The Storm God

Chapter 4271 Successor Captain! (Please subscribe!)


past time and space.

The basement of the Sanctuary of New York.

Bai Xiaofei was comprehending the space-time fluctuations he had noticed before, suddenly, he received the feedback sent back by his avatar.

That is.

His avatar has already disappeared.

This shocked Bai Xiaofei.

After a while.

After digesting and absorbing the feedback information from the avatar, Bai Xiaofei, who finally understood the ins and outs of the matter, was stunned.

"Time Variation Authority (TVA)?"

"Is there such a thing in the Marvel universe? Why have I never heard of it before? Is it a unique development of this universe, or what?"

"Unexpectedly, Kang the Conqueror is behind all of this, but the image and performance are too different from those in the comics, right?"

"What the hell is it at the end? The sacred timeline actually exploded!"


Bai Xiaofei was shocked.

At this moment, he finally knew how his clone died.

turn out to be……

When the sacred timeline burst, endless space-time storms and black hole turbulence erupted, and their power was extremely terrifying.

Even if Bai Xiaofei came in person, he had to be careful.

Although the Dragon King's realm strength is similar to that of Bai Xiaofei, but because he is not good at the law of time and space, his resistance is obviously not good.


The big brother was unfortunately involved in a huge storm, and the avatar was unfortunately killed in order to save the Dragon King.

Most importantly, people have not been saved yet.

Of course, compared to not being rescued, the harvest is still very huge. First, the Dragon King avoided being dismembered on the spot and died tragically. He was only seriously injured, and then he was completely transported to the inexplicable time and space world.


The Dragon King saw that the situation was not good.

It seemed that he had anticipated his own misfortune, so before being completely swallowed by the storm of time, he directly handed over his captaincy of the Titans to Bai Xiaofei.

Obviously he firmly believed that Bai Xiaofei would definitely be able to escape.

at this point.

It can be seen from the time storm fragments that Bai Xiaofei (clone) can easily smash into pieces. Anyway, compared to his helplessness, it is obviously much more powerful.

So just like that, Bai Xiaofei inexplicably became the new captain of Team Titans, not only obtained the status, but also obtained some special permissions.

For example, the right to open the Titans team warehouse.

In short.

The harvest is full.

Bai Xiaofei dug out the life information indicating device that the Dragon King gave him before, the light on it did not disappear, which meant that the Dragon King was still alive.

As for the specific situation, it is unknown.

"Brother Dragon King, are you alright?"

Bai Xiaofei hastily sent some more messages, but all of them fell silent, and he didn't know if he didn't receive it or he couldn't reply.


To be honest, Dragon King is still very good.

If something is true, it can definitely be dealt with.

Even if it is a person in the reincarnation space, Bai Xiaofei feels that he can be friends, if he can save him, he will definitely save him, and the friendship is not in vain.

But unfortunately...

The Dragon King seemed to have encountered some trouble and lost contact completely.

Just when Bai Xiaofei was thinking about taking risks, chasing after the fragments of space-time storm captured before the Dragon King disappeared, chasing after him to find someone——

The message from the reincarnation space suddenly came from the reincarnation watch: "Ao Chuang is dead, please continue to work hard!"


Bai Xiaofei was stunned at that moment.

What the hell?

Ultron is dead?

Depend on!

When did this happen? Who did it?

Why didn't I (the avatar) know anything about it? Could it be that the burst of the sacred timeline directly erased the existence of Ultron?

Or was it Kang the Conqueror who wiped it out?

But also troops.

If it was Kang the Conqueror, it stands to reason that the message should have been sent back a long time ago. Why is it so late now?

Could it be that there are some special changes in the middle?

some moment.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly thought of a possibility.

The existence of the void, almost confines all the power of the law, and even time and space, will be swallowed by the monster Elios.

If Ultron is cut there and then killed, it may delay the news of his death, after all, there is no so-called concept of time.

It wasn't until the sacred timeline exploded, the land of nothingness was affected by the shock, and countless space-time storms and black holes turbulently burst out, that a gap was created, allowing the reincarnation space to receive certain news.

If so, then everything can be explained.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but think of another question. After Kang the Conqueror died, did the manager of TVA become Sylvie, or was he completely suspended?


Does TVA still exist?

As soon as he thought of it, Bai Xiaofei immediately started to use the power of the entire set of infinite gems, but this time, he didn't feel the sense of crisis that he had before.


There is no abnormality. Could it be that TVA no longer exists?

Or did the opponent re-modify the rules?

Bai Xiaofei was dumbfounded.


It suddenly occurred to him that the avatar seems to have deliberately collected some TVA space-time controllers. Using this thing, he can open the portal at any time and place, travel through time and space, and perform tasks.

Give it a try and see if it still works.

next moment.

A space-time controller appeared in Bai Xiaofei's hands, but what made him extremely speechless was that the display screen above displayed words such as signal interruption, no connection, data loss...

In other words.

This thing is now like a mobile phone with no signal, it has completely become a decoration-like existence.


Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei was speechless.

I also confirmed some of my conjectures in my heart, for example... TVA may no longer exist, just like the mobile phone signal base station is destroyed, and the mobile phone cannot connect to the signal.

Without the existence of TVA, the space-time controller in hand is naturally useless.


Because of the explosion of the sacred timeline, TVA still exists, but it has lost many permissions, such as server crashes and the like.

You know, in TVA, there is a sacred timeline monitoring device. Once there is a deviation in the timeline somewhere, it will be displayed, and then Ravina will send time guards to arrest time criminals.

Now that Kang, the Conqueror of the big boss behind the scenes, is dead, and he has clearly confirmed the successor of the manager, the sacred timeline has completely exploded, and the monitoring device will inevitably be greatly affected by this.

Just as a computer is attacked by countless Trojan horse viruses, various disorders and errors may appear in the system.

This kind of situation may also cause the space-time controller to be unusable.

Many possibilities, in comparison.

Bai Xiaofei is more inclined to the latter. If Kang the Conqueror is not lying, according to his theory, if one Kang falls, countless Kangs will stand up.

Then according to the development of history or fate, there will definitely be a Kang in the future, who will create a brand new TVA for a certain purpose.

As for the new TVA, whether it will be the same as the old one is unknown, because Bai Xiaofei has completely lost its trace.

And compared to the existence of TVA, Bai Xiaofei at this moment is more concerned about the team battle missions in the reincarnation space.

after all.

The world of the Marvel universe is just one of the heavens and myriad realms, while the reincarnation space involves a higher level of the primordial realm.

It's pretty clear how to choose.


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