The Storm God

Chapter 4231 Future changes! (Please subscribe!)


The ancient one mage is old and refined, how can he not see Dr. Hulk's little surprised and slightly depressed eyes?

She wanted to explain, and I didn't want to either.

Isn't this an emergency?


In the end, she still didn't say anything.

When Dr. Hulk came to the future Iron Man and the future US team, he explained: "I came to you this time to tell you that there have been immeasurably huge changes in the future..."

The face is serious, dignified and serious.

Obviously, he didn't mean to joke with everyone at all, and his eyes finally fell on Dr. Hulk.

Dr. Hulk understood in an instant, his eyes widened, and he dared not say anything: "Master Ancient One, what do you mean, a new division of time has been formed?"

This is when he went to borrow the time gem, what Master Gu Yi told him, if the time gem is taken away, a new time trajectory will be opened up on the original time trajectory.

Thus completely breaking away from the track of the past!

But Dr. Hulk used his own theory to try to explain the other party, but unfortunately failed. In the end, he said that Doctor Strange took the initiative to hand over the Time Stone to Thanos, and the ancient master believed in Dr. Hulk.

And handed over the time gem that he guarded to Hulk.

but now……

It seems that things have changed again.

To this.

Dr. Hulk is completely dumbfounded.

The US team next to him is no exception, even more confused than Dr. Hulk, because he really doesn't know anything.

When I came up, I ran into Master Gu Yi and said that the future will change.

Can't help but face: "???"

What do you mean?

Please guys, can you clarify?

I am not educated enough!


But seeing Iron Man in the future, he was silent for a moment after hearing the words, then nodded slightly, and said: "Perhaps, we were wrong from the beginning of the time hijacking plan..."


Hearing Tony's speech, Captain America and Dr. Hulk became even more confused.

what's the situation.

You figure out the plans and techniques.

Why are you taking the lead in overthrowing everything about yourself at this moment? What happened just now...

The US team was stunned to find that Tony had been very wrong since just now. Could it be that he had a mental problem?

Dr. Hulk was also very surprised.

He subconsciously shook his head and said: "Impossible. According to our inference, there is no way that there will be problems with the time hijacking plan. Even if there are problems, it must be caused by other aspects..."

Then, he changed the subject, fixed his eyes on Tony, and asked, "Tony, do you know something? Tell us quickly!"


Master Gu Yi also looked at the future Iron Man.

Future Iron Man was silent for a while, finally sighed, and then said in a very heavy tone: "Just now, in my own Stark Tower, not only did I see a completely strange and powerful man..."

"I also saw Ultron, the 'unfilial son' intelligent life form that was destroyed by us before, and his appearance..."

"It seems to be a phantom body, covered with iconic armor, and Ultron seems to have collected six infinite gems..."

"But for some reason, this Infinite Ultron didn't do anything wrong, but disappeared in an instant..."

"If I'm not mistaken, this Unlimited Ultron should be the strange man who appeared before chasing him!"


After listening to Tony's speech, all the people present, including Mage Gu Yi, were all dumbfounded.

An extremely powerful strange man!


A full set of Infinity Gems!


These are all nuclear-bomb-level heavyweight information!

The US team never imagined that just when he and his past self were fighting for the spiritual scepter, Tony experienced so many major events!

Simply incredible!

The same is true for Dr. Hulk. You know, Ultron was jointly developed and created by him and Tony. Just look at Sokovia to see the horror and harm it caused. If it weren't for their luck, the whole world might not be up!

Unexpectedly, it's still pediatrics.

This metamorphosis of Ultron Gennima not only has the body of the illusion, but also has collected a whole set of infinite gems...


Doesn't this mean that he only needs to snap his fingers, and he can easily turn himself and others, and even all life in the universe into scum?

Think here.

Dr. Hulk couldn't help being filled with despair and darkness.


This bitch is still working hard!

Tired, lie flat!


However, Gu Yi, the current supreme mage, focused his attention directly on the last point, that is, the entire set of infinite gem sequences.

A robot actually owns all the infinite gems!

is it possible?

But nothing seems impossible.

After all, Master Gu Yi knew about the existence of phantoms. Since phantoms can exist, why can't Infinite Ultron?

Then came the problem.

According to the original timeline development of my own time and space, Ultron should have been wiped out by Tony and others in the Avengers.

Where did this even more perverted Infinite Ultron come from?

And the powerful strange man before, if Infinity Ultron is really chasing him, then what is his origin?

Also the Avengers?

Could it be...

Did they come from a more distant future world that they couldn't see? Or, it is not an outsider who belongs to this cosmic dimension at all!

Compared with Iron Man and others in the future, Master Gu Yi obviously knows more mysteries in the Marvel universe and has a wider knowledge.

But it is a pity that the broad returns to the broad, because of the problem of personal consciousness and concept, after all, there is still its depth and upper limit.

In a word.

In terms of comprehensiveness, it is completely inferior to Heiqi.

But even Heiqi, in front of Infinite Ultron, and his understanding of the multiverse world, are very shallow.

What's more, the current Ancient One mage who is far inferior to Heiqi.


Master Gu Yi soon fell into confusion.

As a result, the four of them fell silent, immersed in the great terror and despair brought about by Infinite Ultron, and remained speechless for a long time.

that's all.

I don't know how long it has passed.

Suddenly, there was only a soft sigh, which suddenly came from the ear.

Immediately afterwards, Future Iron Man and the others were shocked to discover that at some time, there was a man they didn't know at all beside the four of them.

at the same time.

At some point, the environment where everyone was in was transformed into a completely unfamiliar empty space.

The surroundings are like broken mirrors, but there are many more all-encompassing complex things, which look like a kaleidoscope of countless movie clips.

And everyone, at this moment, stands at the core of the kaleidoscope, like the eye of the storm, no matter how the surroundings change, only this place is eternal.

"This is……"

The trio of Future Iron Man were instantly stunned.

Even Gu Yi, the current supreme mage, was shocked when he saw such an astonishing scene, and couldn't help exclaiming: "What a powerful space magic! No, this is not magic, but a more terrifying method ..."

"However, this method seems to be born out of Karma Taj's mirror space magic. This respected young strongman, who are you?"

Master Gu Yi looked at the strange man in front of him with a solemn expression.

And this person is Bai Xiaofei!


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