The Storm God

Chapter 4247 Thanos is a teammate? (Please subscribe!)

the next day.

Tony reluctantly left his wife and daughter, and resolutely set foot on the expedition to save the peace of the universe with Bai Xiaofei.

"Let's go!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded.

There is no ink mark, and with a wave of his hand, he released a powerful force, wrapped Tony, traveled through time and space, and came to the first stage of the Avengers in the past.

And the location where it appeared was the Holy of Holies in New York.

"You are here."

The ancient master seems to have expected it.

For Bai Xiaofei and Tony's sudden appearance, he was not surprised at all.

Bai Xiaofei scanned it and found that in the entire Holy of Holies, except for the ancient one, there were no redundant mages.

This is very abnormal.


Bai Xiaofei looked at Master Gu Yi suspiciously: "Where are the other masters?"

Gu Yi explained with a smile: "I drove them to Karma Taj for further training. Their current strength is still too weak..."


This is the change that Mage Ancient One made after feeling the strong pressure to face the enemy, in an attempt to increase the odds of winning in this way.

Although it has almost no effect, it can at least increase the strength.

It's not a loss no matter what.


It may not mean that there is no room for Bai Xiaofei.

After all, what they were going to discuss next was extremely important, and there was no room for any leaks, otherwise it would only make matters worse.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei shrugged his shoulders, he didn't have much to say, since Master Gu Yi didn't care anymore, what else could he do? Of course, you have to accept it kindly.

Tony has obviously been to the Holy of Holies before, and he is no stranger to this place. After seeing the Ancient One, he immediately made a request: "I need a laboratory..."


Gu nodded to indicate that there was no problem.

She naturally knew that the purpose of Tony's laboratory was to upgrade equipment and increase the power of the armor. After all, the enemy was Ultron.

Although his nano-armor is powerful, it is still a bit weak after all.

After all, the opponent is Infinite Ultron.


It is necessary to have a strong combat power to compete with the six infinite gems, otherwise it is to give away the head, which is meaningless.

Master Gu Yi believed that since Bai Xiaofei brought Tony here, it meant that he already had a plan in mind.

The three of them walked to the basement of the Holy of Holies.

Master Gu Yi said as he walked: "Mr. Haotian, you must have an enhancement plan for Tony's armor, right? Can you tell me about it?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "There is nothing to hide, after all, you are the ancient one mage, if you can't believe it, then no one can believe it."

There was a wave of politeness.

Afterwards, Bai Xiaofei told Master Gu Yi of his vision in detail, and said that Infinite Iron Man is just one of the important combat powers.


hear this.

Not only Ancient One, but even Tony was taken aback for a moment.

The two looked at Bai Xiaofei at the same time, and asked curiously: "So, besides us, do you have other helpers?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded and explained: "After all, the threat of Infinite Ultron is not only this space-time universe, other parallel universes are also threatened, and this time Ultron is no longer alone, it has its own team ..."

"If we want to defeat Ultron, we can't do it alone, so I formed a multiverse version of League of Legends."

"Tony and you are one of them. In addition, there are other superheroes in the space-time universe, such as Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel, and even Thanos..."


When Bai Xiaofei mentioned the name "Thanos", Master Gu Yi was fine, but Tony's expression immediately turned into disbelief.

"Even Thanos you..."


Of course Bai Xiaofei knew what Tony was worried about, and he quickly explained: "Tony, don't be impatient, this Thanos is not a family planning committee that wants to destroy half of life in the universe, but another version..."


Tony was very surprised by this, his face full of surprise.

Bai Xiaofei briefly explained, and finally said: "In short, this Thanos is a certified pacifist, very trustworthy!"

"Just like the previous Thor, although the identity and standpoint may be somewhat different from those on Earth, the goals and ideals are the same."


Tony was stunned for a moment.

Although he also knows that the next Thanos is not the other Thanos, and people from different time, space and universes cannot be confused, but there is still a bit of sympathy in his heart.

after all.

They just killed a Thanos.

As a result, Bai Xiaofei told him right now that among his teammates, there was another version of Thanos...

Depend on!

Who can stand this.

Only Mage Gu Yi, who has a good understanding of multiverses, is not surprised by this. The only thing she is curious about is, what is the level of the Supreme Mage in other space-time universes?

"It can only be said that it is very strong!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't hide it either, and directly told the story about Heiqi to Mage Gu Yi briefly, "His strength can be said to be the strongest among you, there is no one, even if there is no infinite gem, he is strong enough to be infinite Ultron, will not be defeated in a short time..."

"We have cooperated before and faced Ultron together. At the moment, he is practicing retreat with other people to improve his strength."

"When the time comes, I will come over."


Speaking of which.

The three of them had arrived at the basement of the Holy of Holies.

While using spells to clean the layout and sanitation of the basement, Mage Gu Yi listened to Bai Xiaofei continue explaining about his teammates.

So did Tony.

For superheroes like them, it doesn't matter at all, it's just basic exercises.

After Bai Xiaofei finished introducing his teammates, he brought the topic back to Tony, saying, "The most urgent task now is to collect infinite gems and upgrade Tony's armor..."


It is to create an infinite armor.

Upon hearing the words, the ancient master donated the time gem worn around his neck without saying a word, and said, "Do you need my help for the other gems?"

Of course, this refers to the ether particles hidden by Asgard. Gu Yi thought that he still had some face in front of Odin.

"Need not."

Bai Xiaofei smiled and explained: "I already know the clues of the other infinite gems, so you don't need to worry about it. You can just assemble and enchant the parts of the armor with peace of mind here. I will take care of the gems!"


The two nodded one after another, but they were not polite to Bai Xiaofei.

After a while.

The entire basement of the Holy of Holies has been completely turned into a fantasy technological transformation laboratory that meets Tony's requirements, and even far exceeds his expectations.

There are not only all kinds of super advanced scientific instruments and equipment inside, but also many magic books and super instruments that even the ancient one has never seen before.

The two were dumbfounded, deeply shocked by Bai Xiaofei's family background.

After Bai Xiaofei smiled, he left directly.

The first station.

So I went to the hidden space and found the ether particles; and then teleported to the planet Morag in the Milky Way, and got the cosmic spirit ball.


Without stopping, he collected all the soul gems and soul gems one after another. At this point, there is only the universe Rubik's cube left.

But alas.

Because of the conflict and confusion of the plot, this time-space Rubik's Cube has disappeared, and it is not so easy to find it.

Even with Bai Xiaofei's abilities, he searched the entire earth, but he still couldn't find any traces of it.


He also didn't cut corners.

If you can’t find it now, then go to the earlier past. For example, during World War II, Iron Man and the others took away the Rubik’s Cube from the base at this time.

It was naturally easier for Bai Xiaofei to make a move.

that's all.

The six infinity gems were quickly collected by Bai Xiaofei and brought to Tony in the underground laboratory of the Holy of Holies.


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