The Storm God

Chapter 4218 Ultron reappears! (Please subscribe!)

In the alien space.

After learning that Gus and others, together with members of other teams, had left the scene quickly, the Dragon King was secretly relieved.

Now there is finally no worries.


He looked back into the distance.

Over there, Bai Xiaofei was still fighting fiercely with the Son of Worship of the Lantern, and the overall trend was slightly passive, but the Son of Worship of the Lantern did not take much advantage.

It's not that the scary phantom is not powerful, but that Bai Xiaofei is too slippery.

Run away after hitting, never give him a chance to fight back, but when he takes the initiative to attack, Bai Xiaofei always dodges, playing peek-a-boo with you

Who can bear this shit?


The Holy Son Worshiping the Lantern was so angry that he cursed immediately: "Shameless, Haotian, if you have the guts, just confront me directly, what kind of man is a sneaky one!"


Bai Xiaofei was not fooled at all, he sneered and said: "A man can bend and stretch, I call it strategy, a fool is tough with you!"

"If you have the ability to remove that phantom, I will definitely accompany you to the end!"


The Holy Son Worshiping the Lamp was immediately speechless.

Depend on!

Without Xu Ying's help, I'm still playing a fart.

No matter!

Since you don't fight with yourself, then I will go to the Dragon King. I don't believe you are still hiding like this.

The Son of Worshiping the Lantern is not an idiot either.

He had already seen that the Dragon King seemed to be brewing something, so Bai Xiaofei stepped forward alone and entangled him.

The key point is that this guy is too cunning.

I can't hit it at all.

no way.

The Holy Son Worshiping the Lantern could only shift his target and set his sights on the Dragon King.

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei was speechless and wanted to stop him. At this time, the Dragon King said via voice transmission: "Haotian, don't worry about him, let him come over"


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed and asked, "Is this ready?"

"about there."

The Dragon King replied: "At first I was thinking about how to get him to take the bait, but I didn't realize that I came here by myself, which saved me a lot of trouble."

"Brother Haotian, wait until you get ready."

"I will send everyone out later. Everything is going according to plan. Gus and others have already evacuated ahead of time. The Son of Worshiping the Lantern can't make any waves by himself!"

"As long as we persevere, victory is ours!"


Dragon King is full of information.


Bai Xiaofei nodded, expressing his understanding.


Immediately stopped moving.

And the Holy Son of Worshiping the Lantern over there drove a terrifying phantom and came straight to the Dragon King, just when he was waving the cross sword and wanted to kill the Dragon King.


The Dragon King suddenly showed an expression of success, and said with a smile: "Son of the Lantern, you have been fooled, let's change places!"


The Son of Worship Lantern suddenly looked confused.

His intuition told himself that things were about to happen, and in a hurry, he swung his sword more swiftly, wanting to kill the Dragon King completely before he could make a move.

No matter how bad it is, it is necessary to prevent the other party from exerting power.


He was still late after all.

Just when the great cross sword was about to fall on the Dragon King's head, a burst of space teleportation power suddenly descended.

Before the Son of Worshiping the Lamp could react, the terrifying phantom of him and the driver had already been transported out of the alien space.

at the same time.

The figures of Dragon King and Bai Xiaofei also left one after another, but the location where the enemy and us were teleported away was not the same place.

The Son of Worshiping the Lamp was directly transported by the Dragon King to the northern edge of the Marvel Universe, which can be called the distribution frontier.

But the Dragon King and Bai Xiaofei appeared in the southern frontier area of ​​the Marvel universe, and the two sides were completely different from each other.


The Dragon King's move was not without price.

His small world shattered completely, blasting the scene at that time into an extremely terrifying space-time black hole. Countless space-time storms and turbulent currents ravaged the audience, destroying countless stars and galaxies.

Fortunately, Gus and others left early, otherwise they would definitely be unlucky.

Because of the collapse of the alien space, the Dragon King also suffered some minor injuries. Fortunately, all of this was caused by himself, and the damage was much smaller than the backlash caused by the forced destruction.

You only need to practice a little, swallow some medicine or something, and you can recover quickly.

With such a small price, the Dragon King felt that it was quite cost-effective to directly put the formidable enemy of the Son of Worship Lantern.

Even if the Son of Worshiping the Lantern can tear apart the space and chase him across the space at the fastest speed, it will inevitably take some time in the middle, as well as the energy and duration of the terrifying phantom.

And this is one of his goals.

If the two of them completely hide away again, so that the Son of Worshiping the Lantern cannot find their traces within a short period of time, the effect will undoubtedly be better.

In fact.

They do the same.

Seeing that the Dragon King was slightly injured, Bai Xiaofei immediately did his part, took him directly, and escaped to another unique space that he temporarily opened up.

Bai Xiaofei called it the "Sword Field".

Inside, it is filled with all kinds of sword power that Bai Xiaofei has comprehended, and it is a pure practice place for practicing swords.

This space, on the one hand, can reflect Bai Xiaofei's identity, and on the other hand, it can also hide his whereabouts, helping the Dragon King to heal his injuries with peace of mind.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.


Neither of them knew that the space-time black hole exploded by the destruction of the alien space unexpectedly caused chaos in the multiverse.

A figure of Bai Xiaofei who had searched for a long time but could not find any clues came out from the center of the black hole as if nothing had happened.

This person is obviously Ultron!

That's right!

It was the Infinity Ultron who came back after the defeat and not only mastered the full set of Infinity Gem sequences, but also recruited a large number of younger brothers.

"It's so powerful, it's really terrifying!"

Unlimited Ultron walked in the black hole of time and space like a step, commenting: "It seems that this world is far beyond my imagination."

next moment.

On his mechanical mask, the four scarlet electronic eyes suddenly erupted with a terrifying red glow, and the space-time black hole that was expanding wildly, ravaging the universe, immediately seemed to be restrained by an invisible hand.

Start converging and shrinking quickly.

In an instant.

The extremely terrifying scene just now was completely calmed down immediately.

The black hole disappeared, and the turbulent storm stopped.


They all returned to their original state.

However, there is a more mysterious and terrifying Infinite Ultron.

After doing all this, Infinity Ultron seemed to feel something. The electronic eyes looked at the north of the universe, and then looked at the south

"It's a strange force."

"Outsiders? Or some hidden super master in the universe?"

"Forget it, let's start cleaning everything first!"


I saw Unlimited Ultron holding a double-headed spear, and with a slight lift, a huge man-made mechanical planet was instantly formed.

On the mechanical planet, there are densely packed Ultron bodies, like a honeycomb.


These Ultron bodies are far beyond the comparison of the previous ones, and each one looks more powerful and terrifying.

The materials of its composition alone are all made of vibrating gold, and the weapons in the hands of some mechatronics are also varied and varied.


They are not mass-market models.

Rather, like the Women's Federation, they are elite players with a high degree of self-awareness and intelligence, as well as super combat power.

For example, the one with the shield is obviously a copycat of the US team; let alone the one with the hammer, it is a proper copy of Thor

"The feast has begun, let's go!"

Following the order of Infinite Ultron, the countless Ultron bodies on the mechanical planet immediately attacked, and like locusts, they rushed out one after another and spread towards all parts of the universe.

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