The Storm God

Chapter 4273 Wholesale of infinite gemstones! (Please subscribe!)

Everyone ignored the old grandson.

Gus, the vice-captain of Team Titans, looked at Bai Xiaofei and said with a smile: "Brother Haotian, you are now the captain of Team Titans. Whatever you say in the future, just do what you say, and we will have nothing to say!"


"That's right!"

The other team members also expressed their opinions one after another.

As for the others who joined later, such as Zhang Sheng, Hades and others, they were silent, not because they had any opinions.


Their identities are very embarrassing.

Although they are all members of the Titans team now, they are just peripheral members and have no right to speak at all.

After this team battle mission is over, there is a high probability that they will quit.

in short.

It's all done to save lives.

Whether the captain is the Dragon King or Bai Xiaofei, it doesn't make much difference to him.

In comparison.

They care more about teamfight missions.

Now, Ultron is gone, but the Dragon King is also missing. On the whole, it seems that everything has returned to the original point, and the strength gap between everyone and the Son of Worshiping the Lamp has not changed much.

They just want to know, what will Haotian do next?


Or is there a solution already.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei didn't explain immediately, but said: "This is not a place to talk, come to my different space to discuss."


After a while.

Everyone came to Bai Xiaofei's different space world.

This dimensional world is a temporarily opened independent space, completely isolated from the world, so there is no need to worry about leaking secrets.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have ink marks either.

After everyone gathered, he informed everyone of the current situation in detail: "Although Ultron is gone, his subordinates have not disappeared, that is to say, the Holy Son of Worship The influence of this is equivalent to an increase in disguise."


"Generally speaking, those guys are not well-known. Any expert can easily suppress a large area of ​​them, but there are also some who have better luck."

"It's like Eric the Leopard. This guy can be promoted from an ordinary person all the way to become the number one partner of Ultron. It must not be underestimated."

"What I mean is, before the decisive battle with the Son of Worshiping the Lantern, we should give priority to dealing with these little guys, lest they come to make trouble at critical moments..."


As soon as this statement came out.

Immediately received the full support of Lao Sun and other team members.

For the rest of the members who joined later, some quickly gave out the intelligence and information they had.

But unfortunately, there is no Eric the Leopard among them.


Some other key figures.

There are also many very eye-catching ones in terms of strength and means, such as Captain Hydra, whose power of luck is almost on par with Eric.

Although he himself is just an ordinary person, with the blessing of the super serum and the power of the infinite gemstones, he has become a heaven-defying existence.

The combat power is no longer inferior to the masters.

There are many others like this. After all, Ultron is a super team created to build the Dark Avengers.

Even without Ultron, the behind-the-scenes master, the level of threat is still quite terrifying. The key point is that almost everyone has infinite gems in their hands, which is terrifying.

For everyone in the Titans, as long as they are not the owners of the entire set of infinite gem sequences, there is still hope of victory.


Then the only thing to do is to be beaten.

And according to Bai Xiaofei's estimation, Eric the Leopard, Captain Hydra and several other members of the core Dark Vengeance Alliance may have a complete set of Infinity Gem sequences by their side.

It is not so difficult to solve them.


The premise is that everyone does not have the blessing of infinite gems, purely using their own hard power to fight against them, if there is the power of infinite gems to assist the increase...

The result is another matter.

Unfortunately, Bai Xiaofei has a lot of infinite gems in his hand.

To know.

When his avatar left TVA, he took a drawer of infinite gems just in case.

Although it is uncertain whether these infinite gems can successfully make up a complete sequence, but if they are used individually, there is absolutely no problem.

Just like the most powerful power gem.

The power of the members of the Titan family, if each has one, is definitely far better than the power gems held by ordinary people.

the same way.

May the captain of the Grim Reaper team, Hades, possess the Soul Gem, absolutely not need any players of the same level, and even be able to leapfrog the level to kill the enemy to a certain extent.

For the sake of the overall situation, Bai Xiaofei was not stingy at all.

All the infinity gems that came along were directly displayed in front of everyone, allowing everyone to choose at will.

Seeing this scene, everyone was taken aback.

"I rely on it!"

Old Sun's eyes widened, his jaw almost fell to the ground: "Brother Haotian, you... this... where did you get so many infinite gems?"

The others were also completely dumbfounded.

Although they already know the existence of the multiverse, and there is definitely more than one set of infinite gems, but you can make nearly a hundred infinite gems in one go...

This is too cruel, right?


Bai Xiaofei smiled modestly, and explained casually: "At that time, I was a little careful, and I just walked around a little bit. You can take whatever you like, and you don't have to be polite to me!"

A wave of Versailles operations immediately confused everyone.

Depend on!

This is also called taking it casually?

If you really let go of your hands and feet and try your best, don't you want to get a truck back?

However, the shock was the shock, at such a moment, no one would be polite to Bai Xiaofei, and started to choose the infinity gems that suit them.

As for the whole Infinity Stones sequence?


Everyone is not stupid.

I didn't think about that aspect at all, let alone whether there was, even if there was, I'm afraid Bai Xiaofei would have picked it up long ago, so there is no room for them to pick at will.

Little did they know, this time Bai Xiaofei really misunderstood.


Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to explain.

The most urgent task right now is to quickly improve everyone's strength, otherwise they may fall behind and be beaten in the decisive battle with the Son of the Lamp Worshiper.

The original team members of the Titans have a relatively simple demand for infinite gems, almost all of which are power gems.

Although other infinity gems can also increase certain attributes and power, the effect is far less than that of power gems.

But fortunately, Bai Xiaofei has enough infinite gems, so almost everyone has six of them, the power gems are the main ones, and the rest are supplemented.

Others such as Hades, Captain Devil, Zhang Sheng, etc. are in the same situation, the difference is that the main infinite gems they need are different.


Everyone is selected.

Even so, there are still many remaining infinite gems.

In line with the principle of not wasting, Bai Xiaofei put them away again, and then told everyone to take them here, to comprehend and practice hard, and strive for an early breakthrough.


He himself left the different space dimension.

Bai Xiaofei's main task is to buy time for everyone, and by the way, look for the Son of the Lamp Worshiper and Eric the Leopard.


Mainly the former, Bai Xiaofei doesn't care whether the latter is dead or alive, as long as the other party doesn't make trouble for himself, he doesn't bother to care about the other party's ambitions.

After all, the core requirement of the team battle mission is to worship the Son of the Lantern and Ultron, which has nothing to do with Eric the Leopard.

The reason to find him is just in case.


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