The Storm God

Chapter 4146 The secret of the god group! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei explained his thoughts to Thanos.

Of course, he didn't tell Thanos everything directly, but said ambiguously that the enemy he faced was far more powerful and terrifying than imagined.

Hope to get help from Thanos.


Thanos is not strong enough.

Yelling was useless, and it would even put Thanos in danger, so Bai Xiaofei didn't have the nerve to speak, but now that Thanos has the ability, it's another matter.

Of course, everything is voluntary.

Bai Xiaofei won't force it, even if Thanos doesn't agree with him, he will try his best to help Thanos improve his strength and become stronger.


Thanos is more powerful.

The more beneficial it is to him, it doesn't matter whether he participates or not.

After all, Bai Xiaofei's enemies are not only Infinite Ultron, but also the team members in the reincarnation space.

And Thanos has just met these team members.

Even if Thanos doesn't join Bai Xiaofei's team, because of some reasons of his own, he still has to do it with these people.

In short.

No matter how Thanos chooses, Bai Xiaofei will not suffer.


Thanos froze for a moment when he heard the words.

Then he fell into deep thought, as if considering the pros and cons.

Bai Xiaofei was not in a hurry, and waited silently.

After a while.

Thanos raised his head.


He looked at Bai Xiaofei with a smile, and said: "There is no free lunch in the world. I was saved by you before, and I awakened a powerful ability because of it. I owe you, and the current situation is so bad..."

"If I ask for your things for nothing, then I'm too inhuman, and I can't bear it in my heart, so I should treat it as a part-time job for you."

"From now on, I will depend on Mr. Bai to take care of me."


What he said was very sincere.

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately, happily patted Thanos on the shoulder, laughed and said: "Look at what you said, why don't you take care of me, since you followed me, then I can still make you feel wronged?"


"From now on, we are a family."

"No distinction between each other!"


As he said that, he also generously took out several bottles of super gene serum to Thanos, which was regarded as a meeting gift for Thanos.

"Ah this..."

Looking at the huge pile of genetic serum, Thanos felt a little embarrassed, scratched his head and said, "Isn't that too much?"

"Not much, not much!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a smile on the other hand, and said, "Where is this? ..."

"Oh well."

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was so forthright and nonchalant, Thanos couldn't refuse, he could only accept it.

Then ask, "So what do I need to do?"

Current situation.

Thanos also knows that the situation is not good for them.

In the past, he just thought that killing a few counted as a few, but with Bai Xiaofei, it was completely different, and he had to listen to the boss.

"No need to do anything."

Bai Xiaofei chuckled, and said: "Just absorb these super genes for me and enhance your own strength. I will solve all kinds of follow-up problems for you. When I need you, I will naturally let you do it. "

Regarding the usefulness of Thanos, in fact Bai Xiaofei had already thought about it.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there is no need for Thanos to take action for the time being, Bai Xiaofei can handle it by himself, and what he has to do is to borrow the identity of Thanos.

for example……

Pretend to be Thanos, and then find trouble with the major reincarnation teams, attract hatred, and completely muddy the water.

Bai Xiaofei has experience in these things.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Thanos can just absorb and refine those super genes to enhance his own strength.

Should I say it or not.

Although the current Thanos has some abilities, overall, he still can't help Bai Xiaofei. Instead of playing this hole card so early, it's better to continue to hide, and a king bomb will come at the critical moment.

However, there is a problem that must be resolved in advance.

"Thanos, give me some of your blood."


Hearing Bai Xiaofei's request, Thanos immediately looked puzzled.

Bai Xiaofei didn't hide anything, and told the other party that he had abilities similar to Thanos's, and explained: "I plan to pretend to be you, and then launch revenge actions against those people."

"Ah this..."

Thanos was shocked when he heard the words.

Ability similar to yourself? Really or not, is it possible that Mr. Bai is also a member of the Eternal Race? Or is it related to the anomalous?


Doubts are doubts.

Thanos didn't hesitate at all, he immediately cut his finger and released some blood for Bai Xiaofei.

In the past, Thanos' blood was red.

No different from humans.


After awakening.

Thanos' blood turned golden.

That's because Thanos' life level has undergone tremendous qualitative changes. Only this kind of golden blood that contains immortality can withstand its terrifying and powerful energy.

Just like Bai Xiaofei.

His blood is liquid chalcedony like amalgam, which is more advanced and powerful than Thanos' golden blood.


Just for a moment.

Thanos' blood was devoured and absorbed by Bai Xiaofei.

The blood visible to the naked eye turned into a pool of transparent liquid, without any life quality contained in it.

But pure water.

At the same time, Bai Xiaofei has also acquired the genetic ability of Thanos, the ability to manipulate cosmic energy from the Eternal Race, and the genetic plunder of the Abnormal.


It also includes the abilities of the reincarnation absorbed by Thanos.

There are even some memories of Thanos.

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei got a lot.

Not to mention the two major genetic abilities of the Eternal Race and the Abnormal, just the inheritance information from the genetic aspect shocked Bai Xiaofei very much.


His strength is far stronger than Thanos.

So when infinitely optimizing and absorbing Thanos' abilities, it went to a higher level, allowing Bai Xiaofei to get more secrets about the Eternal Race.


The birth of the Tenjin group.

Bai Xiaofei was stunned when he got these mysteries.

Obviously, I didn't expect that this Marvel universe would hide such an astonishing inside story, and I don't know if the same is true for other Marvel parallel universes.

This moment.

Bai Xiaofei is like a greedy student.

Absorbing the mysteries of inheritance from the blood of the Eternal Clan frantically, expanding his knowledge and experience, although his strength has not been significantly improved, the harvest is unimaginable.


He has already spied some secrets about the Tianshen Group, which will have an immeasurably huge impact and important role on Bai Xiaofei's future plans.

"Mr. Bai..."

Thanos looked at Bai Xiaofei standing there blankly, with a surprised expression on his face, he couldn't help being a little worried, and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Ah? No, nothing!"

Bai Xiaofei regained consciousness in an instant, and then replied with a smile: "I'm just amazed at the inheritance of your bloodline. I can't imagine that the origin of the Eternal Clan can be traced back to those big bosses of the Heavenly God Group..."


Thanos was stunned when he heard the words, apparently he didn't expect that Bai Xiaofei actually possessed abilities similar to his own, and even its power effect was far superior to his own.

At the very least, when his ability devours other people's genes, he won't be able to acquire the other's genetic abilities so quickly.

But Bai Xiaofei did it.


The admiration for Bai Xiaofei in Thanos' heart became more dignified.

Then there was a burst of sighs and emotions: "When I knew this, I was also shocked. Fortunately, those big bosses would not easily interfere with people's lives, otherwise God knows what people will be like now."

"But now the entire universe is facing a huge danger. If they can come forward to stop it, maybe it will be another situation?"


He does not mean that.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes flashed suddenly, a bold and crazy plan inexplicably appeared in his mind, and he thought to himself: "Should the Celestial Team come forward?"

"It's not impossible to say!"


I immediately started planning in my heart.


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