The Storm God

Chapter 4014 Thanos got caught! (Please subscribe!)

in a particular dimensional space.

A giant with a big head looked at a picture in the world of countless prisms like kaleidoscopes on both sides, and suddenly frowned slightly:

"this person……"

"What impact will he have on that doomsday world? Is it good? Or bad? His potential is too great, and his means are unfathomable, even I..."

"Should we intervene?"


This moment.

He hesitated and struggled.

But in the end, this big-headed giant chose to remain silent and wait and see what happened.


what he saw.

It is just one of the myriad scenes of countless prisms around.

If this one intervenes, what about the other worlds? In his position, he must follow the rules and be fair, or else...

Everything will be completely messed up!


at the same time.

Inside the Templar II spacecraft.

Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf have returned here with the time gem.


Thanos hasn't returned yet.

After killing half of the people in Asgard and getting the space gem, Thanos and his Hei Yao four generals split into two groups and started to act.

Four will be responsible for the weaker difficulty of the earth.

Thanos himself is responsible for finding the most difficult soul gem, and if you want to know where the soul is, you must first find Gamora.

Because only Gamora knows where the Soul Stone is.

After Gamora betrayed Thanos, he mixed with Star-Lord and claimed to be the Guardians of the Galaxy. Although there are not many members, they are very slippery.

Even if it is Thanos, before he got the space gem, he was not completely sure that he could keep the Guardians of the Galaxy, but now it is different.

Having mastered the power of space and reality gems, Thanos has partially modified reality, and even space. It is not too easy to squat in the Guardians of the Galaxy.


The plot is pretty much the same as in the movie.

The difference is that Thanos here got the reality gem early, not in the movie, just a little earlier than Guardians of the Galaxy.

By the time Xingjue and the others realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

Gamora was captured instantly.

If it weren't for Gamora's strong request, I'm afraid Xingjue and others would have to completely GG.

The little raccoon and the tree-figure Groot had separated from Star-Lord and the others before, and accompanied Thor, the god of thunder, who was left alone, and went to Nedweal to forge new weapons for him.

Because Thor's Meow Hammer had already been crushed by his sister Hela.

Thor knew that he was not Thanos' opponent, so he didn't blindly choose revenge, but calmed down and made the most correct choice.

In fact.

If Thor in the movie was not so arrogant and wordy at the time, if he came up and gave Thanos a death blow, there would be no Avengers 4 later.

But unfortunately...

Thor was so arrogant at the time.

An ax hit Thanos in the chest instead of the head, and he just talked nonsense, which turned a good situation into a complete defeat.

In short.

The power of the Tyrant Tomahawk is awesome.

Thor knew this very well, so he brought the little raccoon and the tree man to Nidweal, but he didn't know that it had been slaughtered by Thanos long ago, and only the "little devil" survived, and he was still alive. Sealed his hands.


With Thor's halo, these difficulties can't stop him at all.

In the end, with the help of the little raccoon and the tree man Groot, the little devil successfully helped Thor create the Tyrant Tomahawk.

However, that is something later, let's not mention it for the time being.

the other side.

Thanos threatened Nebula's life, successfully pried open Gamora's line of defense, and then took her to the planet Vormir, and finally succeeded in obtaining the soul gem.

Although losing his daughter made Thanos feel very bad.

But at this moment.

For the sake of the overall situation, he no longer cared so much.

next second.

Thanos used the power of the space gem to return to the Temple II spaceship.

After learning that Ebony Throat and Black Dwarf had successfully snatched the Time Stone, their mood improved a lot in an instant, and they immediately summoned them.

"grown ups……"

After meeting, Ebony Maw respectfully presented the Time Stone.

Thanos is no nonsense.

Immediately put the Time Gem on the Infinity Gauntlet. The latter seems to have a magnetic attraction function. As the Time Gem approaches, it immediately attracts it to the corresponding position.

at the same time.

A powerful force also spread out.

Thanos suddenly seemed to have received electric shock treatment, his whole body trembled, and he couldn't help but close his eyes and enjoy it.


Thanos opened his eyes and smiled excitedly.

so far.

He has collected all five Infinity Stones.

There is only one soul gem left, and you can gather a whole set of gems, so as to use its power to limit your long-cherished wish.

With that in mind.

Thanos's eyes flashed, and he immediately ordered: "Go to Earth!"


Ebony Throat responded.

However, in the next second, when Thanos turned around and was about to return to the throne, Ebony Maw, Black Dwarf, and even General Deathblade and his wife next to him, at this moment, they all shot together and made an instant attack.

Poor Thanos, never dreamed that his extremely loyal subordinates would betray him one day and turn against each other.

Caught off guard, Thanos, who was completely unprepared, was first blocked by Ebony Maw's mind power and imprisoned, and then stabbed by General Deathblade's weapon, the Peerless Blade.

The subsequent attacks of the black dwarf and Proxima Centauri are not worth mentioning.

Because with the strong physical defense of Thanos, that point of attack is not sufficient at all. The main reason is that General Deathblade's weapon is more difficult.


Even so, that little injury was nothing to Thanos at all.

His reaction is also relatively fast.

In the nick of time, Leng Shi forcibly broke free from the blockade of Ebony Maw's thought power, leaning his body slightly, so as not to let General Death Blade's weapon stab Thanos' heart, but only cut a five-centimeter section of his right arm. left and right wounds.

"How dare you..."

The injured Thanos was furious.

However, when he came to his senses, when he faced Ebony Throat and the others, he was shocked to find that these subordinates of his were not as human as they were before, but they had all turned into hideous and hideous zombies.

this moment.

Thanos was dumbfounded.

what's the situation? It was fine just now, why did I just turn around and they all turned into this ghostly look?

Is it hallucination?


Before Thanos came back to his senses.

He was horrified to realize that his right arm, which had just been cut by General Death Blade, suddenly felt the same burning sensation.


Not just the right arm.

My whole body seems to be being rapidly infected by something!

"The weapon is poisonous!"

Thanos instantly realized the problem.

As soon as he turned his gaze, with amazing vision and perception, he instantly noticed that General Deathblade's weapon seemed to be tempered with some special substance.


He found out too late.

When Thanos realized something was wrong and wanted to stop it and save himself, the quantum zombie virus that Bai Xiaofei specially prepared for him had already invaded Thanos' internal organs along with the blood, followed by the brain!

that's all.

The poor overlord of the Thanos generation was tricked by Bai Xiaofei, unfortunately he was recruited on the spot, and soon became a member of the zombie army.

However, even though he became a zombie, Thanos still did not forget his original intention. Coupled with Bai Xiaofei's deliberate actions, the Templar-2 spacecraft immediately headed towards the earth at high speed.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei on Earth is busy helping Vision to transfer his consciousness.


Vision's new body is finally ready.

After backing up the data, I can't wait to welcome my new life. The matter was of great importance, so Bai Xiaofei naturally didn't dare to neglect, and directly performed the operation himself.


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