The Storm God

Chapter 4140 The second stage! (Please subscribe!)


The atmosphere at the scene was a bit stalemate.

Although the four angels of the Light Religion have a certain advantage in terms of numbers, they do not have much chance of winning in terms of strength.


Even though they were annoyed, they did not dare to act rashly.

The Titans have nothing to fear.


The two sides confronted each other like this, their swords were on the verge of breaking out, but they just didn't do anything.

As a person with a vested interest in troubled waters, Bai Xiaofei naturally wouldn't let the matter continue like this, and was just about to say something to completely arouse the conflict between the two parties.

But at this moment.

"come back!"

An incomparably cold voice suddenly came from the void.


The four angels responded immediately.

And the attitude is extremely respectful, it is obvious that the person who spoke is far above them in status.

It may be the candidate for the saint.


"Hao Tian, ​​even if you go far this time, Lady Joan of Arc doesn't care as much as you do, but next time, you won't be so lucky."

"Let's wait and see!"


The fourteen-winged angel said coldly.

The voice did not fall.


The bright golden light had already arrived, and the four angels were teleported away.

so far.

The war is completely over.

The Titans emerge victorious and get the Reality Stone without breaking a sweat.

in addition.

It's Team Reaper.

Taking advantage of the time when everyone was attracted by the Reality Gem, they went directly to Planet Ego, successfully grabbed the Soul Gem, and completed the initial task of the team battle.

The worst ones are undoubtedly those teams that are not strong.

Almost all were wiped out.


It's Sanctuary.

The soul gem was robbed and two team members were robbed.

Captain Zhang Sheng, his holy clothes were shattered, his eyes were scrapped, and he was seriously injured. His Highness, who was in relatively good condition, was brainwashed into a walking dead by the Guangming Cult

It can be said that life is worse than death, a complete defeat.

The Titans didn't have any interest in them and chose to ignore them. It wasn't because of their good intentions, but because even if they didn't do anything, they would wait until the initial results of the team battle were settled.

The reincarnation space will not make things easier for the Sanctuary team. Even if the Sanctuary team still has points, it is at the end of their battle and there is no threat to them at all.

Instead of killing people, it is better to keep them.


in the second stage.

Zhang Sheng and the others can bring some surprises to the teams.

Bai Xiaofei also had similar considerations, even before leaving, he still controlled his own avatar, and the dark elves secretly left some healing medicine for Zhang Sheng and His Royal Highness Sha.

after all.

His purpose is to muddy the water as much as possible.

Although the sanctuary team lost the infinite gems, but the foundation is still there, and it can play some role. As long as it is useful, Bai Xiaofei doesn't think they are weak.


After Bai Xiaofei returned, he immediately received a warm welcome from Lord Dragon King and other Titans. Who made him snatch the Reality Gem as soon as he made a move?

Up to now.

Except for the Order of Light, only the Titans have two Infinity Stones, and the other two teams only have one Infinity Stone.

The Titans will undoubtedly have more advantages in the next second phase of team battle missions.

And all of this was brought by Bai Xiaofei.

Everyone is naturally welcome.

after all.

The Titans are all about force.

Bai Xiaofei won the approval of these Titan players with his actual actions and super high force, and he truly integrated into this team.

not like before.

It's all because of my grandson and the Dragon King's appreciation.


A group of people started a carnival.

Until the day when the initial results of the team battle missions were settled, the entire Titans were singing and dancing, rejoicing all night long, having a great time.

On the other hand, the other teams are more depressed.


Abyss Devils.

Due to carelessness, an abyssal demon was lost.

Although that demon is just a novice, and his strength is not very strong, he is also a member of the Abyss Demon team. If he is killed like this, the face of the Abyss Demon team will be affected to a certain extent.

At the same time, it will also have a certain impact on their future tasks and actions.


As their strongest imaginary enemy, the Order of Light.

In this operation, they didn't get any advantage, and even lost a player, which made the Abyss Demon team very pleased.

Because on the whole, the strength comparison between the two sides has not changed much.


The Titans are a great threat.

Not only did they get two infinite gems, but they also recruited a terrifying guy like Hao Tian into the team, which undoubtedly put enormous pressure on the Abyss Demon team.


That night, their entire team was in a meeting, discussing how to deal with the upcoming second-stage team battle mission, and they were extremely busy.

Not just the Abyss Demon team.

Like the Order of Light, the Reaper Team, and other reincarnation teams who still have points, are confident that they will not be wiped out by the reincarnation space, and still have a glimmer of hope.

Not a very good day.

that's all.

Time flies by.

some moment.


"The settlement of the initial score of the team battle task has begun"

"In this team battle mission, the team that won the first place is the Order of Light, and the Titans, followed by the Abyssal Demons, and the Reaper"

"For the rest of the team, if the task fails, a certain amount of points will be deducted according to the number of people. If the points are not enough, they will be eliminated directly!"


"The second phase of the team battle begins!"

"The content of this task is: collect all six infinite gems, and assemble a complete set of infinite gem sequences. Time: one month. The loser will be obliterated."

"All teams, please work hard."


The system notification sound in the Samsara space was suddenly sent to all surviving members of the Samsara team through the Samsara watch.

And with the arrival of the notification sound, some team members were ruthlessly wiped out because they didn't have enough points.


Everyone was taken aback.

The team battle mission of the second stage turned out to be a complete set of infinite gem sequences!


Doesn't that mean.

In the end, only one squad can survive, and the rest must die?

How ruthless, this is clearly to make all the teams fight to the end, there is no room for maneuver at all!


The face of Lord Dragon King was full of bitterness, and he said helplessly: "Sure enough, my thinking is still too simple, it is impossible for us to exploit loopholes in the reincarnation space!"

"It seems that this is going to be serious."


Not only him.

The rest of the reincarnation team is almost the same.

Especially on the side of the Order of Light, after learning of the requirements of the second phase of the team battle mission, Joan of Arc, one of the candidates for the Holy Maiden, immediately issued an order:

"At all costs, grab the infinite gems!"


Everyone responded, and someone asked, "Lord Joan, which team should we start with first?"

Now there are four teams with infinite gems, including the Order of Light: Abyss Demon Team, Death Team, Titan Team, and the Order of Light.

no doubt.

The Titans are definitely the strongest enemy of the Order of Light at present, not one of them.

It is obviously unwise to go to war with the Titans directly.


You can only choose the Death God team and the Abyss Demon team.

Among these two teams, the strength of the Abyssal Demon team should not be underestimated, after all, they are the mortal enemy of the Light Cult.

Even if the number is small, the individual strength is terrifying.

If so.


The only choice is the Reaper team.

But things are not absolute, because other teams without infinite gems are not all wiped out, as long as they have enough points, they can still continue the team battle.


In a new round of team battles.

Teams with insufficient numbers or insufficient strength can also recruit other players to enhance their own strength like the Titans.

It would be bad if the Reaper team also recruited new members.

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