The Storm God

Chapter 3996 Target New Jersey! (Please subscribe!)

"The outbreak of the zombie virus is too fast, and everyone is unable to guard against it, the country, the army, and even SHIELD..."

"In just a few days, the world has completely fallen."


Speaking of which.

Agent Sharon paused for a moment, and then apologized: "I don't know much about the Rubik's Cube..."

"After all, my level is not enough."

"However, according to my guess, Director Nick Fury should not have had time to transfer it..."

"In other words, it should still be somewhere in S.H.I.E.L.D."


This is easy to understand.

After all, the outbreak of the zombie virus is not an alien invasion. No one would suddenly think about transferring the Rubik's Cube because of this.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei also held a positive opinion.

The Mind Stone has been cracked and turned into a vision, which is hard to find, after all, it is a living person and can be moved.

The key to this guy's ability is that he is perverted.

If Vision wanted to hide it, no one would be able to find him easily, even Bai Xiaofei might have to spend a lot of effort.

To know.

Vision has a mind stone on its head.

And at the level of Agent Sharon, it is even more impossible to come into contact with news and clues about Vision. After all, Avengers is independent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even one-eyed Nick Fury has no temper among those people, let alone a small agent under Nick Fury.

That is.

Agent Sharon's help to Bai Xiaofei was minimal.


It's not that it doesn't work at all.

At the very least, they provided many secret bases and hiding places of S.H.I.E.L.D. just like Bai Xiaofei, saving Bai Xiaofei a lot of trouble.


Bai Xiaofei didn't have ink marks either.

Several sentinel hunters were directly summoned, and they were asked to go to the S.H.I.E.L.D. bases mentioned by Agent Sharon to search for them.

And this wave of his operations immediately caused the shock of Little Spider and the others: "Mr. Bai Xiaofei, you actually have a mechanical warrior as your younger brother?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded his head as a matter of course, and said: "Is there anything wrong? It seems that even Tony can do this, right? I'm stronger than him. It's reasonable for some mechanical boys to be close to me, right?"


It makes sense, and everyone is speechless.

After Wei Wei was silent for a while, Wasp suddenly asked: "Mr. Bai Xiaofei, you seem to have made great achievements in technology?"

"Know a thing or two."

Bai Xiaofei looked at Hope the Wasp with deep meaning, and said modestly: "The future of technology is boundless, and I'm just going a little farther than ordinary people."


The Wasp nodded approvingly.

Then he pointed out the key to the problem, and said, "Then are you willing to help us research and develop the antidote for the zombie virus?"

In other words.

They hope that Bai Xiaofei, a big man who needs strength, technology and technology, will help everyone save the world.


This is too busy.

And there is no big benefit, to be honest, Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to get involved, he just wants to get the infinite gems, and then pat his ass and leave.


Looking at the hope on everyone's face.

Especially the young and expectant eyes of the little spider Parker, Bai Xiaofei didn't know why, but suddenly softened: "It's not impossible..."

He secretly said in his heart: "The premise is that I must first get the full set of infinite gems."

after all.

If you collect all the infinite gems, you can make a wish. No matter how powerful this quantum zombie virus is, it may not be able to withstand the power of infinite gems.

At that time.

The so-called saving the world, to Bai Xiaofei, is nothing more than snapping his fingers, and it doesn't take much effort.

Help if you can.


"I'm really a good person, I don't have to change..."

"I don't even want to be bad!"


After a lot of narcissism.

Bai Xiaofei started to popularize the origin of Infinity Stones with everyone.

after all.

These messages are too secretive.

Ordinary people have no access to it at all, even Agent Sharon, at most, knows about cosmic magic and mind gems.

No more.


When everyone knew that they could make a wish to change the world by collecting six infinite gems, their eyes widened.

Full of unbelievable expressions.

no way.

Everything is too fantasy.

Even though everyone knows that these gems have incredible power, making a wish to change all the worlds in the entire universe is seriously beyond everyone's imagination and cognition.


Everyone's ability to accept is still very strong.

After all, the apocalypse has already happened, and everyone can live to the present, and their psychological quality is naturally quite acceptable.

After Agent Sharon and the others came back to their senses, they immediately understood that Bai Xiaofei must have his own purpose in collecting infinite gems.


None of this is the point.

In the past, they might have been prepared and vigilant, but now, everyone's hope is almost on Bai Xiaofei, so everyone doesn't care much about Bai Xiaofei's small thoughts.

The premise is that Bai Xiaofei will not break his promise and help everyone save the world. Otherwise, even if they died, they would not help Bai Xiaofei.

Hope the Wasp frowned and said, "Mr. Bai Xiaofei, I told you that the earth now has three Infinity Stones, what about the other three?"


Bai Xiaofei corrected after hearing the words: "I mean, the earth used to have three, as to whether there are three now, it's not certain."

"After all, Thor, the God of Thunder, is the prince of Asgard, and there is a high probability that the Rubik's Cube was taken away, so there are probably only two on Earth now..."

Speaking of which.

He showed everyone the time gem in his hand.

Then continued: "The time gem in my hand is one, and the other soul gem is on the head of Mirage..."

"As for the Rubik's Cube, it is most likely not in S.H.I.E.L.D."

"And the other three..."


Thinking back to the plot of the Marvel world in his mind, Bai Xiaofei analyzed this time period, Thanos should have already launched his actions.

The Power Gem is on Xandar, and the Reality Gem is at Collector's. And the most special soul gem is on the planet Vormir.

Soul gems, you have to sacrifice the life of your beloved to get one in exchange.

Of course, this Bai Xiaofei is not going to challenge and research, he just wants to wait for Thanos to get the soul, and then pick up the ready-made ones.

The same goes for other gems.

Asgard, on the other hand, is probably in the midst of a civil war right now.

Bai Xiaofei is not going to get involved, he just needs to wait and see what happens. If nothing else happens, Thanos should help collect the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

That is.

Bai Xiaofei only needs to pay attention to the earth, when the Hulk will come and return, and then he can judge the specific development of the plot.


These cannot be said to Agent Sharon and others.

Bai Xiaofei's current task is to collect as much information as possible, find the Vision couple, and while taking the Soul Gem, see if he can replicate Wanda's Chaos Magic.

after all.

That's the terrifying ability to tear Thanos apart.

It is rumored that the terrifying power that can be split 50-50 with the power of the phoenix, if it can be absorbed and fused into its new twisted power, it will definitely be a bloody profit.

At that time.

Bai Xiaofei can then use the technique of ternary unity, making it his own top-level cosmic law power.

Finally, Bai Xiaofei made a conclusion, saying: "In short, the first task now is to find the Vision couple..."

The voice did not fall.

In his battle armor, a reminder suddenly came: "The relevant target that matches the information has been found, and the coordinates are located in the Caspian Sea, New Jersey..."

The sound is not small.

But it was enough for Agent Sharon and others to hear.


This was done on purpose by Bai Xiaofei, otherwise it would be impossible for others to hear this. When Agent Sharon and the Wasp heard the words, their eyes lit up immediately, and they said, "New Jersey? If I remember correctly, it should be the first operating base of S.H.I.E.L.D...."


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