power differently.

It is almost impossible to rely on the connection of the lantern ring to communicate.

Even the Hongmeng dark system has been affected to a certain extent, but because the connection of the Hongmeng dark system depends not only on dark matter, but also on Bai Xiaofei himself, so it has not been completely isolated.

Aiya didn't know Bai Xiaofei's plan, so she was very worried.

This is not only because of Yuga Khan's strength, but also because of Bai Xiaofei's acting skills, which are so realistic.

Even Aya and the others were deceived by Bai Xiaofei.


Relying on an intermittent connection.

Aya finally suddenly understood Bai Xiaofei's plan. It turned out that all of this was to lure Yuga Khan to reveal his true strength.

"It's a no-brainer, sir. It was already expected that Yuga Khan would reap the benefits of the fisherman, so he made arrangements in advance to show his weakness..."

Aiya admired Bai Xiaofei's calculations extremely.


Knowing the truth, she didn't show it, and continued to pretend to be very anxious but helpless, and accompanied Bai Xiaofei in the performance.

As for Sinestro...

All right.

Aya did not choose to tell him the truth.

It's not that he doesn't trust Sinestro, but that everyone's acting skills are different. If it affects the master's plan, it will be depressing.


To be on the safe side, it's better not to say anything.

Aya believed that after Sinestro knew everything, she would understand herself, after all, it was all for Mr.


She also started her own show.

In order to force Yuga Khan and let the people of Apocalypse know the true face of Yuga Khan, the tyrant, Aiya directly ordered all the mechanical legionnaires to surround all the remaining Apocalypse people.

And threatened: "Yujia Khan, let my husband go, or I will kill all the survivors of Apocalypse immediately, and make you a lonely family!"

at the same time.

Countless mechanical army, the action is called a swift.

Before Orion and the others could react, they were completely surrounded by three layers inside and outside.

And it's still fully armed.

As long as Aya gives an order, these loyal mechanical warriors will immediately open fire, making these survivors of Apocalypse pay a heavy price.

It is worth mentioning that this is not just acting.

In the same way, Aya did this to identify how many of these survivors on Apocalypse supported Yuga Khan.

Such a guy, needless to say, must be killed!

on the contrary.

Those who oppose Yuga Khan and loyally stand beside Prince Dakseid and Prince Orion will be treated differently.

"what's the situation?"

"What do you want to do? Cross the river and tear down the bridge?"

"It's simply unreasonable!"


The survivors of Apocalypse were suddenly besieged by countless soldiers of the mechanical legion. Their lives and deaths were unpredictable, and their faces changed drastically.

And all the more explosive tempers exploded on the spot.

If it weren't for the companions around who tried their best to dissuade and hold these people back, a big battle would have already broken out.

And these...

They were all seen by Yuga Khan and Darkseid in the distorted space, but their reactions were completely different.

Dakseid frowned slightly, feeling very aggrieved and depressed.

after all.

This matter has nothing to do with others.

Although there is nothing wrong with Aya using the survivors of Apocalypse to threaten Yuga Khan, the trusted dark monarch...

But as Dakseid who opposes Yuga Khan, this is very uncomfortable, because he is also a member of Apocalypse.

Aya's actions naturally made Darkseid very upset.


There was nothing he could do but be secretly depressed.

Is it possible to stand up and tell everyone that he, Dakseid, and Yuga Khan are not together? Don't you threaten Yuga Khan with people from my Apocalypse?


Don't say people believe it or not.

What the hell, even if Dakseid heard it himself, he would find it funny.

Because for Aya and others, the Apocalypse is the Apocalypse, there is no double-dealing, and there is no need to treat them differently.

To know.

Darkseid and Yuga Khan are father and son.

Whether it is the background of Apocalypse or such a relationship, how can others treat them as two different forces?

In short.

Darkseid is bitter.

I wanted to do something to change the current situation, but sadly found that I was not strong enough, and I was powerless!


He can only hope that Bai Xiaofei's eyes are sharp and he can tell right from wrong.

That is to say, from Dakseid's point of view, even though Bai Xiaofei looks very passive right now, he looks like he is being overwhelmed by Yuga Khan...,

But in fact.

Dakseid is still more convinced that the final winner will be Bai Xiaofei, not his foolish old man Yuga Khan.

Want to ask why?


Darkseid can only say that this is all experience and intuition.

Obviously, in this regard, Dakseid, like his son Olean, is full of fear and respect for Bai Xiaofei, a guy who cannot be measured by common sense.

No matter how weak Bai Xiaofei behaved, they always believed that all of this might be fake!


They are also very confident.

But after repeated painful lessons, Darkseid and Olean had to admit that Bai Xiaofei was definitely the best in terms of acting skills.

Unless you see Bai Xiaofei's death with your own eyes, you absolutely cannot let go of any emphasis and fear towards Bai Xiaofei.

Because this guy may jump up at any time and hit you hard in the face, telling you what a two-stage reversal is!

Leaving aside Darkseid's side.

On the other side, Yuga Khan didn't care about Aya's threat at all, and even pouted at Aya with a sneer: "Aiya, right? I can't think of you, the strongest artificial intelligence, to take a group of hairless people. Irrelevant rubbish is threatening me, is there something wrong with your brain?"

"Do you think that with my identity and ability, I would care about those rubbish? Especially in front of me is such a special existence..."

"Bai Xiaofei, I feel really sad for you to have such mentally handicapped subordinates, why don't I help you solve them all now?"


Yuka Khan suddenly turned his head to look at Bai Xiaofei, and said sinisterly.

at the same time.

His hands were not idle either.

The terrifying twisting force erupted in an instant, and the target this time was none other than Aya who had just threatened him.

Good guy.

This old immortal is quite vengeful.

Just because Aya threatened him, Yuga Khan was about to destroy Aya.

Fortunately, Aya is not a vegetarian. When she was connected intermittently with Bai Xiaofei before, Bai Xiaofei once reminded her to be careful of Yujia Khan's twisting power.

Aya kept an eye on it at the time.

Immediately downloaded the data about the power of distortion that Bai Xiaofei uploaded, and secretly accumulated power, putting layers of defense on himself.

In order to deal with Yujia Khan's sudden attack.


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