The Storm God

Chapter 4334 Dormammu again! (Please subscribe!)


Strange in Universe 616 quickly noticed something wrong with this variant, so he asked curiously, "Your side?"

"to 1

The mutant Strange said gloomily, "I'm facing a crisis, and it's a very dangerous kind, Dormammu, you should be right?"


Strange was speechless.

Xin said, I know more than that, it can be said that I am familiar with it and I can’t be more familiar with it. I don’t know how many times I died in order to drive this guy away.

How can you not be familiar with it.


What's the situation with you? Just met Dormammu?

He asked his doubts.


The mutant Strange replied: "I met it once before, but I shot it together with the Ancient One Mage and knocked him away."

"But this time, his followers have become our own people. You should know, Modu, right?"


616 Strange wondered: "In your world, did Mordo become a follower of Dormammu? This change is really a bit big."


Strange explained: "He was just an ordinary person before, but then he found Kama Taj all of a sudden. Thinking about it now, he might have been used by someone in the first place."

no doubt.

The Strange in this world has a very high IQ.

He quickly sorted out the ins and outs of the matter. The reason why he was deceived by Modu was not because he was stupid, but because Modu was too yin.

No one can bear this

Just like Wanda in 838, when he was possessed by a witch, Illuminati would be beaten and helpless. Similarly, when Modu fit together, Strange naturally couldn't beat him.

It is only natural to be cheated if you do mental arithmetic without intention.


He can persevere until now and has not yet lost, which is already very self-explanatory. It can be seen that the Strange in this world is still very strong.

Otherwise, Strange from 616 would not be attracted here.


616 Strange was silent for a while after listening, he knew that now is not the time to talk so much, the most urgent thing is to solve Dormammu first.

He said, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"have no idea."

Strange said truthfully: "I don't know you at all, what do you ask me to say? You still came to ask me for help."


616 Strange was speechless for a moment, this is really the truth.

next moment.

He simply said directly, you give your body to me, and I will handle this matter. I am very experienced in this matter.

In my world, I drove Dormammu away single-handedly, and it shouldn't be a problem to deal with him this time.

"so smart?"

Strange was taken aback.

Because of his new position, he didn't have any doubts after all. After a little hesitation, he handed over 90% of the control over his body to 616's Strange.

He said: "Then please, after the matter is completed, let's talk about your matter, and I will do my best to help."

"Well 1

Strange in 616 successfully took over the mutant body.

Then, he performed a spell, and the Eye of Agamotto on his chest opened instantly, revealing the time gem inside.

follow closely.

Circles of special time magic were set on Strange.

This wave of operations only made the Strange consciousness in this world a little confusing, but out of trust, he didn't want to ask more questions, so he could only watch silently.

Then I saw that Strange directly killed Mordo.

"Strange, give up 1

Modu said triumphantly: "You can't be our opponent, this world will come to an end sooner or later, so don't make unnecessary struggles."

"That's not necessarily 1

Strange responded with a sneer, followed by casting spells, and directly started a battle with Mordo.

With the help of the time gem's power, this Strange is still very powerful. All kinds of magic, combined with the power of time, suppressed Modu in an instant.

It's the same even if the other party has already used the Dark Divine Book.

after all

Mordo is not Wanda.

Even with the blessing of the dark divine book, it is impossible to have the combat power of a witch. Against the supreme mage who is blessed with the power of the time gem and other Strange consciousnesses, Modu's chances of winning are not great.

If this is impossible.

Although Modu in the 838 universe is the supreme mage, he was brought up after Strange was killed.

In terms of real magical strength, it's actually not top-notch.


After joining the Illuminati.

Modu's more focus is on power and politics, and the research and learning of magic is not as much as before.

Even with the blessing of the Dark Divine Book and Dormammu's increased power, he could barely keep up with Strange's footsteps.

It was also because of this that the Strange in this world was able to persist for so long, otherwise, if the other party really wanted to be awesome, he would have died long ago.

Closer to home.

Relying on his super magic attainments, Strange trapped Mordo in the time loop of a mirror world without spending much time.

He hadn't noticed it yet.

I always thought that I was fighting Strange, but in fact, it was just an illusion, and it was all spells cast by Strange.

that's all.

Without Mordo's obstruction, Strange could come to Dormammu unimpeded, which is also familiar to him.

The magic cloak took him to the sky, into the chaotic clouds, and soon into the dark dimension, and found Dormammu.


Strange said in an unusually familiar tone: "I'm here to negotiate with you, come out quickly, let's have a good discussion."

The voice did not fall.

A terrifying big face suddenly appeared.

Without saying a word, the spittle spewed out, and it turned into infinite energy, instantly drowning Strange and annihilating him.

But before Dormammu sneered.

next moment.

A familiar figure appeared in front of him again: "Dormam, as I said, I'm here to negotiate with you."

Dormammu: ""


Why does this scene feel so familiar?

Depend on!

It's time magic!

I was tricked by him with magic? How can this be!

Depressed room.

Dormammu shot again.

Strange energy and attack instantly stabbed Strange to death. But in the next second, Strange revived again, and then began to repeat the previous words:

"Dormammu, let's have a good talk, otherwise this won't end"


Dormam was stunned.

Similarly, within Strange's body, the consciousness of Strange in this world also froze. Seeing the other's showy operation, he was immediately astonished.

Emperor Weishan is above.

Time magic can still play like this? This is simply a bug. Although Dormammu has transcended time, because of this, he was kidnapped by the power of time and had to accompany him to circulate here.

How did the other self come up with such a routine?

Absolutely nothing!

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