The Storm God

Chapter 3981 Leave it to me! (Please subscribe!)

"So strong!"

This is the first feeling that the deity gave Shanshi after he left the customs.

In front of the deity, the good corpse only feels like a young child facing a giant who is so weak and powerless...

"Is this a breakthrough?"

The good corpse felt a little hit.

Although he had long expected that after the deity's exit this time, his strength would definitely surpass his own, but he never expected that it would surpass him by so much.

Although it is not a natural moat, it is definitely at the level of a gap.

This puts him under a lot of pressure.


The good corpse and the deity are one.

But now that there are differences, there is naturally some competition between them, especially in terms of strength.

Seeing that the deity has improved so obviously, Shanshi is not only happy for the deity, but at the same time, he is under a lot of pressure.

I can't help but think to myself, I don't know if I am suitable to reach such a state?

As for the deity Bai Xiaofei, he was most concerned about the cracks in the wall of origin at the moment, so he didn't notice that there was something abnormal in the expression of the good corpse.

He went straight to the point and asked, "What's going on?"

Aya is not here now.

I heard that I went to the site of the Wall of Origin, and I have to investigate it myself.

After all, ordinary sentinel hunters are unable to use the Hongmeng Dark System. Aiya's detection ability is naturally beyond the reach of ordinary people.

With Aya here, more information will be obtained soon.

And now...

Bai Xiaofei could only learn about the situation from Shanshi.

Hearing the words, Shanshi came back to his senses, coughed lightly and said, "We are still investigating the specific situation, all we know is that a tiny, imperceptible crack trace suddenly appeared at the contact point of a certain sculpture. ..."


He released some data.

Through the holographic projection equipment, Bai Xiaofei also clearly saw the trace of the tiny crack on the wall of origin.

"It's really small!"

Bai Xiaofei frowned slightly and said: "If you don't pay attention, you really can't see it, and the location of this section of the wall seems to be different from where the Black Death Emperor and Yujia Khan are..."

"That's right!"

Shanshi nodded when he heard the words: "We immediately launched an investigation on the crack after we found it. Did not release any power of dark death..."

"To be precise, the crack mark is too small, and it doesn't emit any power. It seems to be just an ordinary crack."


Speaking of which.

The good corpse is also full of doubts and puzzles.

Because according to normal logic, this should not be, after all, it is the wall of origin, and anyone who touches it will be glued to it.

Now that there are cracks in the wall, even if they are very subtle, it is impossible that there will be no abnormalities and special reactions.

This is not in line with its style and identity.


The vision or something has already happened, but I and others are not strong enough, so I didn't notice it at all?

Think here.

The good corpse couldn't help looking at the deity.

The meaning is obvious, whether the possibility of the latter is true or not, I am afraid that Bai Xiaofei, the deity of labor, will have to confirm it in person.

Because he is the most well-deserved strongest among all the people now, and he doesn't know what level he has been promoted to after breaking through?


The deity Bai Xiaofei instantly understood the meaning of the good corpse.

After a moment of silence, he nodded and said, "Alright, I'll leave it to you to sit in charge here, and I'll go over and see what's going on!"


Shanshi reminded: "Remember, don't be impulsive!"


The voice did not fall.

The real Bai Xiaofei's figure has disappeared.

The disappearance was very thorough, already flat, without causing any fluctuations or reactions in the surrounding space, as if he had never existed before.

Such a scene left Shan Shi dumbfounded.

He couldn't help exclaiming inwardly: "Awesome! It's amazing to have raised the attainment of the law of space to such a terrifying level!"


The wall of origin, a certain location.


Sentinel hunters are everywhere.

There are combat-type ones, and there are technology-type ones. Even Aya and Xiao Wang's anti-surveillance mechas have come, obviously attaching great importance to this situation.

And somewhere near the wall of origin.


Aya was suspended in the air.

There was a green glow in the eyes, and what flickered in the pupils were not things, but endless 0s and 1s. The huge data flow was like a waterfall, flashing non-stop in Aya's eyes.


Aya is using her own ability to carry out the ultimate exploration and analysis of the tiny crack in the wall of origin.

And in another dimension world that no one can see.

Bai Xiaofei's Hongmeng Dark System is also developing terrifying computing power at an astonishing speed to support Aya's investigation and analysis.

at the same time.

In Bai Xiaofei's small world.

Because of the high power load of the Hongmeng dark system, countless stars are instantly extinguished, and the energy is absorbed and digested by the Hongmeng dark system in an instant...

But alas.

Even though Aya and the Hongmeng Dark System have made so many efforts, they still haven't detected any useful information.

All I know is that this crack seems small, but in fact it is like an abyss, vast, unfathomable, and an unknown existence with endless connotations.

Aya exhausted all her efforts, but failed to find its limit, let alone found any useful information in it.

as if...

That's a black hole.


After a while, Aya stopped investigating, couldn't help frowning slightly, and sighed a long time, depressed: "It seems that my ability is still not good enough..."

"this is not your fault……"

The voice of Bai Xiaofei (the deity) suddenly sounded beside Aya.


Aya was overjoyed.

Looking at Bai Xiaofei beside him, he was both excited and guilty, and said, "When did you come, why didn't I notice it at all?"


"Your strength and aura, why suddenly..."

"Are you?"


Aiya also knew that Bai Xiaofei had an avatar.

At first, she thought that what appeared here was the good corpse in the base, but after a closer look, Aya realized that she was wrong.

Compared with the good corpse, this one's strength and aura are stronger than before, and it is also full of an unknown horror element...


The one who can have such a state and attainment can only be the deity of the master.

It's just, sir, isn't he in retreat?

This is the exit?


Bai Xiaofei nodded slightly.

Ignoring Aya's surprise, or having expected her to react like this, she smiled and went straight to the topic: "Leave this to me, you can all go back..."


When Aya heard this, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

what's the situation?

Sir, you want to come in person?

But, that doesn't have to make us all leave, does it? Even if we can't help much, we can still help.

What does it mean to let us go?

Is it possible...

Think of a possibility.

Aiya's expression changed immediately, and she quickly dissuaded her: "Sir, you are not going to risk yourself? This is impossible, the Wall of Origin is too dangerous, and you have seen the consequences of the people who come into contact with it." , you can't..."

It was obvious that Bai Xiaofei had misunderstood and wanted to touch the Wall of Origin in person.

heard the words.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

Then he explained: "You, what are you thinking about, do I seem to be such a fool? Even if I don't think about myself, I have to think about Diana, Leilei, Arthur..."

"I let you leave because the information from this crack is completely undetectable with your current strength level. It is a waste of time to stay here. Instead of being here as a display, it is better to go back and prepare for related work... "

"Where did you want to go!"


What she said made Aya's face turn red immediately.

Damn, what a shame!

I flash!

Then quickly left the scene.


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