The Storm God

Chapter 3976 The deity's pot! (Please subscribe!)


About to break through?

I rely on!

What the hell, what have you been doing?

Bai Xiaofei's face was full of question marks, he really didn't understand, isn't this female Tyrannosaurus with a huge milk supply sleeping?

Why do you want to break through inexplicably? !

This unscientific!


If you break through, break through, why do you suddenly jump out and find me?

Do you still want me to protect you?


Now I have the final say in this universe, there is nothing unsightly that will cause trouble when you break through.

What's more, you can break through in the singularity universe.

No one bothers you there...


The female tyrannosaurus Ilus looked a little anxious, and frowned, "I can't explain a few sentences to you for the time being. In short, you just need to know that I need your help now..."


She directly reached out and pointed at Bai Xiaofei.

At the same time, the fingertips of the female tyrannosaurus Ilus also lit up with a bright light. Obviously, she wanted to use the method of passing on memories to explain her own situation.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei did not refuse.

Right now, I don't care much about the situation, so I can only silently accept the transmission of the female Tyrannosaurus, so that I can understand everything in an instant.

next moment.

As the finger of the female tyrannosaurus Ilus pointed between her eyebrows, a lot of information instantly appeared in Bai Xiaofei's mind.

And one of the most important points is the oscillation of the singularity universe.

"I see……"

For some reason, the singularity universe suddenly erupted into an extremely violent shock, as if it might explode at any time, which is extremely dangerous.

No wonder the female tyrannosaurus Ilus didn't break through there. It's not that she didn't want to, but she couldn't. If she really wanted to break through in the singularity universe, she would probably be killed by the Big Bang before she could succeed.


What's going on?

The singularity is fine, why the sudden riot?

Could it be because of the deity?

this moment.

The good corpse Bai Xiaofei suddenly thought of a possibility. After all, the birth of the singularity was inseparable from Bai Xiaofei. Its original intention was to prepare for Bai Xiaofei's promotion.

As a result, it was later given to the female Tyrannosaurus as a bargaining chip for cooperation between the two parties.

But even so.

But the connection between Singularity and Bai Xiaofei did not dissipate.

It can be regarded as somewhat able to make up for some of his own losses, so the problem arises, and Singularity will feed back some benefits to Bai Xiaofei to a certain extent.

And in the same way, if Bai Xiaofei suddenly obtains some huge improvement, Singularity will also be affected to a certain extent because of his bond with Bai Xiaofei.

According to the analysis of the dead body, the sudden riot of the singularity is probably caused by some huge improvement made by the deity.

after all……

They had benefited a lot from the previous wars.

Whether it is the power of the white lamp, the original power of the dark death law of the Black Death Emperor, or the twisted power of Yuga Khan, they are all extremely powerful resources.

During this period of time, the deity has been staying in the small world, probably digesting these powers, and thus obtained a huge improvement...

With that in mind.

The good corpse Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but looked at the female tyrannosaurus Ilus with complicated eyes, and said speechlessly in his heart: "I didn't expect it, but because of this, I let her take advantage of it for nothing. I didn't do anything, and I was about to break through..."

Really, the more I think about it, the more annoying I get.


At this moment, the good corpse Bai Xiaofei couldn't care less, after all, the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus was also his ally.

Fertile water does not flow into outsiders' fields.

If she is taken advantage of, let her be taken advantage of. In the worst case, she will take it back later. The most important thing right now is to help her break through safely.

To know.

The strength level of the female tyrannosaurus Ilus is comparable to that of Bai Xiaofei, even before Bai Xiaofei was promoted, she was once above Bai Xiaofei.

Now that the bottleneck is loose, there is finally a chance to break through and improve. Once successful, his realm strength will inevitably have a qualitative leap.

Even if he doesn't break through to the level of the Venerable Realm, he is definitely at the level of the strongest Heavenly Dao Saint, which is rare and extremely powerful for Bai Xiaofei!

"Go to the small world!"

The good corpse Bai Xiaofei gave a suggestion.

After all, the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus's breakthrough is no small matter. With the help of Singularity, although there is not much danger, the energy demand is extremely terrifying.

That was the Big Bang.

The scale at the beginning of the formation of the universe will be directly related to the realm and level of the Dao after the breakthrough. Bai Xiaofei naturally hopes that the stronger the female tyrannosaurus, the better.

And it just so happened that the deity has only obtained a lot of benefits.

It is the best choice to let the female tyrannosaurus Ilus go to break through in the small world. Once the female tyrannosaurus Ilus appears to be exhausted and the supply is insufficient, the deity can give those unconsumed resources to the female tyrannosaurus Ilus.

As for whether those benefits are enough for the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus to consume...

Feel sorry!

The good corpse Bai Xiaofei didn't know.

But he believed that if the deity was present, he would definitely find a way to prevent the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus from failing to break through.

After all, we are all on the same boat, the stronger the female tyrannosaurus Ilus, the stronger Bai Xiaofei's confidence, both sides will be prosperous, and both will be damaged.


The female Tyrannosaurus Ilus nodded.

next moment.

She just disappeared.

And in Bai Xiaofei's small world, in the vast universe, the figure of the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus suddenly appeared.


It still appeared directly in the form of the main body chaos dragon.

This is because the female tyrannosaurus Ilus can no longer suppress the chaotic and violent energy in her body, and only by showing her body can she sort out and break through better.


The galaxies and stars within a radius of tens of thousands of light-years immediately suffered disaster.

The violent energy revealed by the female tyrannosaurus Ilus is like a terrifying light wave that destroys the world. Wherever it goes, everything instantly turns into chaos.


Bai Xiaofei, who was comprehending and digesting the original power somewhere, also immediately noticed the violent energy breath of the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus, who was almost going berserk.

I am in doubt.

In his mind, he immediately received the message from the good corpse, and immediately understood all the ins and outs.

Can't help being slightly taken aback, and then smiled wryly: "Is it such a coincidence? If you don't break through sooner, you won't break through later, but at this time..."

"It seems..."

"The crystallization of power extracted from Yuga Khan, I guess I will not be blessed to enjoy it, and it will all be given to the female Tyrannosaurus..."

"Go and see the situation first!"



Bai Xiaofei's movements were not slow, he felt the star field where the female tyrannosaurus Ilus was in in an instant, and immediately used his power to seal off the space to prevent the damage caused by the female tyrannosaurus from expanding.

after all……

This is my own little world.

The disappearance and destruction of any galaxies and stars is Bai Xiaofei's loss, even if the impact is not very big, but he can't be so prodigal!


But at this time, the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus was shocked by the violent energy in her body. She couldn't help roaring and roaring, and the dragon roared. The terrifying power made Bai Xiaofei feel a little uncomfortable. and depressing.

"So strong!"

While casting spells to resist, Bai Xiaofei was shocked at the same time, secretly said: "I haven't broken through yet, just the sound of the dragon's chant is so powerful, if I break through successfully, what's the deal?!"

Thinking of the terrifying power of the Chaos Dragon after breaking through, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but his eyes lit up, full of envy and extreme, when will he be able to break through?


He didn't forget his purpose of coming here.

Seeing that the female tyrannosaurus Ilus seemed to be a little confused, he immediately sent a voice transmission: "Keep your mind, keep the altar clear, sort out your strength as much as possible, don't think about other things, concentrate on comprehending your own way, and the rest Give it all to me!"

When Ilus heard the words, he suddenly became a dragon.

Immediately afterwards, the riotous posture was obviously much smaller. It was obvious that part of his sanity had been recovered, and he was trying his best to restrain and sort out the power in his body.


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