The Storm God

Chapter 4016 Sentinel debut! (Please subscribe!)


Above the giant energy shield.

The sky suddenly darkened, and was torn apart by a terrifying force. In the next second, an extremely huge spaceship flew out of it.

It is Temple No. 2.


The other party was not kind, and the energy shield facing Wakanda was bombarded indiscriminately when it first appeared, and it was immediately bombarded with ripples and crumbling.

Wakanda Palace.

The technicians immediately turned pale with fright, and quickly reported the situation. If this continues, the energy shield may not be used for long before it will be completely smashed by the enemy.

In fact.

There is no need for them to report, but anyone who has eyes and ears and is not weak in perception can almost feel the pressure from Temple Two.

after all……

Such a large spaceship covers almost half of the sky, but anyone who is not blind cannot fail to hear it.

Although the opponent's bombardment failed to blast the energy shield, it made an extremely loud noise, like an earthquake. It is impossible for Black Panther and others not to know that a powerful enemy is coming.

"Is that Thanos' spaceship?"

The panther T'Challa saw Temple No. 2 in the sky, and his face was extremely solemn. Although he doesn't know much about this thing, he can draw a conclusion based on rough calculations——

There must be hundreds of thousands of aliens on the spaceship. That is to say, this time, Wakanda is about to usher in an unprecedented super war.

As the king of Wakanda, T'Challa the Black Panther can be said to be under great pressure.

But Bai Xiaofei and the others still looked indifferent and calm, obviously they didn't take this little battle seriously.


It's not like they haven't seen more scenes.

This is really nothing.


When T'Challa the Black Panther found Bai Xiaofei, Bai Xiaofei didn't say much, but just winked at the goblin, who immediately understood.

next moment.

The goblin left the palace.

Panther looked confused, what's going on? Is this going to deal with Thanos alone? Are you kidding me? That's an alien army of hundreds of thousands.

And outside.

Temple No. 2 has also begun to deploy troops.

Dozens of triangular destroyers, the destroyers released a dozen donut spaceships one after another, and these donut spaceships released a large number of shuttle-like space capsules one after another.

The space capsule landed heavily!


The hatch opened, and thousands of alien warriors swarmed out of it.

Most of them are ordinary Chitauri people, and there are also some modified giant warlords, and big Leviathan fish supported by "pipi shrimp" wandering in the sky.

These guys hit Wakanda's protective shield with a desperate impact.


It is worth mentioning that.

The alien fighters who just appeared on the stage seem to be completely different from those led by General Deathblade and others. Take a closer look...

Good guy!

The ones appearing now are clearly the zombie version.

Not only them, but even the generals who commanded the army, such as General Deathblade, Proxima Centauri, etc., have all turned into zombies.


Even Thanos, the supreme commander, is actually in a zombie state at this moment.


See this scene.

Black Panther T'Challa and the others were all stunned.

I rely on!

What's the situation?

Isn't the zombie virus unique to the earth?

Why did these guys turn into zombies one by one? Could it be that during the previous war, they were accidentally infected, resulting in a series of litters, so all of them were completely GG?

But what happened to Thanos?

Looking at the zombie Thanos, wearing an infinity glove on his left hand, and trying to hold four shining infinity gems on it, T'Challa the Black Panther obviously couldn't figure it out, the extremely powerful and terrifying Thanos that Dr. Banner said How did you get infected with the zombie virus?

It wasn't until he noticed a deep scar on Thanos' right arm that he realized something faintly, but he didn't dare to confirm it.


The four little spiders, Parker, who also noticed these, had somewhat different expressions. Because, from the very beginning, they knew part of Bai Xiaofei's plan.

These include using Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf to infect Thanos.


Seeing that the plan turned out to be exactly as Bai Xiaofei expected, and all the enemies turned into zombies, he felt mixed feelings for a while.

after all.

The zombie virus is terrible.

That was definitely a nightmare in their lives.

In the end, this thing was used by Bai Xiaofei as an attack method to entrap the enemy. Every time they thought about it, they couldn't help feeling that doing so would be too damaging.

With that in mind.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Bai Xiaofei.

But he saw that his face was calm, his eyes had no waves, only a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, showing Bai Xiaofei's mood at the moment, it seemed to be very good.


Bai Xiaofei ignored everyone's reactions.

Directly ordered: "The next battle does not belong to you anymore, tell all of your people to retreat and guard carefully."

"Thanos, these guys, leave it to me to deal with them!"


He is not the Virgin.

Or want to reduce Wakanda's losses or something.


This wasn't a war that belonged to Wakanda in the first place, but a situation that Bai Xiaofei led and set up, and it was a battle that belonged entirely to him.


Naturally, Bai Xiaofei would not implicate the innocent.


Black Panther T'Challa was already in a daze.

After hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, he immediately froze on the spot, speechless for a long time.

The same goes for everyone else.


No one thought that Bai Xiaofei would do this.

But Bai Xiaofei didn't care what they thought, before he finished speaking, he had already launched his own means, and dozens of space cards suddenly appeared out of thin air.

It's just that these space cards flashed not near the palace, but in twelve directions around the entire Wakanda shield.

Like the twelve dots of a clock, each dot is a space card.

next moment.

The door opened.

Countless sentinel hunters flew out of it one after another.

"Boom boom boom!"

As soon as the Sentinel Hunter appeared, he unceremoniously launched an attack on the surrounding zombie aliens, and the pressure on Wakanda's protective shield suddenly dropped.

Using a mechanical body to deal with the zombie army, the result can be imagined, the latter is not an opponent at all, and the whole battle situation is almost one-sided.

after all……

These sentinel hunters are no ordinary characters.

In the DC universe world next door, they are used to deal with the main force of the Black Lantern Legion. Compared with the undead warriors of the Black Lantern Legion, these zombie aliens in front of them are not at the same level at all, they are too weak.

To know.

The undead warriors of others fully possess the abilities and consciousness of life, and even under the blessing of the power of the black lamp, their combat effectiveness is even more terrifying than before life.

But these zombies are different.

Even if he still retains some of the consciousness and intelligence of his life, but not all of them, coupled with the severe degradation of his body, his combat power can be two or three tenths of his life, which would be very good.

Comparing the two compartments, you don't even have to think about the result.

almost instantly.

Around the Wakanda shield, a large open space was cleared by Bai Xiaofei's sentinel hunters, but any approaching zombie aliens had only one dead end.

Including the sky is the same.

Those Pippi shrimp Leviathans, although they look big, are actually a group of weak ones. Even the original Hulk can kill them with one punch, let alone the sentinel hunter whose strength is completely above the green fat.

Almost a one shot thing.

In short.

With the appearance of sentinel hunters, the fate of zombie aliens is like the wheat in the field during the autumn harvest.

Only a few general-level players with relatively strong strength can stand up to the attack of the Sentinel Hunter, and the most outstanding performer among them is undoubtedly the Zombie Thanos.


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