The Storm God

Chapter 4338 Ask strange! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing Strange appearing, Bai Xiaofei smiled and said to Wanda: "It seems that you have a guest, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"How about I make room for you?"


Wanda was speechless.

She looked at Strange curiously, and asked suspiciously, "Strange, what's the matter with your sudden visit today?"


Strange gave Wanda a complicated look.

Then he looked at the completely unfamiliar Bai Xiaofei, and the suspicion in his heart became more and more certain. Maybe this person is Wanda's goal?

He can feel it.

Bai Xiaofei doesn't seem to be from his own world.

The terrifying abnormal energy on the other party seemed to tell him clearly that he was afraid that he would not know that the other party was from outside.

In fact.

He did misunderstand Bai Xiaofei a bit.

It was mainly because Bai Xiaofei's ability was sealed, so he couldn't effectively control the energy in his body, which was sensed by Strange.


Give him another hundred years, and he will never be able to tell.

Closer to home.

Strange came here to find Wanda, so Strange didn't pay too much attention to Bai Xiaofei's matter.


His eyes still fell on Wanda.

Strange said: "Wanda, are you hiding something from me? For example, what happened in universe 838?"


Wanda was slightly taken aback when she heard this.

A little embarrassed: "You know? I'm sorry, I didn't want to hide it, but I was afraid that you would misunderstand, so I didn't say it."

"Is that true?"


"Very well, since that's the case, let's have a frank and honest talk. What is your purpose in looking for America?"

"Didn't I tell you?"

"Do you think I'll still believe it?"


The two fell silent.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help interjecting, and said, "I'm sorry, América is my target. I asked Wanda to find her. As for Wanda's purpose? This is very clear." "


Strange looked at Bai Xiaofei curiously.

His eyes were full of puzzlement: "So, you and Wanda were in the same group?"

"It can also be understood in this way."

Bai Xiaofei nodded, feeling that there was nothing wrong with it.

However, Strange misunderstood. Hearing this, his expression darkened immediately, and he looked at Wanda with a face full of disappointment and said, "Wanda, you have disappointed me so much. After the incident in Westview Town, I thought you would There have been some changes, but I didn’t expect you to become even worse.”


When Bai Xiaofei heard this, he immediately became unhappy.

Standing up, he questioned Strange, "What nonsense are you talking about? As a mother, is it wrong to want your own child?"


Strange was instantly stunned speechless.

He really couldn't take it.


Bai Xiaofei continued: "As for the 838 universe, you mean that the light will be destroyed, right? It's true that Wanda has gone too far, but in the final analysis, they should kill themselves, right?"

"It's as if the police have to stubbornly believe that innocent people are guilty, and then forcibly arrest them, only to be beaten to death by the other party's resistance."

"Can't we blame all the faults on the innocent?"

"We also have human rights."


Wanda is now her own benefactor.

He also found a special person named America for himself. Naturally, Bai Xiaofei would not let Wanda be wronged, and stood up directly to speak for him.


Strange was speechless for a moment.

In the end, she could only forcefully argue: "But she shouldn't hide it from me, it will make people absolutely, she doesn't want anything, after all, she was before"

"What's wrong?"

Without waiting for Strange to finish speaking.

Bai Xiaofei interrupted straight away: "She just lost control of her ability and wanted her lover too much. Is there something wrong?"

"If none of these things are right, then I would like to ask you, dear Doctor Strange, Mr. Strange, have you done nothing wrong?"

"for example"

"What about the little spider?"


Strange froze in place for an instant.

He had to admit that Bai Xiaofei's angle was really tricky, and he couldn't answer this even more, because his spell caused the multiverse to vibrate.

And for a time, some characters from other universes came to the main universe, and it also caused the death of Aunt Mei of the little spider

Strictly speaking, these things are all his fault.

after all

Wang had warned him.

This spell was very important, but Strange didn't take it seriously, and used the spell to help the little spider.

It ended up screwing up again.

These, who do not blame him? Blame the little spider for being too naive?

the same way.

The same goes for Wanda.

People are just too sad, want to revive their lover, live a happy life, what's wrong with that?

Whether it is in the main universe or the 838 universe, Wanda can be forgiven.

Honestly chasing these might as well, too double standard, right?

To this.

Strange was speechless.

After a long while, he finally came to his senses and asked Bai Xiaofei, "Dare to ask your Excellency, who are you? Why did you come to our universe?"

"Could it be that Wanda did those things under your bewitchment? What is your purpose in coming to our world?"


When Bai Xiaofei heard this, he immediately laughed.

Looking at Strange with a serious face on the opposite side, he laughed and said, "Why do you feel that your words sound like a black stewed egg?"

"Okay 1

"For the sake of getting acquainted with each other, I'll tell you kindly. I came here mainly to restore my strength."

"As for Wanda, the two of us are friends, and we belong to a cooperative relationship of helping each other. I help her realize her wish, and she helps me recover my strength."

"It's that simple, believe it or not."


At this moment.

Wanda, who had recovered some strength using the Mind Stone, also stood up, looked at Strange and said, "He's right 1

"The Mind Stone 1

Strange's focus fell directly on the Mind Gem in Wanda's hand, and his face was filled with disbelief.

To know.

In the world of the main universe 616, all the infinite gems were smashed by Thanos snapping his fingers. If the avengers want to save people, they still use the gems from the past time period to save the field, and they have to return them when they are used up. .

Why does Wanda still have a Mind Stone in her hand?

Could it be

Was it brought over from other universes?

Think here.

Strange's eyes couldn't help looking at Bai Xiaofei again, there is no doubt that the person with such ability must be him.

Although Wanda is powerful, she still can't do this.

"It's me 1

Sensing Strange's doubts, Bai Xiaofei saw him looking at him, nodded with a smile, and said, "Not only the Soul Gem, but I also have many others, how about it, do you want one too? "


Spreading his hands, the palm of his hand shone with light.

Lying in it was a large number of infinity gems, red, green, orange and purple, they had everything that one could expect, and Strange was immediately stunned.

so much?

Could it be fake?


These energy fluctuations are absolutely impossible to be fake, only real infinite gems can have such special energy.

But how is it possible!

Those are infinity gems, not jelly beans and glass balls. You are casually first-hand, you think you are engaged in wholesale?

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