The Storm God

Chapter 4162 Surrounded by stars! (Please subscribe!)


"These bastards, how dare they"

"It makes no sense!"


In the billowing fireworks.

Lucica was furious.

Although the attack just now was nothing to her at all, but she couldn't stand the nausea, the clothes on her body were almost broken on the spot.

As a result, she had to enter the angel form in advance.

And until then.

Only then did Bai Xiaofei see the true face of Lucica's angel, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes, full of amazement.

Good guy!

The wings of this fourteen-winged angel are indeed special.

Cross-shaped wings?


This is a bit unscientific.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes were full of astonishment and weirdness. Anyone who saw a series of "+" shaped wings growing on his back, and the number was as high as fourteen, would find it incredible.

After all, this thing has nothing to do with wings at all.

Gabriel, Yi and Hua before, although their wings are quite special, they are composed of special energy after all.

Whether it's thunder, lightning, or flame, they all belong to a special form of energy. It's easy to understand it as wings.


What the hell is something like a cross? Those who don't know may think that you have memorized the cemetery.

In short.

No matter what other people think.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei felt that Lucica's wings were quite unscientific.

Just like a bone frame without hair, it can drive a terrifying big bird like an aircraft carrier by flickering twice.

Thieves Nima outrageous!


Lucy Jia didn't care what Bai Xiaofei thought.

At this moment, seeing the Reaper team and the Alliance team joining forces and launching a charge against the Light Cult, her only thought was to teach these ignorant guys a painful lesson!

It's best to kill these people directly, and then grab the soul gem!


"Leave none, destroy them all!"

"Get the gem!"


Lucica yelled.

As her order was conveyed, the rest of the members of the Guangming Cult who were also very angry responded immediately, and immediately used their means to rush towards the enemy.


They're not dumb either.

While dealing with the enemy, he did not forget another task——


However, three weaker angels directly formed a small group and rushed towards Thanos, intending to carry out Lord Joan's order to capture the purple sweet potato essence alive for research.

And the other side.

The death team and the alliance team are no exception.

It's just that, compared to the arrogant and arrogant Guangming Cult, they obviously pay more attention to Thanos, so the people they send are all elite masters with strong strength.

For example, Zhang Sheng, the vice captain of the alliance team, Xuan Ming's deputy, and Bader, the core member of the Reaper team.


Seeing that the two waves of people valued him so much, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly: "You really think highly of me."

He just stood there, without any dodge.

Take your time.


Seeing so.

The members of the Light Cult who attacked couldn't help feeling very puzzled: "What's the situation, what the hell is this purple sweet potato essence doing? Maybe it's another trap?"


This is the end of the matter, and they don't care about it anymore.

Before the person arrived, he directly used the strongest purification method, intending to use this method to eliminate Bai Xiaofei's god poison see-change.

look from afar.

It was as if a huge hole had been opened in the sky, and then countless golden lights turned into torrents, descending from the sky, flying straight down, and slammed into the huge purple poison circle formed by Bai Xiaofei's God's Poison See-Gai.

The combined blow of the three high-ranking angels is also a torrent of abilities that specialize in purification and elimination of all bad states.

That power is still quite awesome.

Visible to the naked eye, the poison circle of Bai Xiaofei's God's Poison See-Change is rapidly shrinking, and if it continues like this, it may not be long before it will completely collapse.


On the other side, Zhang Sheng and the others saw this scene, not only did not stop it, but their eyes lit up, and they followed suit, cooperating with the angels of the Guangming Cult to deal with Bai Xiaofei's God's Poison See-Change.

after all.

The power of this poison circle is too terrifying.

Anyone who enters will be cut off. Even though the Guangming Cult is their enemy now, in some respects, it is not impossible to reach a consensus.


First destroy the poison circle, and then proceed to snatch the ownership of Thanos.

Otherwise, if the poisonous circle is not eradicated, no one will be well off.


Badr from Team Reaper.

He is very familiar with Sarkozy's view of God's Poison. Although Bai Xiaofei's move has been improved by himself, the essence is still somewhat the same.

He quickly unsealed the seal with both hands, and chanted spells in his mouth. Soon, a terrifying giant net descended from the sky, shining Bai Xiaofei's poison circle in it.


At this moment, Juwang began to absorb the power of the poisonous circle crazily, making his original white and flawless body instantly turn into a terrifying purple-black.

And Bai Xiaofei's poison circle, under the joint attack of the six masters from both sides, quickly shrunk, and finally reached the limit, and exploded on the spot with a bang.

"It's done!"

The poison circle was wiped out, and Zhang Sheng and others were overjoyed.

Then they all speeded up and rushed towards Thanos at the fastest speed. At the same time, they all accumulated their strength to guard against the attack of another team.

Bai Xiaofei, who was the core of the target, still stood where he was, not panicking at all, even if the poison circle was gone, he was still not worried.

He took the time to look at the two sides who were approaching quickly, with a weird sneer on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of jokes.

Do you really think you can do whatever you want without the poison circle?

Don't forget, God's Poison View is just one of many tricks in the lethal dose, since I can change one, I can change the second.

Don't you think I'm really easy to bully? That being the case, then I will show you some more real skills, so as not to say that I am not good at hospitality!

"Surrounded by stars!"


As Bai Xiaofei exerted his power, a huge star ring-shaped thing immediately appeared around his body.

At a certain position in the star ring, there is also a huge planet.

The planet is dark purple in color and contains an extremely violent and highly poisonous substance. It is like a satellite, following the orbit of the star ring, revolving around Bai Xiaofei at high speed.

Every time it turns around, the same star ring-shaped thing will condense around Bai Xiaofei's body again, surrounding Bai Xiaofei and the outside of the first star ring.

In a blink of an eye.

Bai Xiaofei's body was covered with dozens of high-speed rotating star rings, which looked like a map of galaxies.

Bai Xiaofei is the absolute core.

The countless dark purple poisonous balls around him are the planets attached to him, and the star rings are the orbits visible to the naked eye.

Not only that.

The running direction of these poisonous balls is not static.

Sometimes horizontal, sometimes vertical, complex and changeable, the combination of many star ring poison spheres immediately formed a special galaxy field, completely protecting Bai Xiaofei in it.

Any outsider who wants to approach or even attack Bai Xiaofei must first sweep away these star rings and poison balls, otherwise everything is useless.

Those high-speed rotating poisonous balls and star rings are like loyal guards, protecting Bai Xiaofei's side all the time, blocking all external enemies.

The attacks of the Illumination Order, the Reaper Team, and the Alliance Squad will not help if they fall on it.

It was thrown away in an instant.


As time passed, there were more and more star rings and poison balls, and Bai Xiaofei's defense range also increased.

In this short period of time, it has already expanded to a range of about 100 meters, and it is still expanding rapidly.


A hint of doubt flashed in Badr's eyes, obviously he didn't know that Sarkozy's abilities and tricks were actually changed into this by Bai Xiaofei.

But soon, he came up with a strategy to defeat the enemy.

"Attack those poison balls!"

"Don't worry about those rings, follow the direction of the gambling ball's rotation to track and attack, as long as you break the poisonous ball, you can break his defense!"

"Everyone shoot together!"


As he said that, he had already demonstrated by himself.

I saw him pinch the Yinjue and recite the mantra in his mouth, and immediately shot out countless chains from the void, entangled the outermost star ring and poison ball, and instantly reduced its rotation speed by more than half.

Following Zhang Sheng's coordinated attack, he successfully destroyed the poisonous ball with one move, the Mishen Finger. Then the second, the third

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