The Storm God

Chapter 4331 Take a risk! (Please subscribe!)

"Let's not talk about this now"

Strange didn't dwell on the death of his other self.

Although they are both themselves, the two sides have no intersection. In theory, apart from the fact that they look the same, they are actually no different from other strangers.

in comparison.

He was more concerned about the girl's safety.

You know, the multiverse is very dangerous, and it may be a strange existence that human beings cannot live in which world.

Strange was really afraid that America would be in danger.

I am even more afraid that the other party will be controlled by evil forces and seize the other party's abilities. Then the multiverse world will be messed up.

"Do you have any good advice for finding her?"

asked Strange.

At the same time, this is also a kind of temptation. If he doesn't believe it, Wanda the Witch has no idea at all. Otherwise, why would she keep chasing after another Strange for the so-called "explanation"?

But since Wanda the Witch didn't say anything, Strange didn't ask either.

That's not good for everyone.


Strange's attitude towards this girl with the special ability to travel across multiple universes is very firm.


Wanda the Witch naturally knew what Strange meant.

Hearing this, he was silent for a while, and then said: "I do have some ideas, but it's definitely not like Xijing Town."

This is her guarantee.

at the same time.

In order to prove her sincerity, Wanda the Witch took the initiative to tell Strange all the clues she had.

She said: "I went to other multiverse worlds, relying on the descending technique of the dark divine book. The premise is that there must be a 'self' in that world, otherwise I can only control the existence of monsters and the like."

Strange understood immediately.

It turned out that this was the case. He wondered before why he had to use monsters. There are so many emotions in it.

Then asked: "Then you can ask Wanda from other multiverses to help you find it? Or, have you tried, but there is no result?"


The witch Wanda replied: "I am still working hard, but there is no result yet, and I am also worried."


When Strange heard this, he trusted Wanda immediately.

He knew what Wanda was like.

This time it should be true. If I want to find someone, I am afraid I will need his help. Although Wanda's witchcraft is very strong.

But when it comes to the use of magic, their Karma Taj is the most powerful, not one of them.

Strange said he already knew about it.

Tell the Witch Wanda not to worry, after he returns, he will think of a way. If there are any clues and results, it is best for the two parties to communicate in time to avoid any "misunderstanding".

This is not good!

"Well 1

Wanda the Witch nodded in agreement.

In this way, Strange left, went directly back to Karma Taj, and found Wang who was looking up witchcraft materials.

"Don't check, I know who it is."


Wang looked shocked.

what's the situation? This time Strange was actually very reliable, rare, so he immediately asked, "What's going on?"

"It's Wanda"

Strange explained the matter succinctly, of course, it was inevitable that Wanda covered it up.

Because he is not sure how Wang will choose to react after knowing what Wanda has done.

So I put the focus of the problem directly on America. When Wang heard it, he was really "fooled"

"It's not easy to handle 1

"The multiverse world is very complicated and dangerous. If you don't pay attention, it will affect the development and stability of two worlds, or even multiple worlds."

"If the power of America is obtained by evil forces, the consequences will be even more unimaginable. The key point is that we still don't know where she has gone."

"It seems that I have to look for it. There are information about tracking spells and multiverse worlds about people."

"Strange, what are your plans?"


Wang first expressed his opinion, and then asked. Although Strange is no longer the Supreme Sorcerer, he was also a Supreme Sorcerer after all, and he was also seen by the Ancient One.

The key point is that this guy always has some unconstrained wit and ideas, and he might be able to come up with some unexpected solutions.

So I wanted to ask his opinion.

And Strange's answer was exactly as expected by the king: "To be honest, I want to try the advent technique that Wanda said."


Wang was taken aback immediately, frowned and said, "That's a spell from the Dark Divine Book. If you use it, you will definitely do it."

"Not so serious 1

Strange has a different opinion, and even gave an example: "The ancient one also used the power of darkness before, and so did Wanda. Isn't it good now?"

"And I'm just using the technique of descending to ask myself in other multiverse worlds to help find someone. If I clarify the matter, I will withdraw it. It's not that I want to do anything harmful."

"What can happen here?"


Wang opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but found that he was speechless, because Strange's words seemed to be

It's really not that big of a problem.


The influence of the dark power is definitely there, but the degree of influence is also individual, just like the ancient one mage before.

If she hadn't exposed herself, outsiders wouldn't even know.

It can be seen that this so-called influence is not certain. Wanda was able to wake up in the Westview Town incident, and has not done anything for the children until now, which seems to confirm this.

Now, if Strange wanted to try it, there seemed to be nothing wrong with it. After all, Strange is no longer the rookie he was back then.

Thinking about Strange's behavior, this kind of operation seems to be basic, and there is nothing strange about it.


Wang was silent for a while.

Still a little uneasy, so he reminded again and again: "Strange, you can try it, but if there is anything wrong, you must not hide it, you must tell me immediately, you understand?"

"Of course 1

Strange patted his chest and assured: "I don't want to be a guy like Iker Casillas, don't worry 1

"Well 1

Wang nodded.

Immediately, he ignored Strange and continued to work hard in the library, looking for relevant materials and information.

Strange, on the other hand, came to a separate room, where candles were placed on the floor, preparing to perform the Advent technique in the Dark God Book.

With his attainments, this kind of spell is naturally no problem.

It is easy to learn and get started.

next moment.

Strange's soul consciousness entered the dimension of the multiverse world, and he felt a completely different field and novel world.

And quickly locked a target.

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