The Storm God

Chapter 4339 Start to act! (Please subscribe!)

"who are you?"

Bai Xiaofei's horror was beyond Strange's imagination.

Seeing that there are so many infinite gems in his hand, his face suddenly sank, and he asked very fearfully.

"Bai Xiaofei 1


Strange said he hadn't heard of it at all.

But these are not important, as long as you know who the other party is, no matter how strong the other party is, he still sticks to some principles.

Just like what Wanda did.

Strange felt that it must be controlled, otherwise the events in the 838 universe would not be guaranteed to happen again.

He wasn't talking to Bai Xiaofei.

Instead, he looked at Wanda: "Wanda, I hope you understand, I have my position, your actions are very dangerous and must be done"

"OK 1

The words are not finished yet.

Bai Xiaofei interrupted directly: "Don't double-standard here, you can do whatever you want, but you are not allowed to be pursued by others, right?"

"If this is the case, then there is no need to say more. You don't need to worry about our affairs. If you pretend that you don't know, everything is easy to talk about."

"But if you seem to be fine and come to stop us, then don't blame me for being rude. I don't like trouble the most."


This is already a naked threat.

It wasn't that Bai Xiaofei had any opinion on Strange, but that the other party's behavior had a double standard in his heart, which made him unable to see it.

not to mention

They didn't intend to do anything bad in the first place.

You are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and you still treat us as a threat. Naturally, Bai Xiaofei won't accept it, and you don't owe him anything.


Strange was speechless for a moment.

But when he saw Wanda, he didn't say anything, obviously acquiesced to Bai Xiaofei's attitude, and his heart sank even more.

at last.

Helpless sigh.

Strange left a sentence: "Wanda, I hope you will think about it carefully. If you really want to do this, we Karma Taj will not sit idly by."

Then he left again.


He also knows the truth that a hero does not suffer from immediate losses.

Right now, they are not opponents of the two, so they can only lose in desperation. After returning to Kama Taj, they don't need to guess. They must go to gather people and discuss how to stop Bai Xiaofei and the witch Wanda.

And it is true.


Bai Xiaofei didn't really care about it.

After Strange left, Bai Xiaofei looked at the witch, smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry about him, let's just do our own thing and have a clear conscience."

"to 1

The last sentence completely moved Wanda.

is angstrom

What did we do?

One is not harming the sky, the other is not harming the world, it is simply looking for someone, and then borrowing the power of the other person, traveling through the multiverse and creating a home of your own.

Why do you control me?


Wanda thought about it too.

Instead of being timid when doing things, he completely let go of his hands and feet, and suggested to Bai Xiaofei: "Since you have an infinite gem in your hand, why don't we start right away."

She was a little anxious.


After Strange returned, he would definitely not let it go.

Just in case, it's better to help Bai Xiaofei recover his strength as soon as possible, which can also save a lot of trouble.


Wanda really doesn't want to start a relationship with Strange.

Anyway, the two are also comrades-in-arms. They once dealt with Thanos together, but they fell out because of misunderstandings and ideas

It's just not worth it.

"Good 1

Bai Xiaofei didn't doubt Wanda either.

Hearing this, he immediately picked out a set of infinite gems and gave them to Wanda, saying, "These should help you meet the requirements, right?"

"Well 1

Wanda nodded.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, as if he was thinking about whether he should try snapping his fingers to revive his lover and child.

Bai Xiaofei saw her hesitation, and immediately reminded: "Wanda, I kindly remind you, don't mess around."

"The world's operating mechanism is not as simple as you think. If you really want to do that, it will definitely cause greater chaos."

"In other worlds, I have encountered special agencies such as the Space-Time Variation Administration. Their special responsibility is to maintain the stable operation of the timeline."

"You don't want to cause unnecessary trouble, do you?"


Wanda was slightly taken aback when she heard this.

Obviously, he did not expect such a special organization to exist. He smiled slightly and said, "I know, I just can't help but think about it."

"Do not worry."

"Whether it is the important thing in front of me, or the complete possession, I can still weigh it clearly, after all, I am not stupid 1

"You should think about it, how can you quickly restore your strength."


Bai Xiaofei shrugged.

He said to Wanda: "It's good that you understand, don't worry about my problem, you have seen what happened just now, your power is very similar to mine, and you can achieve perfect harmony, as long as you have enough power If they pour into my body, I can catch them and break the seal in my body."

"Good 1

Wanda nodded and said, "In this case, I will start worrying about the witches and gather all my strength to build a space-time teleportation circle."

"Can 1

Bai Xiaofei didn't have any objections.


With a wave of his hand, he created a huge enchantment, which wrapped himself up, and at the same time, the endless energy of heaven and earth began to gather rapidly.

Bai Xiaofei is like a human-shaped black hole, instantly devouring everything around him.

And the witch was not idle.

Waving his hands, the scarlet magic instantly manifested, turning into a torrent of waterfalls, falling from the sky, continuously merging into Bai Xiaofei's body.

Not only that.

In the multiverse world.

The Wandas of the Witch Union also received the message from 616 Wanda, and they all began to gather strength and transmit.


A large amount of chaotic magic energy, through a special magic circle, travels through the time and space of the multiverse, and flows into Wanda's body.

Wanda is like a white hole.

The energy of chaotic magic is crazily tilted outward, and there are countless Wandas behind it, helping each other with all their strength.

And Bai Xiaofei is a black hole, no matter how much energy Wanda tilts, he can quickly absorb it and devour it.

at the same time.

In his body, the seal set by the Holy Son of the Lamp before his death, a corner, began to shatter continuously, from a small crack, it gradually evolved into a larger and larger gap, and even collapsed.

And Bai Xiaofei's original power, also through this channel, started from the witch's chaotic magic power, and the internal and external combined to deal with the shackles of the seal.

that's all.

The two sides come and go, and the tacit understanding of cooperation is seamless. In such a stalemate, time is slowly passing by, and I don't know how long it has passed.

the other side.

Strange also soon joined the King, and summoned a large number of mages to Kama Taj, preparing to deal with the troubles caused by Bai Xiaofei and Wanda.

But they waited and waited, but they never found anything wrong.


Wang looked at Strange suspiciously, and asked in puzzlement, "What's going on? Why is there no movement at all, did you make a mistake?"

Not only him.

The other mages were also more or less confused, what are we doing here, isn't it a catastrophe? This is the result?

Strange: "".

He is also very depressed.

it's not scientific

Why doesn't the opponent play cards according to the routine?

Could it be to avoid me? I don't believe it anymore, look again, since there is no danger in this universe, it may be the multiverse

next moment.

Strange's soul consciousness entered the multiverse world.


He was immediately shocked.

Watching the nearly infinite torrent of chaotic magic, frantically flowing into the 616 universe from various nodes in the multiverse world

Strange couldn't help but swear at that moment——


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