The Storm God

Chapter 3989 Careless little spider! (Please subscribe!)


New York metropolis.

The bustling streets in the past are now in ruins, messy, with mutilated corpses and blood stains everywhere, as well as various unpleasant smells.

The dilapidated vehicles and the zombies wandering in them are the most conspicuous sights in this city.


There is only the majesty of loneliness, blowing past lonely.


A red figure.

Steeply skipping across the sky, it instantly attracted countless zombies, chasing the figure and running forward.

But it's a pity that these zombies were too slow to catch up. In a few seconds, the red figure disappeared into the tall buildings.


There are too many zombies in the city.

Even though the red figure got rid of the zombies chasing behind, it once again attracted the attention of the zombies ahead...

Even among the high-rise buildings, there are quite a few zombies who frantically broke through the barriers of the glass windows, trying to leap over to catch the red figures, but because of their lack of momentum, they fell from the sky one by one like dumplings. .


At this moment, a female voice suddenly sounded in the communication of the figure in red: "How is the plan going?"

That's right.

The person who wandered among the tall buildings and attracted the attention of the zombies was the little spider Peter Parker.

The hero costume on him is also from the hand of Iron Man Tony.

Therefore, it has a great sense of future technology.

"Miss Sharon..."

The little spider Parker said with a smile: "You know my skills, as long as I keep wandering fast in the sky, ordinary zombies can't do anything to me, but you guys, have you got the supplies?"

During the conversation.

Parker's movements didn't stop at all.

Controlling the spider's silk very skillfully, he wandered forward in the high-rise buildings. Looking at his trajectory, he seemed to be rushing towards a certain place.

"got it!"

Sharon in the communication responded: "We are rushing back now, but the speed will not be too fast. After all, we are not like you..."

From time to time, there would be a mess of noise and roars in the sound. It was obvious that Sharon and the others had encountered zombies and were fighting with them.

Fortunately, Sharon is a good agent, otherwise it would be impossible to talk to the little spider Parker while fighting.

"Parker, we have encountered some trouble here..."

Sharon's breathing was a little short, and she said: "Our current location is still a little far from the air refuge base, and we may need your help later."


The little spider Parker immediately replied: "I'll rush over to you right now, hold on!"


The swaying body suddenly changed direction in the air, which made him turn around and climb up another building abruptly.

But unfortunately.

There are zombies in the building that the little spider climbed.

And it happened to be in the room where the little spider was staying. Seeing the figure of the little spider outside the glass window, the zombie inside rushed over howling.

next moment.

The glass window shattered instantly.

And just staying here, it was the little spider who had used his old strength to use up his old strength, and was caught off guard, and was immediately thrown away by this ferocious zombie.

One person and one zombie, accompanied by countless shattered glass shards, instantly started a free fall motion, falling downward at a high speed.

The little spider was shocked.

It's not that he didn't want to use the spider silk to save himself, but now he was still holding a zombie tightly on his body, and he opened his mouth to bite Parker.

If Parker hadn't blocked the zombies, he might have been infected by now.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

The zombie who entangled the little spider was a fat and tall guy. After turning into a zombie, his strength was obviously more terrifying than before.

Hugging the little spider tightly, it was hard for Parker to break free for a while.


Little Spider's hero combat uniform was designed and manufactured by Iron Man Tony Stark, which contains countless black technologies.

One of the most ruthless is undoubtedly the kill mode.

Usually, the little spider would not use this killing mode, after all, the education he received from childhood did not include killing people.

But now.

In order to protect himself, and the enemy is no longer a living person, the little spider resolutely activated the killing mode of the spider battle suit.

next moment.

Four extremely fierce bionic mechanical spider arms immediately extended from the back of the little spider's battle suit, and then like four indestructible sharp blades, they directly slashed at the fat zombies that harassed the little spider.

There was only a muffled sound of "puff puff puff".

This zombie, including his head, was chopped into several pieces by the bionic mechanical spider arm in an instant, and then fell under the action of gravity.

And the smelly black-red blood was splashed all over the little spider.

But at this moment, Parker couldn't care less. After regaining his freedom, he immediately shot two spider threads towards a building next to him, stabilizing his body from the tendency of falling from high altitude.


"It's really dangerous this time. It's only a dozen meters away. It seems that we have to be more careful even in the sky..."

"God knows where the zombies will emerge from!"


The little spider Parker was hanging in the air, talking to himself with lingering fear.

But as soon as he finished speaking, a voice suddenly floated from the side: "That's right, you should be more careful..."


The sudden sound startled the little spider.

He hurriedly put on a posture, pointed his hands at the direction of the sound, and finally took a closer look, but saw an extremely cool mechanical figure, flying in mid-air with his arms folded at the moment.

this moment.

Little Spider Parker almost thought he saw Tony the Iron Man.

It's really because the design of this man's mechanical armor is too similar to Iron Man's Iron Armor.


The most important thing is that in this world, except for Iron Man Tony, almost no one is proficient in this technology.

Suddenly seeing a man with a steel armor appear, the little spider Parker naturally subconsciously thought it was Iron Man Tony coming.

But immediately after, the little spider Parker regained his composure, denying himself: "No! He can't be Iron Man, because Mr. Tony has already..."

Think here.

Can not help but be full of sadness and longing.

And the person who appeared in front of the little spider Parker was naturally Bai Xiaofei.

In fact.

As early as when he entered the earth, Bai Xiaofei had his eye on him. Because according to the relevant information obtained, the little spider is currently the only superhero who is the most active.

It is also the easiest to find, none of them.

after all……

The little spider is too good at jumping.

Ordinary zombies have nothing to do with him.

Coupled with the amazing force of the little spider and the spider's sensing ability, if you are careful, it is impossible to be infected by zombies.


It is better to meet than to be famous.

After arriving in New York, USA, Bai Xiaofei saw from a distance that the little spider was almost infected by a zombie in a high-rise building...

At that time, seeing Bai Xiaofei couldn't help shaking his head.

"Too careless!"

Although it was because of the communication that the little spider Parker was a little distracted, but for a superhero, this performance is still not up to standard.

after all.

The ability of the little spider is far above that of the zombies.

In this regard, Bai Xiaofei can only say that the current Parker is still too naive and naive, he obviously has such a powerful ability, but he doesn't know how to use it...

What a waste of money.


Bai Xiaofei stood up.

Seeing the vigilant and defensive little spider, Bai Xiaofei took the initiative to open the mask of the armor, and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, little guy, I have no malice towards you, let me introduce myself, I am Bai Xiaofei, a traveler from afar .”


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