The Storm God

Chapter 3971 Persecution! (Please subscribe!)


Yuga Khan's reality-distorting power is very powerful and terrifying, but it doesn't have to be strong, it depends on restraint.

And unfortunately.

The power of Bai Xiaofei's space system law is almost like a panacea. It not only has a huge suppression on other laws, but also has a strong restraint effect on Yujia Khan's twisting power.

To be precise, it is not about restraint, but about making Yuga Khan's distorted power useless.

It's like a peerless sniper, so what if it's powerful?

If you can't hit someone, it's trash!

the same way.

Yuga Khan couldn't find where Bai Xiaofei was at all, so he didn't know where to release his twisting power.

On the contrary, Bai Xiaofei can launch a counterattack at any time.

This is outrageous!

Of course.

Without a certain degree of certainty, Bai Xiaofei would definitely not make a move lightly, because whenever he makes a move, there will be a danger of exposing himself.

The opponent is Yujia Khan, one of the absolute top bosses.

It is absolutely impossible to underestimate the enemy.


Seeing that his ally, Dakseid, was severely injured because of himself, Bai Xiaofei felt a little bit sorry.

After all, people did not feel sorry for themselves.

At least this time.

His old man is his old man, and Darkseid is Darkseid. Just because Dakseid unswervingly chose to stand by Bai Xiaofei's side, he couldn't just stand by and watch.

Otherwise it would be too chilling.

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei, who saw the timing right, made a decisive move.

But he didn't attack Yuga Khan, but chose to send the seriously injured Dakseid out of the twisted space.

at the same time.

This is also Bai Xiaofei's attitude.

From now on, this battle only belongs to Bai Xiaofei and Yuga Khan, and no one else should get involved.

Otherwise, the consequences will be at your own peril!


Darkseid obviously understood what Bai Xiaofei meant.

In the depths of his eyes, a trace of unwillingness and helplessness inevitably flashed, and he finally chose to remain silent.

Obviously he also knows that this battle is not something he can participate in.

This is not only because of strength, but more importantly, the relationship between the two parties in the battle, one is his ally, while the other is his father.

No matter how cruel and ruthless this old man is, he is still Darkside's old man.

If Darkseid gets involved, no matter who he chooses to help, he will be criticized, especially if he chooses to help Bai Xiaofei beat his father!


Now is undoubtedly the best outcome.

Standing on the sidelines, whether Bai Xiaofei wins or Yuga Khan has the last laugh, Darkseid can have a clear conscience.


Aiya and the others also chose to respect what Bai Xiaofei meant.

Not only did the large troops evacuate immediately, but also released the survivors of the besieged Apocalypse.

after all……

The rest are Darkseid's confidantes.

As for Darkseid, he was obviously on Bai Xiaofei's side, and he was regarded as an ally in name. Since he was an ally, he naturally didn't need to use force to deal with him.

Of course, the beware is still to be beware of.

But in terms of the current situation, I believe that as long as the brain is not sick, basically they will not jump out to do things.

Because that's all about dying.

Even Darkseid is the same. After all, whether it is Aya, Xiao Wang, or Sinestro, their strength is not weaker than the other party at all.

Who dares to pierce in front of a powerful enemy that is multiples of himself?

Yuga Khan is an exception.


The other side is different.

That's a top boss who surpasses Aya and others by a large margin, and his level of realm is not at the same level as them.

Even Bai Xiaofei has to rely on many trump cards and means to barely fight against him, he naturally has the qualifications and capital of madness.

But for many things, it doesn't mean that you are good enough.

Just like now.

Yuka Khan is indeed stronger than Bai Xiaofei.

But so what?

If you can't find any trace of Bai Xiaofei, you will be like a blind man, completely passive, and there is only endless anxiety and suffering waiting for Yujia Khan.

As long as Bai Xiaofei doesn't make a move for a moment, he doesn't dare to relax in the slightest.


As long as he dared to be careless, Bai Xiaofei might unleash all his strength and lore means to give Yuga Khan a fatal blow.

For a guy like Bai Xiaofei with unknown background and unpredictable methods, no matter how crazy Yujia Khan is, he would not dare to take the risk to gamble.


He's not stupid either.

If you can't find any trace of Bai Xiaofei, then force him out!

With so many Bai Xiaofei's subordinates around, Yujia Khan couldn't believe it, Bai Xiaofei could let himself be slaughtered?

next moment.

Yuga Khan stared directly at the Lantern Man under Sinestro's command.

Some people may ask, why not a confidant general like Sinestro? Because Yuga Khan knew that even he was not completely sure that he could kill a master like Sinestro in an instant.

Dealing with Aya before is the best example.

not to mention……

The current Sinestro is extremely cautious, possessed by the power of the white lamp throughout the whole process, and has an amazingly strong vitality. Apart from Bai Xiaofei, he is definitely one of the most difficult guys to kill.

It would be a complete waste of time to choose such a target, and it would give Bai Xiaofei the opportunity to sneak attack himself.


In comparison.

Or are other goals more effective.

In the scene, Bai Xiaofei's subordinates are also divided into many types, but there are generally two types, namely, mechanical and biological.

Needless to say, the mechanical category is mainly mechanical legions; and the biological category is all kinds of elite white lanterns.

It is almost clear at a glance which of the two types of subordinates is more important.


Yuka Khan finally chose Lanternman.

"not good!"

Sinestro was keenly aware of Yuga Khan's malicious intentions, his face changed drastically, and he quickly reminded everyone under his command to evacuate quickly and pay attention to protection.


He reacts fast, but Yuka Khan's power attack is faster!

Before Sinestro could finish his sentence, the twisting power of the latter had already bombarded a Lantern Man from the air.

Poor Lantern Man, who had no chance to resist, was killed on the spot and turned into a bloody mist.

"Bang bang bang!"

Not only him, but several Lantern Heroes who were relatively close were also not spared. In the blink of an eye, they exploded and died one after another, completely falling on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Sinestro's eyes turned red.

"Yuka Khan!!!"


The instigator didn't pay attention to Sinestro's murderous eyes at all, instead he sneered at the surrounding void, "Bai Xiaofei, did you see that, if you don't come out again, I'll kill you one by one Kill all your men!"

"I want to see how many times your subordinates can withstand the crushing and bombardment of my twisting force..."

"And how cruel is your heart!"


The voice did not fall.

Yuga Khan's attack came again.

But this time, his attack target suddenly turned to the mechanical legion soldiers on the other side.

The level of strength of the mechanical warrior is even worse than that of the Lantern Man, and the reaction is even less timely. When he was suddenly attacked by a big guy like Yujia Khan, the result can be imagined, and he didn't even have the power to resist. The boss was obliterated.

Suddenly, Aya's face turned green with anger.


"This bastard can only bully the small with the big, bully the weak, and even engage in sneak attacks, it's simply despicable..."

"Form the ultimate defensive formation!"


Anger is anger.

Aya did not lose her mind because of this.

On the one hand, he urged the soldiers to stay away from Yujia Khan as soon as possible, and on the other hand, he ordered all the mechanical soldiers to activate the strongest defense and line up to meet the enemy.

Never sit still!


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