The Storm God

Chapter 4003 Hope's thoughts! (Please subscribe!)

New York.

Air refuge base.

After a near-death escape, Little Spider and the others finally escaped with Dr. Banner, who didn't know anything about the situation.

After returning to the base.

Everyone washed up first, and then had a big meal.

no way.

After several fights, everyone's bodies were not all kinds of blood, dust, or all kinds of metabolic products caused by fatigue. They were sweaty and sweaty, and it was really uncomfortable not to wash.

Not to mention eating.

I'm hungry!

On the table.

Dr. Banner asked the reason: "What the hell is going on? What have you experienced during the time I left the earth? Why is it the end of the world?"

The time Hulk left the earth was in Avengers 2.


He didn't know many things that happened on the earth, such as the civil war, the outbreak of zombies, and the arrival of Bai Xiaofei...

Etc., etc.


Hope the Wasp's face darkened when she heard the words, apparently being questioned by Dr. Banner again brought back the unbearable and painful memories.

Seeing this, Agent Sharon quickly patted Hope on the shoulder comfortingly.


She explained everything to Dr. Banner.

Little Spider and others also made additions, such as the origin of his brand new nano-spider armor.

If it hadn't been for its great power today, the little spider and the others might not have been able to lead Dr. Banner, who has no fighting power, to break through the siege of countless zombies.

"Bai Xiaofei?"

Dr. Banner immediately grasped the key point: "A traveler from multiple parallel universes? Not only is he very familiar with Tony, but he also seems to have the power of Thor, who can kill the zombie superhero team in seconds?"

His words were full of shock and disbelief.


The little spider Parker nodded repeatedly.

Speaking of that scene at that time, let alone how much I admired it. In ten sentences, 90% were praises of Bai Xiaofei, which made Happy and the others speechlessly roll their eyes.

"Parker, you're going too far!" Happy said angrily, "Mr. Tony has just left, and you changed sides?"


When the little spider heard this, he was immediately embarrassed.

Quickly explained: "I don't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense, I'm just stating one thing, Mr. Bai Xiaofei is indeed very powerful..."

have to!

It gets darker and darker!

Here, Agent Sharon ignored Happy and Little Spider, turned to look at Dr. Banner, frowned and asked, "Dr. Banner, what did you mean when you said the earth was dangerous?"

The situation was critical at the time, so we didn't ask more questions.

Now that it's safe, it's natural to figure it out. Dr. Banner did not hide anything, and immediately told everyone what happened in Asgard.

Finally, he said seriously and seriously: "Thanos is too strong, even without using the power of gems, it is enough to easily defeat the transformed Hulk, and Thor..."

"What's more, he has many subordinates who are equally strong, and by the time I was teleported away, the other party had already collected three infinite gems!"

"If you add the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, it will be four."


Speaking of which.

Dr. Banner paused slightly, and then continued: "As far as I know, the Infinity Stone on Earth is the Mind Stone on Vision's head..."

"There's still the Time Stone!"

The little spider Parker suddenly interjected: "This Mr. Bai Xiaofei said, and he is also collecting these gems, and the time gem is in his hand at present."


Dr. Banner froze for a moment.

Obviously did not expect that this so-called traveler is also collecting infinite gems, so what is the purpose of his collection? Shouldn't he be an ambitious man like Thanos?

"Where is he now?"

"New Jersey."

Agent Sharon said: "Before we discovered a special broadcast, Mr. Bai Xiaofei went to investigate alone."

"And it seems to be the hiding place of Vision and Wanda."

Little Spider added.

"That's right!"

Happy frowned, and followed suit: "But it's been more than three days, and Mr. Bai Xiaofei hasn't heard back. If it wasn't for your sudden appearance, we might be on our way to New Jersey now .”


Dr. Banner immediately caught the point, and said with an ugly face: "Haven't you ever suspected that Bai Xiaofei is a bad guy?"

"Thanos is collecting infinity gems, and he also wants to collect infinity, and there is an infinity gem on Vision's head, and he goes there alone, don't you worry that Vision will be in danger?"


A few words left everyone speechless.


They really didn't think about it.

Seeing that Dr. Banner didn't seem to believe Bai Xiaofei, the little spider Parker felt a little displeased, and said, "Dr. Banner, Mr. Bai Xiaofei is not that kind of person!"

"That's right!"

A certain character in the survivor team also agreed with little spider Parker's point of view, and immediately added support: "If Mr. Bai Xiaofei is a bad guy, he doesn't need to save us at all, just like we just saved you. Are we bad guys too?"

"That was not what I meant!"

Dr. Banner saw the little spider and the survivors, looked at him with a hint of anger, and quickly explained: "I'm just guessing, after all, it's an infinity gem. After collecting all of them, you can make a wish with a snap of your fingers. Existence must not be taken lightly!"


about this point.

People don't make any sense.


They didn't know this before, but now that they know it from Dr. Banner, it is inevitable that people will have some thoughts in their hearts.

Like Hope the Wasp.

After learning that collecting six infinity gems can make a wish to change the world, the first thought in her mind was to turn back time and prevent all tragedies from happening.

Agent Sharon, Happy, Little Spider, Okoye...

All the people present.


Including Dr. Banner, everyone has their own little thoughts.

Of course, Dr. Banner is more sober and rational. After all, he has personally experienced the awesomeness and terror of Thanos. He knows that with his own level, it is almost impossible to gather all six infinite gems to make a wish to change the world.

But the others don't think so.

Especially the Wasp.

after all.

She is the strongest superhero among the crowd, except for the little spider Parker. The Wasp combat uniform allows her to come and go freely.

Coupled with the extremely strong guilt and self-blame, she is extremely persistent and caring about making a wish to change the world.

Others, at most, just think about it.

Everyone can tell how much he weighs. Even Hulk, who is as strong as transformed, was beaten by Thanos so hard that he refused to transform, let alone weak chickens like them?

Every time they think of this, the fiery thoughts in everyone's hearts will quickly cool down and turn into fantasy completely, without any thought of taking action.

Except the Wasp!


After a long time.

The Wasp Girl Hope made a decision and suggested: "For the sake of the overall situation, we must rush to the Caspian Sea Camp in New Jersey as soon as possible!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone responded immediately.


A group of people started packing their things.

Weapons and equipment, means of transportation, routes of action, supplies along the way, and unexpected situations all need to be prepared in advance. After all, there are human-eating zombies everywhere outside, and if one fails, it may completely GG.

No one wants to die.

Therefore, no one dares to be careless and pay extra attention.


Everything is ready to continue.

But just as they raised their feet and were about to step out of the air refuge base, a familiar magic halo suddenly lit up from the base room.

follow closely.

Bai Xiaofei's figure slowly walked out of it.

Everyone: "..."


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